
  • Karis Bella Campan

    Karis Bella Campan


    Height: 5'6" (167 cms) and you are naturally slim due to the Scandinavian in you. Looks: You have long, thick, brown hair that reaches all the way down to the middle of your back. It's cut with simple layers. You have long bangs, which can be brushed aside or blend in with whatever style you wish. Because of your heritage, it often changes tones due to the seasons. When it's warm out you get more natural goldish/ copper highlights. In the colder months it becomes very dark. Almost black. Your eyes are medium brown, but can look almost golden in the right light. You have a fair complexion. Not pale, but fair. You were blessed with your mother's full Italian lips. (For looks think Kat Dennings, but with brown eyes...and before she went blonde for a movie role. She's the best representation I can come up with for Karis) You have several tattoos. A small black angel, holding a red heart on the right side of your lower back. A black heart, crossed out with a, to scale, black X and the words "Suspended in a moment, waiting for my turn" next to it in black script, along your lower waist/ pelvis. There's also a small black Heartagram behind your left ear...thanks to Bam. Personality and traits: You're as stubborn as they come. You live by the "Don't piss on me and say it's raining" motto. You can be impulsive, but only when around Bam or when you just plain bored. You tend to ramble when in a jam or when thinking out loud. A trait that most people call "cute" even though you try to keep it in check. Sarcasm is your best weapon and sometimes the cause of your downfall. No one really knows what to expect from you, except when stupidity is involved. Then it's time to duck and cover. Along with your mother's looks you inherited her temper and quick wit as well. Trying to be the logical one, it's not uncommon for you to be the quiet person at the table. You're not afraid to speak your mind when something gets under your skin though...for the most part. A smart woman knows when to pick her battles, but even the smartest slip every now and again. Overall you're one big question mark to most people. Only a very few have been able to truly understand. Bam likes to think of you as his pranking buddy. This is mostly based on the fact that you'll willingly watch out and cover each other's asses. Although, it does seem that Bam gets a kick out of teasing you more than you enjoy pulling one over on him. Plus, you're usually his designated driver. Either way, you can never REALLY get mad at him. He's like a stain that just won't go away. You're a smoker and a fair drinker, but you always keep a cautious eye out when the life partner troupe is around. Backstory (or some of it): You are currently being held prisoner at Margera Castle. You tried to leave, but Bam managed to corner you in a closet and kept you prisoner until you agreed to stay. Now you are his semi-partner in crime. For now it's a comfy home, but it's not a permanet one.