I Take Back Everything - Comments

  • Freaka.

    Freaka. (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Just finished reading this in my school library. ^^
    I feel bad for Mikey, happy for Frank and happy for Gerard. :D
    December 9th, 2008 at 03:21pm
  • bombcel

    bombcel (100)

    :arms: :oops: Awwwww i love this . . and its all worth the wait. .i love the way you always captured the feeling of this two lovey dovey. . the hurt, the sadness and the ultimate feeling of love.

    In Love Words that you put in here and the passion that comes from within is I always felt for every series of this. You always leave me in awe.

    And the way the two met again is a perfect scene . The park that holds their heart together. It is as if i was watching a movie and anticipate the conclusion.I love every bits of this.

    :arms: :hug: and i will wait for the next part. .
    December 9th, 2008 at 08:54am
  • vichy

    vichy (100)


    Now thats out of the way....

    So the first thing I have to say is I am SO bummed I didn't get first place on the comment board for this story, I swear I have for every other one of this series. GAY. Stupid work.


    You know what reoccuring theme I sensed in this chapter? One word kept popping into my head over and over.


    Frank and Gerard both meeting in the park at the same time, walking down the same path having no idea the other was there. That was just magic. At first while I was reading it I was kinda like 'hmm I wish she'd done it like this' (because as you know ideas constantly pop into my head for your stories as I am so familar with them), but then by the end i was REAAAALLY glad you had done it your way and I hadnt been on msn at the time to persuade you to do it any differently. It was perfect the way it was. I really liked them meeting....there was one particular line I LOVED....ooo the "I don't want to pretend anymore." That KILLED me. That line was amazing and just argghh. I don't even know what to say that will appropriately explain how much I loved it. It was lots.
    It was just soooo perfect. I LOVE Gerard. I think I might be somewhat biased towards him, but I don't care!! It was suchhhh a good line.

    THEY ENDED UP TOGETHER. AHHH I still can't get over it. Because I have been with this series for so long and encouraged you soo much to do it because it really does showcase your best writing. I am so proud of you for doing this. Its weird the ending of stories, even though I know there is one more to go. It is the end of an era, no more after this.

    There is just such a strong love between those two characters, even a blind man could see it. I love how you make your characters ACTUALLY in love with each other, and this story is no different. It is soo clear that they are just simply meant to be.

    I hope Mikey is okay....

    I can't wait for the next part, and also what you have planned for it. I am sure I can look forward to a series of murders, rapes, suicide attempts, drug overdoeses, cheating and finally, a male pregnancy.

    I love you, this was amazinggggg!!! And such a suprise!!
    December 9th, 2008 at 08:23am
  • Faitily;Yours

    Faitily;Yours (100)

    Oh deary me, I can't believe the power and control you have over the emotions you have been able to incorperate. I mean, this is amazing. Even if you didn't say what they were outrightfeeling sometimes you just knew what they had on their minds. I'm so in love, can I ever fall down from this high that reading your words gives me?

    Psht, I think not.

    This is the only place where I can still pretend that you’re mine,” Gerard admitted, staring deep in Frank’s eyes as he said his next few words. “I don’t want to pretend anymore.”

    As those words wrapped around Frank’s heart, he instantly connected their lips together once more, completely losing himself within Gerard’s arms.

    It was suddenly clear to both Frank and Gerard, that no matter where they were, the path that either man happened to be walking along was always toward each other.

    That was my favorite part. I always take into acount the last lines, becasue those always seem to be the most important. And these were pretty damn important words!

    God, I just can't say how much I love your writting and can express how excited I am for the next....part haha =]

    Then I come to Mikey and Gerard. Ah, fuck! those two are always going to be rivals now, haha. I feel so bad for Mikey, he waited all that time, watching the man he loved mourn over his own lost love, then have to go through the rejection from that certain man and the hatred of his brother who -might I add- isn't exactly in the best possition to critisize his dating/loving practices. I mean, Mikey just wants some love...

    But then there is that strong connection between Frankie and Gee that get me everytime. Having the instict to go to their tree and the rings and all the lost passion -hopefully to be regained-.

    Jesus...I love this.

    December 9th, 2008 at 07:14am
  • adora68

    adora68 (100)

    United States
    The first fanfic I read in months and you've got me in tears, Lizzy. It's just too beautiful. <happy/sad sigh>

    I can't comment properly because I haven't read the middle parts, just the first one and now this. But I know that I'll love them because whatever happens, no matter how rough it is, I know it's leading up to this.

    Want to know what an amazing writer you are? As soon as I clicked on the link and saw the title of the first part, I remembered it instantly. Like that. <snaps fingers> And how many months ago did I read it? Many. But your words leave that kind of impression. And that, my dear, is talent.

    Thanks for sucking me back in.
    December 9th, 2008 at 05:22am
  • Unapologetic Apathy

    Unapologetic Apathy (100)

    United States
    amazing as always!

    Update spoon!!
    December 9th, 2008 at 05:09am
  • fun ghoul fez.

    fun ghoul fez. (100)

    So, when I heard that you were writing this, I think my eyes expanded to about double their normal size. I was so excited that we're at the end of the cycle, that this story is drawing to a close. Anyways, on with the story!

    I love how you kind of went back a bit and re-showed us the scene with Frank kissing Mikey; it's amazing how just one simple action like that manages to change everything between everyone. I remember from only the second one-shot, I had a feeling that Mikey had something for Frank and even though him and Gerard are obviously meant to be together, I can't help but feel sorry for Mikey. I can't help but wonder if this is going to cause tension between Mikey and Gerard, although something tells me that Mikey just knows Frank and Gerard are meant to be.

    I couldn't help but say "Awh," out loud when Frank was expressing his confusion; he sounds so much like a child, although this is definitely not a childish situation. It just makes me love him more though, with that one simple line.

    And everything goes back to the park. It really seems like fate that Frank ended up getting out there, after you explained the memories between Frank and Gerard there. It just really kind of seems like neutral ground, no man's land; they couldn't confront each other at the apartment or at the hotel, so here they are. I'm really glad you brought this back into play.

    The warm summer breeze felt like fairy dust against his skin as he walked along the moonlit path. What a fucking gorgeous line Lizzy; it just captures the mood perfectly and is probably one of my favorite things you've ever wrote.

    Although I am excited to see how you wrap everything up in the next part, I think that last line was absolutely amazing. It really did sound like you were ending the series right there... if you hadn't of said about Part II, I would have assumed that. But what a gorgeous ending, with them falling back into each other's arms, where everything should have been in the first place.

    :arms: Hail

    I am not worthy. <3
    December 9th, 2008 at 04:20am