Plug in Baby - Comments

  • CydonianKnight

    CydonianKnight (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I love this fic, just like I love your other MUSE fic and pray for the day when you'll update again :( You're a seriously, really good writer and I hope that maybe one day we'll be seeing more of Dom's hilarious antics :')
    May 25th, 2010 at 09:25pm
  • dom howard.

    dom howard. (100)

    United Kingdom
    Please update. D:
    This is amazing. <3
    July 19th, 2009 at 01:58pm
  • dom howard.

    dom howard. (100)

    United Kingdom
    This is amazing.
    I only really read fanfics if they have sex in them, but this is gripping and sexless. xD
    Goes to show fanfics can be readable without sex.
    July 12th, 2009 at 11:31pm
  • rust cohle

    rust cohle (310)

    United Kingdom
    You haven't updated this in yearssss. Update? I'm so lonely. But Muse ... and Matt ... and luciousness ... and stuff ...

    If you update my face will look like this: :brightside:

    But now my face looks like this:
    July 4th, 2009 at 04:09pm
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    I love Chris! Chris is so amazing. I wanna bear hug him. He's really witty, more sarcastic wit though. I think he off-sets Dom perfectly. Well, okay, Dom's still out-of-control, but in a good way. :P

    So, anyways, the chapter. It was so cute. I'd love waking up on someone else's couch. It's always a fun experience. Mornings are awful, but when you're at, say, a friend's house, when you open your eyes and everything's different, it's sort of fun. Especially if you're woken up by Mr. ADD, I-Didn't-Take-My-Meds-Today, Dom.

    Their whole interaction was very sweet. They're new in a relationship, they're allowed to be cute. And yesssss, Symon and Dom should meet. London would be in ruins. Chaos would rein supreme. You absolutely have to get them in the same room some time in the future. :D
    February 12th, 2009 at 07:45am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Woohoo! As promised, many great Dom/enemy moments.. so great.

    Oh, if I was her and he woke me up like that, i'd so swing my arm out and hope to connect with his head. I do not like to be woken up, unless it's nicely and for a decent reason. Even if I am awake and just dont have my eyes open... hahaha.

    Loved this:

    "I just followed him in here to make sure he didn't try to take advantage of an unconscious girl," Chris said from behind his magazine. "Though he could not be stopped from shaking her awake."

    I love how she thought she had dreamed it all. I've had moments like that and it's completely surreal coz you just can't tell if what happened actually happened. But it was nice how Matt proved to her it did.. he's quite the sweetheart, isn't he? So adorable.

    Dom, Dom, Dom, Dom... he is such a crazy lil bugger, isnt he? I really would like to see him and Symon meet sometime in the future. Oh, the chaos they could cause! Though, it'd be a good thing in a way, because hopefully they'd distract each other enough to give Matt and Azriel some time to themselves... they should take them to the park, let them run free and play on the playground equipment, scare the kiddies. hahaha.

    You know who I really love in this story? Chris. I really enjoy the way he's so nonchalant about Dom's behaviour... it's just a daily occurance with him and he's so calm and unfazed by everything the wacko man does. He also has a great dry wit about him that I adore. He's really an awesome side character :)

    Still loving this story, as always and I can't wait for more :D
    February 11th, 2009 at 10:29pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    oh god!
    that chhapter was too cute for words!
    I love how adorable Matt is in this story!
    and little Dombly and his crazy antics while Chris sits there, acting like its all normal.
    gets me every time
    i enjoyed that very much, as per usual, and cant wait for more!
    February 11th, 2009 at 01:18pm
  • halcyon-days

    halcyon-days (100)

    United States
    ohmygod . When I found this story I thought ' eh Another mediocre muse story ' you have proved me wrong! I absolutey love it and I really really want more. Now please? Hahha
    February 3rd, 2009 at 07:40am
  • caring is creepy

    caring is creepy (100)

    United Kingdom
    i have to admit, i squealed when i saw this updated :S
    it is amazing.
    and as for you having no ideas where to take it.
    i always like unplanned pregnancies the girl keeps secret :)
    i think its the drama i love haha.
    oh well, i will love anything you do with the story,
    can't wait for the next update xo
    February 1st, 2009 at 06:47pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Reading up about UFO's... well, I suppose, when there's a blackout, there's not House to entertain them. haha.

