
  • Ragina Elizabeth Anne Wells/VonHurst-McTaggart (Gina)

    Ragina Elizabeth Anne Wells/VonHurst-McTaggart (Gina)


    Birth Date: May 18, 1540 Death date: May 17, 1565 Birthplace: Transylvania Parents: Ragen and Mary Wells Siblings: Benjamin 'Ben' Cardei and Kathris 'Kat' Wells Height: 6' 1'' Weight: 150 lbs Eyes: Violet Hair: Deep Red Weapons: Twin sais, light saber (violet), Gibson EB-0 1961 model bass guitar Powers: Super-human strength, limited force fields Race: Vampire hybrid Ragina was born in a small town in Transylvania, as well as her twin sister, Kathris, although she and her family lived a mile away from the town. There is not much known about Gina, seeing as she tends to “forget” her past. At the age of sixteen she was traumatized after witnessing her mother’s death at the hands of her father. But after the pyre and the prayers for her mothers soul, she had sunk into a state of silence which lasted until she was twenty-five. Months into her new life she was very happy. Her dad was gone; she had a niece and two nephews, Jenny, Nathan, and Quentin; She had Tarquin as well, but not much was known about him except that he was her best friend. Then the night before her birthday Ben’s home was attacked. She was woken from a deep sleep by little Jenny’s strangled screams, then the twin baby boys’ wails and Yolanda’s pleas for pity. Then all went silent. Minutes later her door was broken down and she was pounced on by what seemed to be a big black dog which tore her throat open and left. She awoke several days later, her gums throbbing and an un-dying thirst burning through her. She fell under the spell of Thomas VonHurst who had saved her by biting her and transforming her into a vampire, and eventually married him. Her new husband, sire, and master, taught her how to feed and fend for herself and showed her how to deal with her transforming into a werewolf whenever she was pissed beyond all reason. Then he abandoned her and she went into a vampire sleep for forty-five years. Centuries later she became employed by Professor Alexander in order to redeem herself for her wrong doings. One day she met Brad whom she saved from the R.M.S Titanic along with another; having been sent to 1912 to fix some guy’s screw up. Two years later Brad found out about her being a vampire. More years passed and they were faced with her evil father, Ragin who was planning on using her to bring an ancient Demon back to life and destroy all humans. Ragina fought hard to over come these trials along with the trials of being a mother. Eventually, the ancient demon Durgon possessed her only to be thwarted by Brad who was possessed by the legendary Lord of Numbers. After the battle Brad ended up dying to save them all from Durgon’s last breath of destruction. Ragina was crushed and went months without feeding and spent most of her time getting drunk. She gained split personalities and a tendency to just space out, ignoring everyone. A few days before Brad's death's anniversary, Ragina was assigned to figure out what had slaughtered an entire bar in a small Mexican village. She found nothing except that the entire village population had vanished right under her nose. When she came back her and her friends visited Brad's grave only to meet two alien bounty hunters and Galgattar who warned them about the Earth being enslaved. Ragina decided to join up with him temporarily in order to save Byron. In space, Ragina met a strange green woman who told her that Brad's alive and that she'll find him on Boruga. The irony is, according to Galgattar, Boruga does not exist. However, they did indeed find Boruga but Brad was not there, but she did discover that she is one of the Chosen Three. After months and months of running and hiding from bounty hunters, she learned about a cave that could grant wishes back on Boruga. Although she had already given up, she was finally pursuaded by Galgattar to go anyway. Together they got through the cave and she wished to see Brad again. All that happenrf was the cave collapsing and a huge rock monster attacking. Galgattar stayed behind to destract the monster while the others got away. When they came back to find him, Ragina discovered that Galgattar was really Brad the entire time but Brad was captured by the super soldiers. WIth the help of Raharu, Ragina rescued him and brought him back to Boruga in time for the battle between the Super Soldiers and the Rebels. Ragina helped fight and found out that T.K.'s mind had been corrupted by Phazonite and helped him regain his former conscience. After the battle was over, Brad proposed to Ragina and they got married on the spot. The two of them, along with Byron move into the Alexander mansion.