Le Cirque des Noirs - Comments

  • exarox

    exarox (100)

    wow ur story is truly breath taking its so unique im jealous :shock: lol it is unbelievable Clap
    June 21st, 2009 at 05:23am
  • Caliban

    Caliban (100)

    United States
    Beautiful. Absolutely, outstandingly beautiful. Your writing is as lush as the lips of the boys you write about. Yay for simile! Sorry if that was corny but it's totally true.
    December 7th, 2008 at 09:56pm
  • Pie.

    Pie. (100)

    United States
    That, my dear, was bloody amazing.
    I can't think what else to say to explain my love for your writing so I'll leave it at that!
    November 17th, 2008 at 09:29pm
  • wicked.

    wicked. (100)

    That was fucking brilliant.

    I think what I liked most was that you made such an unbelievable subject - angels and demons, heaven and hell - completely believable. There was no doubt that Frank and Gerard were, in fact, demons who were casually walking earth for the night simply for the joy of watching the human children on earth and escaping hell for a little while longer. Yea, completely normal.

    The wording is absolutely brilliant, though I've come to expect nothing less of you. You're ability to describe is astounding - I can see exactly what you're describing; A little reel plays in my head when I read your stories.

    I loved that Frank was this sort of "soft" demon. He didn't want those boys to hurt a bird!!! A bird??!!
    And that made me wonder because what kind of demon is willing to save anything but himself?! None that I've ever heard of.
    So, he's a fallen angel, right? From heaven unto hell. Very interesting.

    Great story - totally in love.

    November 3rd, 2008 at 04:19pm
  • Bad Luck.

    Bad Luck. (450)

    Ahh. A good old Halloween one-shot, to get me in the mood for Halloween. Which might be hard, because there’s snow outside on the ground. But if anyone can write a story to capture Halloween, I’m betting it’s you.

    First off, the first sentence alone is already tying me into it... and then the rest of the paragraph. You have a way with words that I don’t think anybody else could have. Just the way you make things flow, like poetry. Absolutely amazing.

    Like all demons, he was designed for the purpose of temptation:

    Gahh, that was so... subtle, yet scaring. The feeling of Halloween is finally setting in, and it’s just... I’m actually terrified. Even though these demons are supposed to be beautiful, that’s the scary bit. The thought of something beautiful on Halloween has to bring these kinds of thoughts; but I’m not quite sure what I’m rambling about. D:

    “Fuck, an angel!” Frank hissed, instinctively baring the sharpened teeth at the corners of his mouth.

    Gerard’s laugh was easy and liquid, carrying in foreboding tones along the neighborhood walls. “It’s a costume, Frank. Just make-believe.”

    I thought that was incredibly cute. And if Frank were a demon, I could really imagine him doing that. I love the way that his character is, how you write him. It’s hyper, but not taking it too far. :]

    And I also love how both Gerard and Frank are kind of observing the people while the people observe them. And how they’re shittalking humans, comparing them to rats in cages. It’s so evil, I just love that. And how at first they were thinking that it was the fact that people noticed they weren’t quite normal; but then the fact turned out to be that it was nervous parents. I don’t get how holding hands is perverted, lulz.

    The part where Frank gets really angry at the boys who are torturing the bird, it was almost scary. I mean, it was scary. Or maybe I’m just a scaredy-cat. Oh well. The way everything is written, it’s so beautifully horrific, and you’re really in-tune with how horrid Halloween can be. Though I’ve never seen people torturing birds randomly, it just fit in with the whole night.

    And... wait, wait, what? Why are they just dropping like that? Oi, oi, that’s just kind of scary. Ohh, it was Gerard. Okay, that was freaky.

    The whole explanation of what Gerard had done, well, not directly what he had done to the boys, but what would happen... is just the most creative thing I have ever heard. None of that vampire stuff, and demons? Demons might just be my new favourite thing. Even though they sound scary as Hell (perhaps even scarier than what I could imagine Hell as being).

    And when Frank... saves (kills, perhaps the same thing because of what he is and if the bird was that badly tortured) the bird, it’s just heartbreaking. How Gerard consoles him, and how it’s so freakin’ weird but okay, I’m still following this.

    I love the dramatic turn. How in the beginning, they’re just playful demons wanting to have some fun, but now they’re talking about not belonging. I don’t think anyone could have turned it quite like you have, such a big turn but so subtle, I mean, it didn’t sound awkward at all, switching things like that.

    still clustered and clumped with blood after all of these years after falling from Heaven’s gates.

    I think that line... I think it broke my heart a little. Like, is this what happens if angels fall? They become dark and evil? It’s a very thoughtful process to adopt, but as heartbreaking as it sounds, it sounds friggin’ awesome, no matter how weird or dark. It just... it’s cool to see how people think about certain things.

    I love the use of French in stories. It’s just so powerful, to declare something as great as love in a foreign, almost romantic language.

    So this definitely got me into the Halloween spirit. I’m actually kind of pumped to go meet some demons, or something.

    Your way with words is unlike any other, I’m sure you’ve heard that before. Reading your work, it’s real talent. I love reading your stuff, it’s always magical. :]
    October 30th, 2008 at 11:55pm
  • budgie

    budgie (100)

    The stars, who, in fact, could hardly be called divine at all, streamed at high speed through the universe, darting away from each other only to wind up attached fleetingly by the lips before parting once again. Blissful trickles of lighthearted mirth fell from their dusty lips and drifted over the celebrating town beneath them, creeping like a thin layer of sleek oil over water. They were more illusion than reality, just smoke in mirrors, yet their fingers stayed irreversibly clasped together as if this child’s play was really a force that could tear them apart.

    Wow, this is just... amazing. Everything you describe is just spewing out life (I didn't know a nicer way to put that [or a way that made more sense], but it's a good thing, don't worry :P).

    That was just... oh there's no words.

    You're brilliant.
    October 30th, 2008 at 07:51am
  • equilibrium_

    equilibrium_ (100)

    This story was great! :D:D I love your descriptions :D
    October 29th, 2008 at 11:24pm
  • ambalert

    ambalert (100)

    You're writing truly does never cease to amaze me. You have such a distinct style, that is just so beautiful!! i love the way you desribe everyhing, it is almost as if i am there living what you write. and of course this story is no exception!! it is truly amazing.
    October 28th, 2008 at 05:43am