Love Versus Lust - Comments

  • Yummy. I like sex. :P anyway, I can't wait for an update! I want to see what else could possibly happen. Maybe Brian and Cat will make up?
    July 25th, 2015 at 07:43pm
  • Ah!! I loved this chapter. Especially the last bit. Can't wait for more.
    July 22nd, 2015 at 03:08am
  • Uhhh I love this so much. I just wish the insecurities would go away but at the same time, I want to see if they'll both explode or split up again or if everything gets back on track. Can't wait for more lovely!
    July 21st, 2015 at 11:04pm
  • Finally got time to catch up on the udates. As always, I really liked the chapters. Let's hope Cat does move in with Lilah, but then poor Zack might be even more frustrated than he is now.
    This story is awesome, still one of my fav' x)
    Looking forward to more!
    July 21st, 2015 at 10:00pm
  • Finally got time to catch up on the udates. As always, I really liked the chapters. Let's hope Cat does move in with Lilah, but then poor Zack might be even more frustrated than he is now.
    This story is awesome, still one of my fav' x)
    Looking forward to more!
    July 21st, 2015 at 10:00pm
  • Wow, just discovered this story and read the whole thing up to chapter 30. It's been so addictive, and I have even been reading when I was supposed to be working. I couldn't stop myself. When they got back together, I couldn't see it working, and still have my doubts, but looking forward to seeing where you take this story. Also, love the ALK3 references, making my day !!
    July 14th, 2015 at 03:28pm
  • I just finished reading this and am in love!! This last chapter makes me wanting more. Who is this Alex Zachy was texting? She needs to move in with Lilah and finish becoming who she is without a man. Can't want for more!!!
    July 12th, 2015 at 04:35am
  • Go Cat! And Lilah is definitely awesome, I love her character. I hope Brian gets over his issues and I also think that Cat should go live with Lilah:if Zacky isn't ready to live with her then she needs to do what's best for her, not just what makes him happy, but I'm excited to see what happens in the next update! :)))
    July 9th, 2015 at 04:32pm
  • Lilah is awesome. I absolutely adore Lilah and I'm so glad that Cat got the job. She's on the right track to getting her life back. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing where this goes. I have a bad feeling that Zack is still talking to the VU model from the previous chapter. And there's nothing wrong with talking to her, but I'm hoping it's just talking and nothing else.

    I'm really hoping things are going to look up for Cat and Brian's friendship. I really want to see that friendship mend. Loved the update. Always looking forward to the next update soon!!
    July 7th, 2015 at 08:48am
  • You know?? What she's not even in the chapters that I just read but I LOVE LILAH!! She is literally just awesome, just saying :D

    Moving on to the actual updates.

    I love that Cat is finally looking after herself. I realise that she had made a HUGE mistake but *shrugs* I don't know. I feel like she was punishing herself way too much. It kind of felt like because she wasn't around the guys who would have punished her somewhat, she felt the need to punish herself for everyone's sakes. I'unno, just a feeling I had. But I'm glad that Lilah managed to get through to her and help her build up her foundations again. And I LOVE the fact that Zacky noticed almost straightaway. I like that despite everything he is still attentive towards her and notices these things. It would be so easy for him to be somewhat distant and indifferent about things, even if he says he is trying. So I'm happy to see that he is proving that he is willing to sort through things and work things out.

    There conversation about what the future was going to hold was just awkward. I mean, that must be one of the hardest conversations to have if you have been in this situation. Like no one wants this conversation. Admitting that you were at fault and having to rehash and remind each other of the pain you went through. No thank you. So props to them for being adults and actually talking about things.

    Brian is just pissing me off now. He needs to get over things. I know that they were all friends and whatnot with Cat but what happened between Cat, Zacky and Matt is exactly that. It happened between Cat, Zacky and Matt. Brian has no reason to be THIS angry about things. It's almost as if he is being angry for everyone because no one is angry enough for his liking. I don't know. I just think its all a bit overkill. He needs to calm himself down otherwise HE will be the person who drives a wedge, not Cat or Matt. Though of course he will blame Cat. “Friends don’t bail.” -- this annoys me a little. Phones work both ways people!! Did the guys ever try and phone Cat?? See how she was doing?? Track her down at all??

    I have to admit...I thought she was going to see Brian. But I am glad to see that she went to see Johnny. I like how pragmatic he is. Like he is annoyed with her, he's frustrated but he at least gets where she is coming from too (which is the complete opposite to Brian). AND YES JOHNNY!! IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!! See he gets it!! Johnny is just the best *pointstoself* Big Johnny fan over here!! Mhm. Big Johnny fan.

    Now, silly Trina, should've just let the dogs lie!! Why would you need to hear Zacky say that he had slept with that girl?? I think I like to avoid confrontation too much because even if I thought that he had slept with her, I don't think I'd necessarily need the confirmation. No thank you.

    So I LOVED your updates :) and I can't wait for the next one to see how it all goes. I'm still intrigued as to how this will all end. I'm somewhat on the fence about where Cat and Zacky's relationship will end up. I feel like it's one thing to forgive someone for cheating on you but when they've cheated on you with someone that close...maybe I am too insecure but I would always be wondering. There was obviously a spark there enough for it to happen once...why would it not happen again? And knowing that my best friend had seen my partner naked? I don't know...I think that's something I wouldn't be able to move on from. I am also intrigued as to what will happen with Brian. I really want to just slap him upside the head.

