
  • Elanor Anne Cooper

    Elanor Anne Cooper

    Born 09/04/93 (04/09/93 if you're used to American dates.) For the majority of the novel, she is 17. An orphan, she lived in a care home till she was 9; when she was adopted by Emily and Jonathon Cooper. The couple lived with her in the suburbs of the city for 4 years. During this time they had to deal with Ella's unnatural way of predicting small events. When she predicted that her teacher would get run over by a car they almost gave her up to the orphanage, but the carers smoothed things over for a second chance. When Ella started having fits of visions and was put into hospital at 13, they said they couldn't take care of her anymore, and left her. The 4 years spent in Hospital passed in a blur of Seeing and drugged hallucinations. When she was able to think straight, she read endless amounts of books in order to escape reality. Now, in a flurry of revelations, she has to deal with not only her heritage but the constant weight of her latest vision.

  • Lucifer


    Lucifer. Also known as the devil, satan, demon... Lucifer swings from competitive & provoking to angry & violent in a second, snapping an enemys' neck at the slightest indescretion. Able to sense a person's heartbeat and vitals through unnatural hearing, he feeds of the raised heartbeat of a frightened victim. However, under the seething hatred that fuels him, another deeper unconscious emotion powers his anger: fear. Though he will never admit, Lucifer is constantly driven by the fear of there being nothing after the End. He stands on a knife-edge, ready to fall at any moment.

  • Gabriel


    Gabriel was born shortly after the temptation, as a medium between God and Adam. As the formal messenger of Heaven, he has followed human's with growing concern over the years. Serious, often distant, but relaxed in his views. He has a deep attachment to the Altar, where he can often be found sitting, simply listening to the breeze. He has a deep respect for mortals, as he believes they better reflect the spirit than the immortals themselves. Though he often quotes their version of the spirit's word, he will not allow himself to be ruled so totally by his emotions.

  • Raphael


    Raphael is a very young angel in comparison with the other members of the Immortal realm. He found his way onto the Counsel through his ability as a Seeker. Often rash, hot-headed but well-voiced. He respects Gabriel because of the elder's ability to stay calm. Though rash, Raphael has a deep sense of right and wrong, accompanied by the sense to see the difficulty and advantages of being nuetral. He is perhaps the only angel to understand Time, and later Elanor's, predicament.

  • Time


    "Even when you laugh, your heart can be hurting. And you joy can end in sadness." Proverbs 14:13 With the abillity to see everything, Time is in a constant struggle of emotions. She relies strongly on Fate, who is perhaps one of the only people to fully understand her, as he shares her ability to see people's fates, to steady her from falling into depression.

  • Fate


    Throughout the ages, Fate has shared Time's ability to See the future, although his skill is limited to the Fate of Man. Though blind, his mind's eye See's far more than can be comprehended. Although nuetral, he founded a deep connection with the Spirit at the start of time, and leans gently towards Good. His one true care is for Time, and their daughter Elanor, who he continually watches. Everything else passes by without any true significance to him. His very presence is calming.