Hourglass - Comments

  • your amazing
    your amazing
    your amazing.
    I truly love your writing. It is unique and inspiring.
    Beautiful descriptions and a nice tone to the whole thing...
    you think of the most amazing things to write about, yet they are the simplest things life.
    just situations and emotions. Its like a window into a small moment in someones life, it could be anyones, showing human emotion and thought.
    I love how you didnt name the characters in this story instead you leave it to the imagination of the reader, it could be anyone, it makes you relate to it more because you can put anyone in the place of those characters and the whole scene would be the same.
    Beautiful, elegant, intriging, poetic writing. I would much prefer to read your originals than Fan Fic anyday.
    November 27th, 2009 at 05:28pm
  • I really love this. It's written so nicely, and with passion.
    Beautiful writing.
    November 22nd, 2008 at 03:17am
  • that was captivatingly beautiful.
    i got a very stephenie-meyer vibe from that, on the amount of description.
    i loved your word choice and everything...
    can't believe no one else has commented this yet!
    it deserves more.
    keep it up! :)
    November 22nd, 2008 at 01:32am