    June 26th, 2015 at 09:50pm
  • Who sucks at keeping up with reading updates? This girl right here!

    I'm so sorry for taking so long to get around to these! I'm hardly on Mibba anymore, but I still get excited whenever I get an email letting me know that you've updated!

    I love seeing that Cat is growing and remembering the person she was before she so comfortably fell into a relationship with Zacky. It happens, when you start dating someone and you quickly start to form an identity around being half of a couple. And I'm so glad to see that she and Johnny are on the mend with their friendship! I see that Brian is still being very stubborn about her, though, but I wouldn't really expect anything less out of him seeing as how he appears to be very hurt by how she left. If I recall correctly, they were pretty close before she left, so it was probably a huge blow to him having one of his close friends suddenly leave the way she had. I have faith that they will be able to set things right, though!

    But that little twist in Cat and Zacky's relationship! I must say that I shouldn't be surprised to see that it was brought up, though. Realistically, something like this would have happened during their time apart. However, I can see them working things out and working out the unresolved issues they've got to address. It's Zacky and Cat, how can they not work things out...right?

    Sorry if this comment makes little to no sense at all; my brain is all over the place right now. But I definitely enjoyed all of the updates and I'm looking forward to seeing how everything plays out in the end!
    June 26th, 2015 at 07:30am
  • I'm really glad she patched things up with Johnny again, I think their friendship will really help her become more... her again, if that makes sense? I just love this story so much and I can't wait for more!
    June 24th, 2015 at 10:25pm
  • Yay for another update! Loved how Cat made things right with Johnny. One down two to go, maybe more than But out of the guys, two to go because she seems pretty okay with Matt still. I'm looking forward to when she clears the air with Brian and Jimmy. Mostly Brian, because I'm curious to know why he's so upset with her. I'm also looking forward to seeing how she tries to mend things with Jessie, because even though Jessie was pleasant with her at the gathering doesn't exactly mean things are peachy king with them. This story is a huge favorite of mine and even though I'm not really on Mibba all that much anymore, I'll come back for this story. :) And CharmedAngel88's stories if she ever decides to finish them. :)
    June 24th, 2015 at 08:49pm
  • I absolutely love your story, this has to be one of the best zacky vengeance stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading. One of my favorite things about it is the very long chapters and the details are phenomenal! I love this story and I haven't stopped reading this since I came across this this morning, I actually just finished the latest chapter right now :) happily recommended and subscribed!!!
    June 24th, 2015 at 06:40am
  • I was so excited when I saw that this story had been updated. I had to wait to read the updates because I was busy doing my military work for the last two weeks and had no access to my Mibba account, but I finally read both updates. When I first looked at the story that was updated from the email I got it honestly took me awhile to remember which this one was. I felt horrible once I realized the story. I even thought I might have to re-read everything again, but I didn't. I was able to read both chapters just fine.

    Loved it! Hands down amazing writing. I absolutely love the growth Cat has gone through since everything has happened. I definitely enjoy how Jessi seems a little more comfortable and at ease around Cat too. The one person I'm still waiting for Cat to just go off on is Syn. I just feel that once she goes off on him and gives him a piece of her mind he'll finally understand why she chose to leave in the first place. The more and more Syn brings it up though, the more and more I realize that he was just as hurt too. Maybe not as horribly bad as Zack was, but still bad enough. His comment "Friends don't bail" makes me think that he resents her for bailing the way she did, but at the same time still trying to understand and process why she did it. So, I'm at least hoping Cat gets the courage to confront Syn about everything.

    I truly enjoy reading this story and I honestly agree with you about not rushing it. I don't think that it's bad that you've been writing this story on and off for seven years. I'm just glad you haven't completely given up on it altogether. Looking forward to reading the next update!
    June 21st, 2015 at 12:07pm
  • It's great to see updates on this story again! Thank you! Keep it up. I'll be waiting for that next email.
    June 17th, 2015 at 12:19am
  • I loved it! Imm glad that she's finally starting to be herself again! I can't fucking wait to see what will happen with all of the guys and girls. I know that Brian and Cat will have their one on one chapter to figure their shit out. I hope you can update soon!!!!
    June 16th, 2015 at 05:35am
  • AND.....I read it on my phone b/c my laptop is being retarded, so needless to say...I couldnt see or focus on anything when I looked up. Im a loser...Im very much aware...ha!
    June 16th, 2015 at 01:27am
  • I haven't been on mibba that much lately...super busy with work and whatnot, but I've been sick for the past 2 days and was scrolling for stories and found this one...I read the whole thing in those 2 days and I'm addicted. For some reason I want Cat to end up with Matt..I know she needs to work on herself and all and you cleared up that they really didnt have those feelings for each other, but I can kinda see it play out that way somehow. Don't get me wrong, I love me sone Zack, but he keeps being a punk! Ha! Anyway, I really love it and can't wait for the next update!
    June 15th, 2015 at 02:06am
  • Nice chapter =) Looking forward to the next one and seeing the changes in Cat's life.
    June 13th, 2015 at 07:56am