
  • Andrea Ross

    Andrea Ross


    Andrea (Andy for short) was a very quiet, very lonesome person throughout most of her school days. She's had a few short term relationships that were very unfullfilling, and her best friend of three years hardly ever spoke, even to her. She read a lot to pass the time, until Oliver Sykes forced his way into her life. It would be an understatement to say that Oliver changed her. He didn't realize it, but he was shaping the way she would live her life. Oliver was Andy's biggest influence. And, after a summer with her brother (between her sophomore and junior year in high school), Andy's appearance changed drastically. She used to look meek and unnoticeable. Now, her once dark brown hair was jet black and heavily layered with long extensions. She wore bold colors, her clothes got a little bit tighter, instead of hiding her figure, and she got her nose pierced. Oliver was among the majority of students that didn't recognize Andy on the first day of their junior year. Tyler was the only one who knew it was her without a second glance. And it wasn't only her appearance that had changed. She had an air of confidence about her; she started to make more and more friends as the days went on. Suddenly, she was getting invited to parties, going out drinking, and living life fast and hard. As they grew up, Andy and Oli grew closer. They became inseparable. Main character.

  • Oliver Sykes

    Oliver Sykes


    Oliver is a lot of things: cocky, arrogant, sweet, gentle, popular, rich, not to mention gorgeous. One thing he is not, however, is loyal. He's had more girlfriends than anyone remembers, and he never keeps one for more than a few weeks. Until he meets Andrea. She's particularly ordinary; plain hair, plain clothes, plain life. When Oliver first saw her, the first thing he noticed were her eyes. They were the richest shade of chocolate brown. He normally didn't favor brown eyes. He thought them emotionless and bland. Andy was the first exception. As the years went by, Oliver didn't change very much. His hair grew, and he would cut it, and then there were the tattoos that continued to show up on his body, but his lifestyle hardly budged. He still partied, he still drank, and he still smoked. But now, he did it all with Andy.

  • Archel Oleander

    Archel Oleander


    Rachel comes into Oliver's life when Andy is away in Los Angeles. She reminds Oliver so much of Andy, and yet this girl isn't afraid of anything he could throw at her. She never holds back, she was outgoing, and she wanted Oli more than anything. She also fell in love with the music Oli makes with his band after sitting in on one of their afternoon practices. Temporary character.