Scared - Comments

  • Bells.

    Bells. (365)

    New Zealand
    :cheese: Holy Jesus. This is the first Muse fic I've read (apart from unique.'s one about Matt and Dom being teachers) and I was like ":shock:".

    It's fantastic, that's all I can say. I can leave one of them long comments I used to do with quotes and explanations, but to be honest, I can't be bothered, and I just can't. I used to be able to, but now I can't. Besides, I don't need to. It's fantastic, that's all I can say.

    Haha, drunk Matt is basically equivalent to drunk Dash. Stumbling all over the place, falling over, ruining stuff, making a complete dick out of himself and most of all, horny as hell. Yeah. I've kissed five girls in one night. That was fun. :cute: Matt and Dom aren't the only ones who tend to get all slashy when surrounded by substances.

    Hawhaw, anyway, brilliant story, hon. You got any originals?
    February 28th, 2009 at 10:06am
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    I was like, holy shit, Domatt slash! (I mentally termed it that, though I think people have other names for it, but I couldn't think of them)

    People have pretty much said all there was to say, which leaves me with a whole fat lot of nothing. I'll have you know I adored it, and when I read it I was like 'yes yes yes' when they got together in the end. The whole thing made me smile, but even more so because it was so well written, which so much of the things on Mibba aren't, and also for the conflicting emotions you protrayed so perfectly. Now I feel like I'm rambling, but I'm just trying to get you to see how much I really liked it! Hats off to you!
    January 28th, 2009 at 04:16am
  • merance

    merance (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Okay, shine like millions.’s internet is fucked right now... so I’ll review your entry for you! :]

    Right-ho. Well, as you know I read your stories, you know how much of a fan I am. ;] And this was no exception! To be honest, me and shiney were a bit apprehensive about reading yours when we realised it was a Muse story (we’ve never read Muse before) and so we didn’t think we were going to like it.

    We loved it!

    The way you approached the one-shot was brilliant—the way I wasn’t sure whether they were lovers, friends, or whatever, really made it effective. The one thing that I really loved about this story is how you ruined Dom’s shirt! It was the most original thing we’d read (most simply spilt things on the shirt... not all, though) and so I thought it was hilarious! I do love drunken slash very much... it makes it all the more fun. ;]

    And although it may have been easy for Dom to resist his urges when Matt was simply playing guitar on stage, the situation drastically changed when Matt was plunking down on his lap and practically grinding against him.
    Mmm... nice.

    The music from inside is cut off once the door shuts but it's replaced by an entire other soundtrack.
    I love that. :tehe:

    I just love the way you describe things... like that paragraph after where that line above is from. It’s really ... uh, descriptive? :cute:

    All through this story, you can really feel Dom’s urges for Matt, how much he loves/lusts after him. It’s really lovely and it’s making my heart melt as I read over this story!

    The background we gain from the two characters is brilliant. :D Many one-shots that I read only have the present, what’s here and now—and possibly the future. This story has Matt and Dom’s past, for example when Matt tells Dom that he runs away from him at every party. It also shows just how long Dom’s lust has had to have been controlled. :cute:

    After Dom kissed Matt and Matt asked ”What was that?” My heart just sank. omgno: but then you redeemed yourself with that rugby-tackle-thing into the snow! It’s brilliant and can only describe what a drunken guy with a mission could do!

    That was a lovely ending, too. :cute: The fluffiness was beautiful and I loved the last two lines—it summed up the title perfectly.

    Once again, brilliant one-shot. We loved reading it, and you truly deserved to win.

    January 12th, 2009 at 09:17pm
  • merance

    merance (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ^ ^ ^ Of course she didn't need it... she won. :D

    What a wonderful entry to our competition. shine like millions. and I loved reading it, and she'll be along to review it soon(ish).

    Well done!
    January 3rd, 2009 at 08:20pm
  • Tom Fletcher.

    Tom Fletcher. (155)

    Great Britain (UK)

    Basically what lizzicleromance said first, you've just introduced me to a whole new fandom that I'm falling in love with. I mean, I adore Muse but I've never come across fics about them before, and I'm glad the first one I read was this one. Both Matt and Dom are completely adorable and all-round amazing and so was this piece of work.

