Circo - Comments

  • I read this last night. It took me to about half 2 in the morning but I certainly wasn't complaining and it was well worth it.

    I must admit, I rarely read Frerard's any more, mainly because they are normally all the same and even though I have read a few Frerards that focus around the circus,[which I've always found weird that there were a lot of them] not one of them compared to this one, and that's saying something considering one of wich was from my favourite Frerard authors. [p.s. I think you've just replaced her.] I love how Frank was so passionate about the circus and being in it in the begining and how it isn't all hunky dorey and perfect like most people like to keep it.

    This is written incredibly well. It's not too descriptive, just the right amount, or at least what I think is the right amount. I should tell you now that I have subscribed and plan on commenting and keeping up with this story, just so you know you've gained a new fan.

    I can see this is a popular story and sometimes that puts me off but not with this one, because I can see why it's so popular, it's special, it's unique and perfect in almost every way[every now and then there are a few mistakes but I don't even care. We are all human after all.] You make your characters seem real, you give them real emotions and it's not repetitive, their emotions are not the same all the time they keep changign you keep it fresh. I love Gerard and Frank's relationship, how neither of them quite know what to do about each other but at the same time do in a sense.

    I also love how this new guys Lawerence is coming into it because even though I am a very fluffy person, who likes everything to go right, it feels right for this story to have a competing love interest, it's not written in a way that is predictable at all. The story in general isn't predictable in the slightest, I never knew what you were going to do with the characters next.

    I guess I've gotten carried away with this comment but I know that I like long comments myself and guessed someone else might too.

    And so to sum up; I'm in love.
    October 15th, 2009 at 04:13pm
  • Gerard is actually beginning to show signs that he is actually a human! lol
    too bad I have a feeling that Lawrence ruined that...
    I hope Frank and Gerard start to grow closer soon..
    and that was sooooo sad about Frank's mom and dad ='(
    I can't believe they didn't notice that he was gone for TWO MONTHS!!!!
    they make me so angry..
    but hopefully that will be the outlet that helps Frank and Gerard grow closer
    update soooooooon please =D
    October 15th, 2009 at 03:42am
  • Aww poor Frank :( I truly feel for him cause that's horrible what his mother did, my mom did pretty much the same thing except she knew i was with my dad... anyways, I see jealousy..... :P loving every second! Magical :P
    October 15th, 2009 at 02:23am
  • Those email notifications are really not being sent out, I missed three chapters!
    Anyway, I love how the story is really beginning to flow now, and I love that Gerard finally seems to be noticing Frank more, and is even getting protective.

    Do not hesititate to message me if I don't comment the next chapter, because if I don't it will be because the emails haven't been sent out, not because I don't want to :)
    October 15th, 2009 at 01:10am
  • The entire time frank and laurence are kissing, i was begging for gerard to walk over, rip them apart, and be all "MINE, BITCH!" and passionately kiss frank, then skipping off with him in his arms...but alas, i know all things don't work this way. Haha, but really, i'm in <3 with this story. =)
    October 15th, 2009 at 12:33am
  • Wow, I wish I could write like you...and have as much dedication! These feelings you give to your characters, and the situations you put them in are just...great! I mean, sad for them, I guess, sometimes, but the way you write them out, giving them such profound thoughts is amazing!

    I'm going to quit rambling, just please update soon. This is my favorite story on Mibba, can't get enough of it!
    October 8th, 2009 at 08:07am
  • Awhh, Frankie got his first tattoo!
    And I love that it was the scorpian, and just kinda... not thought through, y'know?
    I like Laurence in the sense that it means Frank's not dependant on Gerard,
    But I also don't like him for obvious reasons aswell.
    October 7th, 2009 at 12:23am
  • Ces't tre bien! J'aime Frankie mes Gerard eh un pue mechant :/ J'aime lir ca listoire! :D

    [I can't spell]

    Its great! I love Frankie but Gerard is a little mean :/ I love reading this story! :D
    October 6th, 2009 at 11:26pm
  • You are abosolutley my favorite writer on mibba. Can't wait for your next update
    September 27th, 2009 at 09:08pm
  • Omfg another really awesome update..iv really grown to love this story

    aww poor little frankie he starting to Really like gee *note the jealousy when he walked away with the stranger*
    September 19th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • Poor Frank D:
    please keep it up! :)
    September 18th, 2009 at 11:30pm
  • gerard is a whore...just saying...haha but i still love him <3
    September 17th, 2009 at 02:49am
  • Who is this french dude and what is he doing getting in Frankie's way ]: <

    Augh! Didn't anyone ever teach you about strangers, Gerard?! He could be a MURDERER! *gasp.*

    Poor ickle Frankie... ]:

    I'm guilty of loving the tension though... hehheh.