    Julia.... the way you described the scenes when they're playing piano and the feelings she got... that was amazing. I felt like I was sitting right there, listening to what he (and she) were playing. The emotions and memories it provoked in her were very interesting and you wrote that absolutely perfectly.

    Twenty questions.. that was funny! I loved it when she asked about his virginity and he was completely caught off guard. That was cute. And his answer was hilarious! Not one I expected at all. haha.

    I liked how you gave us a bit more background info with Azriel and Symon's relationship. And I like how he seems very protective of her.. I wonder if he'd be like that with even Matt, a music idol of his.. = p

    I loved this:

    "Exactly like Dom. I think if those two met, they would fall in love and we would be out of commission for best friends," I smiled.

    "I guess that's the price we'd pay for arranging a play date," he shrugged.

    I had the funniest mental image pop into my head of Symon and Dom, holding hands and spinning around in a circle in the middle of a park while Matt and Azriel watch from a bench. hahahha.

    And i'm sorry.. but how freaking adorable is Matt?! The way he asked her to close her eyes, then was all nervous and apologetic afterwards... awwww!! hahaha. The second kiss sounded amazing... made me wanna kiss him! hahaha.

    And I love that she's given in and will give him a chance! Woohoo! The date will be interesting.. :)

    As for ideas, i'll discuss that with you elsewhere = p
    February 1st, 2009 at 06:06pm
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    Oh gosh!
    that was cute!
    i love it!
    epsepcally at the end, where he wanted to kiss her again
    it was adorable!

    i loved it!

    Oh, my subscription had worked!
    thanks for the comment though
    February 1st, 2009 at 10:34am
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    I think I just died and went to heaven. That was an epic chapter of epic ness. Like, I'm running out of words to describe it because I adore it so much. I was 'awwing' and every chapter. And I seriously had to stop reading it when he told her to close his eyes.

    I was giggling. Seriously.

    And then I got around to reading it, and now I have this silly grin on my face. You didn't just make my day, you made my whole damn week here. As far as plots go, well, you obviously have a date. And then you have annoying!Dom to write. Oh my, I can't wait!

    Even if it takes you another week, I'll be here.
    February 1st, 2009 at 10:18am
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    So, I spent all day cleaning out my photobucket, and it would appear I moved that banner. Sorry for the inconvenience. :)

    Here's the new link

    January 31st, 2009 at 09:58am
  • rust cohle

    rust cohle (310)

    United Kingdom
    YAY! I love Dom!

    I'd give anything in the world to be in a blackout with Matt Bellamy. Anything. Except the death of someone, or my awesome new hoodie I got. OK, maybe I'd give the last one.

    But that was an incredible update. More! =D
    January 22nd, 2009 at 09:38pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Hahaha! I'm still giggling about how Dom scared the crap out of her. So funny. I can't say I blame her for freaking out when someone grabs you and starts dancing with you, especially when you think you're alone in the house. He's a sneaky lil devil. However, I'm sure if it had've turned out to be Matt... she may have been okay with it = p

    Matt going and seeing if she was okay was sweet =) He's so smitten with her. I bet he was wishing the guys weren't there at all so he could spend time with her and not have to work in the piano room with those buggers = p

    I love how Dom is still her arch nemesis! He really does love getting into her mind and scrambling her thoughts. He plants seeds of confusion and doubt, then sits back and watches her try to figure out what the hell his game is. He's a shifty little bugger. But I like him. He's doing our (the readers) dirty work for us = p

    I loved this:

    It was official. This sexually confused man sitting near me in his bright pink pants with that stupid smile on his face was really something that I couldn't wrap my head around.

    And I especially enjoyed how she questioned his sexuallity. That was darn amusing, seeing as the boys guessed it and found it to be quite amusing too. Though who could blame the girl? If I didnt know better, I'd swear he was a major flamer!

    Her reaction to the blackout seemed completely justified to me. It would scare me half to death to have all the lights go out, especially being in a house that isn't your own. Then she cut her hand and he fixed it up... So sweet =) I liked his remark about House and how he hoped to be a good enough substitute. It was a cute little exchange.

    The ringtone.. that had made me throw my head back and laugh out loud... good thing i'm alone as I read this = p And I love how Lucy was all smart and stopped Owen or anybody else picking her up... Great move, in my opinion = p

    This blackout is going to prove to be very interesting... :D
    January 21st, 2009 at 05:44pm
  • caring is creepy

    caring is creepy (100)

    United Kingdom
    i love the fact everyone is scheming to get them together.
    great update, i always smile when this story is updated
    ellie xo
    January 20th, 2009 at 09:22pm
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    Whoa, I officially crown myself the queen of long-ass comments.