    "What does it look like I'm doing?" he asks, biting his lip so he doesn't say what his mind desperately wants to throw into the air. - I loved that part. I was just saying to myself, "Admit it, you fool! You want his cute ass!" :XD I loved the nickname of Dommie, too. Incredibly sweet. In Love

    I actually think Matt was playing his drunkenness up just so he had an excuse to act that way around Dom. Shifty It was just what made sense to me after he came to find him, realising that Dom had gone for a reason. And then the kisses... because they was so simple, they were so intoxicating. You wrote them perfectly, so well done.

    So yes, I loved it. I hope you write more Matt/Dom soon... :shifty
    And good luck in the competition. Not like you need it, or anything, but still. :mrgreen:
    December 26th, 2008 at 10:50am
  • Joey Jordison

    Joey Jordison (100)

    United Kingdom
    Okay, so the first two comments summed up what I wanted to say, but in a hell of a lot more words!

    Fantastic job my dear! :)
    December 23rd, 2008 at 10:05pm
  • rust cohle

    rust cohle (310)

    United Kingdom

    That was like amazing.

    You write so well, you're amazing.

    December 23rd, 2008 at 12:57pm
  • Ermin.

    Ermin. (200)

    United States
    ...How the fuck does Lizzy always manage to say exactly what I'm think, but in more words?
    This honestly is not fair.

    But yes, it was fantastic and everything was written rather well. It is adorable and makes me wish I were as obsessed with Muse as you are, my dear Kait. Probably not going to happen, but whatever. Yes, the kiss was incredible and cute and perfect and everything a kiss should be. The reactions to everything were so real, yet so uncliche.

    "It was a typical party scene written so untypically."

    Exactly my thoughts.

    Awaztasticular job, my darling!
    December 23rd, 2008 at 09:35am
  • lizzicleromance

    lizzicleromance (100)

    United States
    Dominic Howard officially hates Christmas parties.

    And I officially love stories written about Dom and Matt! All thanks to you my dear. Thank you for opening up this whole new can of worms for me, I adore these two boys now, and I owe it all to you.

    This oneshot was perfect. It was a typical party scene written so untypically, if that makes any sense? You take these cliche scenes and make them so uncliche, because you add special touches to them that make them stand out and make them spectacular. Dom's reaction to the drunk Matt was perfectly written; it's very respectable that he allows himself to not have any fun, because if he were to let loose and have a good time like Matt, he might cave in and flirt back. But I love how you throw in the little twist here, that Matt flirts with Dom at every party - yet Dom never gets the memo that he flirts with him at every party. He's overly affectionate, to Dom! Meaning, Dom is special, Dom is who Matt wants to kiss and grind all over. But silly Dom, not being able to let himself lose control... I think that makes him very respectable. I love Dom here, and I love Matt too.

    The ripped shirt was nicely done, too, by the way.

    I loved how Dom escaped the party, but what I loved more was that his place of serenity was interrupted by Matt! Fate plays a big part here, I think. I also think that Matt was never as drunk as he pretended to be; simply acting that way as a front to have an excuse to act that way around Dom. Silly Matt though; he never needed to put on an act to begin with.

    That kiss was fantastic. Oh man, such a good kiss. Matt's reaction to it was adorable; the way he questioned it was priceless. I'm thinking Dom gave him more than he bargained for when he kissed him, after always rejecting him when Matt flirted with him before. He wasn't ready for it, you know? So that was a cute little way for him to respond.

    BUT what was even cuter, was the way he reacted to Dom walking away! He pounced on him and was like "Not so fast, you." Hahaha, sooooooo cute!!! That was my favorite kiss; it broke every barrier when Dominic reached up to thread his fingers in Matt's hair, and allowed them to simply be.

    Oh, what an amazing kiss.

    Their walk back up to the house was detailed very nicely; the way you elaborated how it went longer than it should have due to kisses and touches that were always there but never acted upon. Oh Kaitlyn; beautiful job on this! I loved it very much, but that should come as no real surprise. I mean, you did write it...

    Amazing job.
    December 23rd, 2008 at 05:32am