Anxiety. - Comments

  • Cristina Scabbia

    Cristina Scabbia (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    BAH. My last comment just got deleted.



    I'll try and recreate my old comment.

    I liked how you described things in the first few paragraphs, about how Ian felt almost lost in this big city just by looking out of the hotel window because he's not used to the view out his window looking like that.

    And oh, the next bit is so sad. I like how you've written this bit, it's like Ian's a reluctant rock star somehow and he'd like another way to get somewhere with his band, rather than face the backlash and faceless arenas.

    I love that description "Faceless arenas". That's kind of true. Well, not that I've ever played at an arena, but I've performed on a pretty big stage and that's what you see. You just see a mass of people, you don't see faces. And it is quite daunting so I can imagine how Ian feels.

    The next paragraph, where Ian's saying that nobody notices things is really sad, and through that one paragraph you think that Ian's alone, and that his band are too wrapped up in themselves and the live shows to notice that Ian's suffering.

    And then there's the words "nobody except Jamie", and suddenly it makes you feel a little better about Ian.

    It's good how you described Ian as not wanting anybody holding him but Jamie. That brings the anxiety across a whole lot better and we can see that's a reason why he feels anxious about playing because he's not a massive fan of physical contact.

    Jamie's such a sweetheart, bless him. He wants to help Ian every time he falls down and pick him back up again. You've written their relationship really well.

    I loved this.
    December 22nd, 2008 at 12:09pm
  • Sean Smith

    Sean Smith (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    That was just adorable. In Love
    It's actually quite terrifying when you think about it, how scary it really must be to do what Ian is doing, it really puts it into perspective that being all up there and being a rockstar isn't just fun and games.

    The fact that he felt so lost that he had to take pills was really hard hitting. You described how scared and, almost, rather useless against everything else that he felt really well.

    Jamie was just amazing. So comforting. So much so that he was the only one Ian could fully trust and almost surrender himself to. He got so worried, but in the end was actually helping, and everything.
    The last few lines were just pure sweetness :cute:

    December 21st, 2008 at 05:56pm