    And I just want to say I sort of hate you for stealing all the really funny, dirty songs. But I love you even more for incorporating them into your story, so...
    January 20th, 2009 at 09:45am
  • sectumsempra

    sectumsempra (100)

    United States
    ZOMG, I LOVE BUDDY HOLLY. Weezer's best song. Okay, one of their best. Thanks parents, for forcing all these good musicians on me at a young age....

    Um, Dom deserves points for style. He ain't afraid to grab someone's hips and start singing off-keylyin his ultra gay pink skinnies, cough. Chris breaks it up, and Matt, the long-suffering, just sighs. I loved that scene.

    Death Cab is good for calming upset nerves, but I can't help but feel that she should listen to some heavy metal. Jumping around, pretending to scream along with the lyrics always seems to help me get over those butterflies-in-the-stomach feelings associated with strong attractions to certain people. :P

    Though I'm glad she isn't denying she likes him. That makes things easier.

    The enemy. Are we referring to him as 'the enemy' now? Because I sort of like it. HAHA, Dom's louder than the others. I cracked up at that bit. Aww, he's staring at her now...That's so....Stalkerish....Me thinks he's got plans....

    Are you gay? Ohmyohmyohmyohmy. That had me cracking up. And now my stomach hurts, but I couldn't stop laughing...That whole conversation was made of win.

    Whoa...Maybe it's Matt that has ulterior motives.

    Sexually confused. You betcha. Haha, some where in the back of my head, I think Dom and Matt would be good together. For obvious reasons. I think Matt's prolly just in denial. XD

    Um, well, that was sexy. For a whole two paragraphs, he held her. Aww. But the enemy's still around...Checking on Matt's knickers? Major straight-Dom fail. Yeah, I think Matt's in denial, because Dom isn't. And I just loved how it said she could see Dom's bright skinnies from under the umbrella. I don't know, I just liked that bit.

    Wait, so now she's scheming? Everyone's got plans here!

    Blackout. O.o Oh dear...He's wrapping up her cut hand. That's sort of cute, in a freaky way. Freaky because I get the creeps every time a plate or something drops, or I cut my hands on glass. I don't know, I just don't like those types of things. It's like touching styrofoam; it just freaks me out.

    Um, no way. No way, no way, no way. I was totally just listening to Mindless Self Indulgence. Whoa. Crazy weird coincidence. XDXD Matt's coughing. To hide his laughter. I would already have done that about sixty gazillion times during their acquaintance, but, you know...

    Heh. Blackout...Candles...Matt....ALL ALONE IN THIS BIG HOUSE....No where to go for hours....Yeah, I can't wait to see where you're going with this. It'll be great. I'll look for my update on Friday, missy!
    January 20th, 2009 at 09:44am
  • kiss my sas

    kiss my sas (100)

    i loved this update!
    it so cute!
    now they get to cuddle in the dark!
    and we have roped in another person in Muse stories that think Dom is gay
    gets me every time!
    update when you can
    no presure here
    im just that cool
    January 20th, 2009 at 08:09am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    *Shoves Z at you who smacks your soccer sculpted ass. Hard.*

    You. Are. Crazy. And you know what i'm talking about, don't you?! Yes. You do.

    Symon was quite amusing in this chapter. Then again, what chapters hasn't he been amusing in when he's made a cameo?! Yeah, none. :) I loved his overreaction to her turning his music done, it was really quite funny, because i've done the same thing when someone does that to me. I get highly offended and simply point to the sticker on my window that says "If it's too loud, you're too old" :D

    Aww! Is Matt just extremely adorable or what?! He cleaned so that he could just spend time with her... that's so sweet. How could you not have feelings for a guy like that? Regardless of whether you know that much about him or not. hahaha. I hope that he continues to do that, because it's so downright sweet :)

    Oh, and her deciding that Dom is now the enemy.. her arch nemesis... gave me quite a chuckle, too! I can see her being very on-guard whenever he's around, ready to deflect his teasing and poisonous words! = p

    Loved it, as always and can't wait for more! :D
    January 15th, 2009 at 06:00pm