Love Versus Lust - Comments

  • Oh gosh. A really tough cliffhanger for sure. I'm curious as to why Brian would be phoning her considering his hostile attitude towards her since she came back into their lives. I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter! Hope your holidays were good to you too!!
    December 28th, 2015 at 12:44am
  • Damn... that's one tough cliffhanger :/
    A bit curious about the purpose of Brian's call... and mostly hoping that Cat will be alright.
    Looking forward to your next update, enjoy your holiday :)
    December 27th, 2015 at 11:08pm
  • GOOD GRIEF!!!! I was not expecting that at all!! Why was Brian phoning her??!! I feel thoroughly suspicious of that phonecall, mostly because I don't believe he has the ability to be a mature sensible human being!!

    But seriously!!! I did not think for a second that when I started reading this chapter that BAM!! I was all geared up for some Vegas fun but no!!

    I feel a bit bad for Matt. He keeps trying to help, bless him. I think he's right. He needs to just stop trying to be the hero. I feel like he needs to just focus on himself and his relationships.

    I am so intrigued with how this whole thing is going to end!! I have no idea how things will wrap up but I know it's going to be amazing, no matter what you do xxx
    December 27th, 2015 at 04:50pm
  • Please let her be okay!! I really hope this gives Zack the kick up his arse that he needs and realises just how much he needs her, as much as how bad it is she's been hurt! Happy holidays, lovely :) xx
    December 27th, 2015 at 02:36pm
  • Oh no! Please let her be Okay!!! I was so happy to find out what really happened between Zacky and Alex. But after everything they have been through can they really get back together?
    <3 Michele
    December 27th, 2015 at 02:31pm
  • Update please!!!! You left us at the craziest spot lol
    December 2nd, 2015 at 04:57pm
  • Damn... I almost expected it... with the way Alex and Zack were acting before, at Zack's sister's party. But damn, it still got off guard at the end. Poor Trina.
    Matt and Jimmy will surely be feeling like sh*it when they will hear what had happened. Still hopes she will go on a date with Nick and finally decides to move on.
    Loved the chapter, as always! Looking forward to more!
    November 23rd, 2015 at 01:26pm
  • Damn... I almost expected it... with the way Alex and Zack were acting before, at Zack's sister's party. But damn, it still got off guard at the end. Poor Trina.
    Matt and Jimmy will surely be feeling like sh*it when they will hear what had happened. Still hopes she will go on a date with Nick and finally decides to move on.
    Loved the chapter, as always! Looking forward to more!
    November 23rd, 2015 at 01:26pm
  • My heart hurts for her. :(
    November 22nd, 2015 at 06:09am
  • Great chapter. I was really hoping Cat was going to listen to Lilah and not go see Zacky. I am not surprised that Alex is now involved with Zacky, especially because of the party chapter.

    I hope she goes on a date with Nick and doesn't let Zacky get in the way of it.

    Can't wait for the next chapter.
    November 16th, 2015 at 06:54pm
  • This chapter was amazing. I really loved it. Brian and Zack acting like children is definitely frustrating, but seeing as though the chapter ended on Cat finding a quiet street to pull over and cry I can't help but wonder and hope that maybe, just maybe she parked in front of Brian's house without realizing and he comes out and consoles her and they repair their friendship finally. Then again, she does still have her date with Nick, but I honestly don't think she has the feelings for Nick that she still does for Zack. If those feelings weren't still there then she wouldn't have felt so hurt when she saw Alex. She's not over Zack and she knows this, but Lilah does have a tendency to encourage her to do things even though she knows deep down she shouldn't do just yet. Don't get me wrong, I love Lilah. She's an amazing friend to Cat, but sometimes Lilah doesn't know when to take a step back and just be there for her.

