Love Versus Lust - Comments

  • Love it!! Cannot wait for the next chapter Clap
    October 25th, 2015 at 01:34pm
  • I love everything about this story. Brian is definitely the love-to-hate character for me, though his tender side for Gelica is cute. As infuriating as it is for Zacky to not trust Catrina and Matt together, I completely understand (first-hand experience). Gah! Update soon? :D
    October 23rd, 2015 at 10:51am
  • I love this story! Can't wait for more! :)
    October 22nd, 2015 at 04:15pm
  • I'm glad my gentle reminder got you to update again. I love this story and I can't wait to see if Cat can make a difference to Zackys state of mind. Let's hope she can do something, otherwise the guys are gonna be in real trouble. Please update again soon xxx Mr. Green
    October 19th, 2015 at 05:37pm
  • When are you gonna update this? I really miss it Sad
    October 18th, 2015 at 09:33am
  • Please update this story again soon cos I'm really missing it. Sad
    October 12th, 2015 at 06:48am
  • I remember this story from years ago!! SO glad I found it again (I swear I subscribed to it back then). I am starting all over <3
    October 2nd, 2015 at 04:37am
  • Argh I was getting so worked up at the start, wanting to know whether they had split up or not and when I found out I genuinely burst into tears! My mum has just asked why I'm crying, she's now laughing at me haha! God, I hope something good happens to her though now; Cat's had so much shit and I'd really like something good to happen, whether it's getting back with Zack or getting a promotion - it would be nice to see them back together but at the same time no! Zack was a dick and needs to check his head and apologise before anything happens, should something happen. God, you make me go through so many emotions with this story!! I can't wait for more, and I really don't want this to end! xx
    September 20th, 2015 at 07:22pm
  • So it's been a while since I've commented on this story (and sorry for that but it's all gotten away from me with working and school) but I did keep up with all the updates whenever they happened.

    First of all, wow... some of the stuff happening in this story I didn't see coming but I'm glad it caught me off guard a couple of times because let's be honest, the last thing we all need is predictability. Overall I've enjoyed Cat's growth as her own person through her mistake. While she still remains slightly flawed (insecure, slightly too dependent of Zacky), she's really come into her own over the last few chapters.

    So when I got to this last update, all I have to say is ugh. I mean, I get all the points that Zacky made during their arguments but it really isn't fair of him to force her to choose between him and her career. Cat and Zacky both need to realize that there's no going back to what used to be before the mistakes were made. They've both changed drastically so in order to move forward, they need to stop trying to make their relationship what it used to be. Zacky needs to let go of the fact that his girlfriend won't be at his disposal whenever he sees fit. He really infuriated me with this ultimatum. Most of the time, I was rooting for him to be the better man but when he not only laid down the ultimatum to choose but also said that he would never trust her with Matt again, I found myself wanting to tell Cat that she's better off letting go of this one.

    But Cat also has some major insecurity issues that she needs to work out. I know it's hard to overcome some of this but if she wants the relationship to work, the trust has to go both ways. Though Zacky's trust in her is questionable, if she trusted him, there wouldn't be much of a problem. Ahh... I just don't know what to ship anymore. I want them to work out because they've invested so much in each other and their relationship but then I see how they've changed and it makes me want them to go their separate ways.

    You have made it very difficult for me to pick sides and I love you for that. Keep up the fantastic work and I'll do my best to keep up with the comments (since I've been slacking as the other half of Team Awesome). =]
    August 31st, 2015 at 08:22pm
  • I can't believe Zacky. That was a pretty shitty move of him. I understand his reasoning but actually forcing her to choose is a horrible action.

    <3 Michele
    August 30th, 2015 at 11:21pm
  • I can't believe Zacky. That was a pretty shitty move of him. I understand his reasoning but actually forcing her to choose is a horrible action.

    <3 Michele
    August 30th, 2015 at 11:21pm
  • I'm just going to put it out there, this story has my emotions all sorts of muddled up!! One chapter I am all for Zacky. I feel like he is trying. I feel like he is getting to the point where maybe, just maybe, their relationship can survive all this. But then he goes and decides to be an absolute poo poo head and I get all angry with him again. *sighs*

    So I realised that I neglected to comment on your last chapter, so this will cover both chapters :)

    Silly Trina for texting whilst driving. She is so lucky that she noticed the rumbling before anything really bad happened!! And bless Zacky for coming to her rescue. See he can be a sweetheart to her still. He obviously still cares for her oodles.

