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  • bloodsucker;

    bloodsucker; (100)

    So it had been a very boring afternoon for me, I decide I want to simply jump from profile to profile of the good authors I know to see if there's anything interesting to read, and then somehow in the midst of all the clicking and skimming I got to yours. And I got to this one shot.

    I can't start saying how much I loved this.

    Beautiful, yet sad, and painful but in that sort of good way, if there's any way pain can be good.
    I got so emotional and heartbroken over reading this because it felt so real. The memories and flashbacks were a little confusing at first, but I still liked it so much, the way you just jumped in time and had control over it. It made me think a lot on how when we reminiscence we tend to do that, just jump in time and go through the most shocking memories.
    And you did that just right.

    The vocabulary was amazing, not a word was out of place. I particularly loved the tattoo metaphors, in my opinion comparing those memories to tattoos engraved in Gerard was genius.

    My heart was with Gerard during that scene of the car. While he was restraining from crying I could only imagine his face and it just add to the emotion, it was so fucking good. I don't know if it was your initial intention, but this one shot really makes you think at the end. Like you can identify to some of that and like Krank above states, it makes you not want to live with regrets and especially some as big as to still feel the pain after years.

    But I digress. XD

    This was beautiful, so thank you for the wonderful time I had while reading this :]
    xo. K.
    February 4th, 2009 at 05:13am
  • KranK

    KranK (100)

    I snuck on to your profile and found this.

    This was such a beautiful story. When I first started reading I had a feeling that Gerard was old. I think it was the rocking chair.

    As the story went on I do admit that I got slightly confused. The memories versus the flashbacks in italics made me stop and think things over and try to put things straight in my mind.

    The story was a very emotional story. Two souls so damaged, only one who has the strength to leave it all behind. The sepperation was heartwrenching. Gerard waiting in that car just made my whole face go slack. My mouth was hanging open and I was like:"waaaa"... as I read. My heart started hurting along with Gerard's. What a slap to the face it must be to put so much trust in the one you love and to have them abandon you.

    -This story had me trying to picture a 47-year-old Gerard Way-

    Overall it was a fantastically written story. It was so deep and so emotional. I truly felt pain for Gerard and his situation. I realized as I read that I never wanted to end up like the Gerard in your story. I never want to be alone and regret making vital decisions in my past. I want to be happy.

    This is pretty, love.
    January 12th, 2009 at 05:22am
  • amaziing.

    amaziing. (100)

    that was such an amazing story :)
    January 5th, 2009 at 10:06pm