
  • Antoinette Kristen Kavinstavanti

    Antoinette Kristen Kavinstavanti


    Antoinette lived in Denver, Colorado all her life. The youngest of seven children she grew up without actual parental figures; her older brothers and sisters took care of her for as long as she can remember. Antoinette is a smart girl, social, bright, and never afraid. Unknown to much of the world outside her family Antoinette suffers from anorexia nervosa. She claims she needs it, it's who she is, she loves her eating disorder and there's no way to get her into rehab; that will never happen. Thoughts of not eating, being skinny, hating her body slip into her conscious on a daily basis; five years of living with anorexia Antoinette has mastered the art of turning her back on her fears and living life like she's not suffering from self hate.