    I love Lilah. I really do. She seems like such a genuine person and I love the fact that Cat does still have that someone she can turn to, someone who is completely separate from the whole Zacky/Matt/Cat situation. Yes Lilah is Cat's best friend, but she is also unbelievable honest. She will and has judged the whole situation completely fairly with hardly any bias.

    So to summarise, during ch32 I was pretty much team Zacky again up until the end and then ch33. I am no longer team Zacky.

    In fact, Zacky needs a kick up the butt but, in my opinion, so does Cat. Do I think she should have told Zacky how she was feeling at the party? Not necessarily. I think she is right, it would have caused a scene. One that would have been unfair to Zine and, to some extent, unfair to Alex. If Zacky and Alex had always had a flirty relationship then it is so easy to fall back into that (speaking from experience here!!) without it necessarily meaning anything. So I don't think Alex is really to blame at all for this situation. I think she was just being her usual self with Zacky. Could she have made more of an effort to include Cat? Possibly but that's not her job. That would have been Zacky and Cat's. Zacky should have been more aware of how Cat was feeling. Yes, he picked up on the fact that she wasn't happy but it should have been more obvious to him why she wasn't feeling herself.

    And, really, come on now Zacky, grow a pair and get over the whole Matt/Cat thing. Yes what they did was wrong but if you can't get past it why are you with her? Am I the only one that thinks that maybe the reason she can open up to Matt is because he is the only one not treating her like she has the plague? If Johnny had been at the party then maybe she would have been able to talk to him. But Matt happened to be the one there. Matt happened to be the one who didn't leave her side when it was obvious she wasn't happy.

    As for their fight when they got home...I think they need to call it quits. I genuinely believe it would be the best thing for them. They keep trying to pretend like things are okay. They talked about things but I don't think they really got to any kind of solution. And they keep living in each others pockets, something that they are used to but their situation has changed. They should have started again with their relationship not dived right in. There wasn't enough time between what happened on tour and them getting back together for any kind of wound to heal.

    I am often on the fence about their relationship, not really knowing where it will end up, but I can't imagine they will end up together. The fact that Zacky doesn't want her to move closer to her work, despite the fact that she almost killed herself because of how tired she had made herself, just shows that he thinks she is the only one that needs to work hard to prove herself. Zacky is the whole reason the chain of events started in the first place. Should she have slept with Matt?? No. But Matt isn't the only issue they have in their relationship. Zacky was out of line with how he treated her when they broke up. Cat isn't the only one that needs to prove herself. Zacky does too.

    I can breathe now :)

    On a personal level, I'm so sorry about your boyfriends father. x
    August 30th, 2015 at 02:11pm
  • I think zack should get his head out of his ass lol but love the update! Update again soon please!!!
    August 30th, 2015 at 03:15am
  • I think zack should get his head out of his ass lol but love the update! Update again soon please!!!
    August 30th, 2015 at 03:15am
  • I think that's such a dick move from Zack! I mean, he should be happy that she's in a job that she loves, not being this dick that he is! I feel really bad for Cat now :( I hope everything gets sorted for you soon lovely xx
    August 29th, 2015 at 07:42pm
  • Ohhhhh snap. Something worse is gonna happen, isn't it? Is it possible that Zacky might cheat? Or Alex might make a move? I dunno but I'm excited to find out what is gonna happen! Please update soon!
    August 13th, 2015 at 07:00pm
  • Loved the update, as always.
    I like how you write Cat's POV, how her and Zacky are taking their time... I hope Cat's insecurity will be dismissed and that nothing weird will happen between Zack and Alex.
    Sorry for your loss... Condolences to your boyfriend and family.
    August 4th, 2015 at 06:24pm
  • Just read the update. I loved it. Please pass my condolences on to your boyfriend and his family. I'm so sorry.

    As far as the update goes though, amazing. I'm still looking forward to the big screaming match between Brian and Cat...haha.
    August 4th, 2015 at 08:15am
  • This update was awesome. It came while I was traveling, so I couldn't sit down and read it until now, but I'm glad I was able to wait because it made it that much better to read. So looking forward to more. Not looking forward to the end though. I have a feeling something will happen with Alex. I just want Cat and Zack to be on track again though. They are such a good couple.
    July 29th, 2015 at 10:59pm
  • This update was awesome. It came while I was traveling, so I couldn't sit down and read it until now, but I'm glad I was able to wait because it made it that much better to read. So looking forward to more. Not looking forward to the end though. I have a feeling something will happen with Alex. I just want Cat and Zack to be on track again though. They are such a good couple.
    July 29th, 2015 at 10:58pm