    As for the idea Matt and Jimmy had, it was a good one. Did they know that Alex may have been a factor when they went to propose the idea to Cat, most likely not. Will they feel Cat's wrath? Quite possibly. This story is so good and I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapter!
    November 16th, 2015 at 10:54am
  • Oh holy crud!! There's Cat really putting herself on the line to get hurt and what happens?? BAM!! She gets hurt!! Now I want to believe that it is just an unhappy co-winky dink that Alex is there...that maybe she just crashed in the guest room...but I feel like this is a little naïve of me!! I can't help but feel like, if I was Cat, I would be a bit angry at Matt and Jimmy -- I mean, Zacky doesn't seem like he isn't handling life well.

    I don't know what to expect anymore!! You once told me that I had made you rethink things in the story and I am completely intrigued as to whether you did make any changes or not and if you did what they are...and if I am the reason this has happened :D not that I believe I have that kind of power!!

    I just...I don't know anymore. I don't know who I feel for more or if I feel for any of them any more. I think they each individually anger me...except Johnny. Love me some Johnny in this story :) but, I realise that they just want their friend back but I don't understand completely why they thought getting Cat involved would be a good idea. I don't understand why Cat went round. I don't get why Zacky has such a massive chip on his I do understand. I don't understand why he can't just admit that it isn't the distance (which lets face it is measly at best!!) that was putting him on edge it was the fact that he doesn't freaking trust her anymore.

    To quote the Argentinian in Moulin Rouge: "WITHOUT TRUST THERE CAN BE NO LOVE!!"

    Zacky is a grown man and needs to stop acting like a child about everything (same goes for Brian, FYI :P). Urgh. This story gives me proper emotional struggles!! But I LOVE IT!! I really do :) and I cannot wait for more :) x
    November 15th, 2015 at 11:05pm
  • My heart dropped, and I got that hollow feeling in my chest when I read Alex was there! God, I hope she's just a rebound and he's not trying to make it work but at the same time I want Cat to be so fucking enfuritated with him, because she deserves to let go all of her anger and just unleash it on him! Can't wait for more xx
    November 15th, 2015 at 06:25pm
  • Well, I sure as fuck wasn't expecting that. What a fucking idiot! I also blame Matt and Jimmy for putting her into that situation. :/

    <3 Michele
    November 15th, 2015 at 03:07pm
  • Firstly, thank you for updating again. Poor Cat. I hope she can sort things out with Zack and that they can be happy again. please update again as soon as you possibly can. XXX
    November 15th, 2015 at 02:57pm
  • Wow.
    I don't think anyone is to blame. I think Zack is just using Alex to try and get over her. I don't think there are any feelings involved at all.
    Matts and Jimmys idea was great, it's not like they knew Alex was going to be there.
    Cannot wait for the next update! <3
    November 15th, 2015 at 02:07pm
  • I hope you're going to update this again soon as it has been over three weeks and I'm missing it. Please? Mr. Green
    November 10th, 2015 at 09:06am
  • Are you going to update this soon? Sad
    November 7th, 2015 at 11:02am
  • Brian... go to hell! I really can't wait for a next chapter.)
    November 3rd, 2015 at 08:30am
  • So once again, I read the latest update on my phone and didn't comment because I was on my phone and then I forgot to comment because I am just silly!! But I'm here now :D

    "Hulk still wanna smash?" -- first off that made me laugh more than I feel was strictly necessary!! Luckily I was by myself at the time or I think my sister would have thought I was completely off my rocker!!

    Now, I have said this before and I'mma say it again...Brian needs to get a life!! He needs to just face his issue head on. He is just as pissed at Matt as he is at Cat, he just can't let it out because Matt's his bestie. Brian literally makes me grrrrr. Just grrrrr. I think that Brian and Cat need to have at it. Full on butt heads and let out all the anger.

    And, do you know who also needs to pull himself together? Zacky. This feeling all sorry for himself is really unbecoming!! I mean really. I get that break ups are hard. And I get that you are allowed to wallow BUT NOT WHEN YOU ARE THE REASON THE RELATIONSHIP BROKE DOWN!!!! Especially when the reason was because you are a moron. Urgh.

    I've said it before but this story really messes with my emotions!! Tee hee.

    I can't wait for more ducky!! I am super intrigued as to how this all ends and to what will happen if they manage to get Cat to come and talk to Zacky. x
    October 27th, 2015 at 08:48pm