    More soon I hope, I'm loving the frequent updates aswell. :arms:
    September 17th, 2009 at 01:41am
  • Uh-oh!
    I hope Gerard doesn't go do something stupid with this weird French guy.
    I really did love the start of that, though.
    It was well cute.
    In Love
    September 17th, 2009 at 12:04am
  • BEAUTIFUL updates. In Love
    I adore the world you've created with this fic, I love how Gerard can be so incredibly beautiful yet blatantly deep down not be sure of himself. Whereas Frank is like the opposite; he's usually nervous and slightly uncomfortable, but inside has a hidden strength, that Gerard almost seems envious of.

    Cannot wait for more, the lasting image of Gerard with 'rainbow eyes' was a stunning way to end, by the way. :cute:
    September 15th, 2009 at 11:15pm
  • OMG!
    Both of those chapters were amazing!
    I actually just... wow.
    You never cease to amaze me, bbz. :file:
    I'm really excited to see what happens with Frank and Gerard next.
    September 13th, 2009 at 11:01pm
  • I missed so many updates! omgno: I’m sorry I haven’t commented sooner, but I have to say I was insanely happy to see this story was updated today.

    “It’s like the Circo; such a beautiful place to anyone who doesn’t understand it. Once you’re inside, and everything is explained and you begin to understand what it all means, it loses its appeal. It’s not quite so beautiful anymore.”

    I love these references to Circo. I also love how they come at the most unexpected moments, they always just seem to fit perfectly into the story and they’re easy to overlook. I know that might sound bad, because you want phrases and things to be imprinted in your readers head, which trust me this story does, but what I mean by that is that the comparisons flow so well they just … fit and you don’t have to think twice about them.

    “That man must be a robot.”

    I really love the fairy-tale feel I get from this story sometimes. Especially when you mention lines such as Mr. Way staring at a wall in an airport while Frank just leans against the wall almost admiring the people of Circo. I don’t know how to explain it, it’s just very surreal, if that makes sense. I can imagine a big open room with chairs lined up and people sleeping all over the place, and then I just see a man kind of isolated, the only one alone focusing on a wall. I don’t even have anything to compare it to, it’s just almost like a haunting image.

    This is also another thing I really love about this story. It’s how you slip information about the characters in ways odd ways like more by their actions than by what they say. I really like that.

    “I didn’t want to be left out in this place anymore, and hey, I may as well follow the example my mother set for me.”

    That line … just … I don’t even know! It was amazingly written and it sounded like there was a lot more emotion behind it than just those words. It’s just really fitting, if I haven’t said that enough. This was one of those lines like I said that will probably be imprinted in my mind. It just really stood out in this story to me.

    “But I wasn’t in my right mind, I wasn’t my normal self,”

    The repetition in this line is really catchy. It made those lines stand out. Plus, I love that this was the you described Frank’s feelings when he was drunk. It can be taken two ways, like this is just one of his excuses or he’s regretting what's about to happen.

    ”And that image of his soft rainbow eyes was the last thing that really made any sense to me that night.”

    You have such an amazing way of ending your chapters, my heart seemed to stop as I read this line. You’re really good at turning something simple into something beautiful and I really admire that in your writing. When Frank was drunk you almost mixed the circus and his drinking in to one … if I can describe that in a way you‘ll understand. You kept referencing the colors and how things seemed to spin out everything was hazy, and it was almost like a twisted sort of metaphor or comparison to Circo or his life at the moment.

    In Love
    September 12th, 2009 at 04:18am
  • I have three chapters to catch up on :cheese: I hate when I don't get email updates :grr:

    I swear I love chapter 17. It's just so amusing!

    “We’re locked in a plane bathroom!”

    “And you’re observant.”
    :lmfao I find that so hilarious XD

    Everything sounds so much more beautiful when you don’t understand it. Judging by the picture to the left of the column, I was pretty sure that this segment was about war, but it sounded so much better than that, just because I couldn’t hear the words of terror and death, all I could hear was that smooth as silk accent curling around the most beautiful of languages.
    ^ That. Is so true.. It's beautifully sad.

    This story is straight up my favorite. :hand: I seriously can-not-wait until your next post. I hope Frank does get himself into anything, though he will. Yeah he will. Chapter 19 is ended really nicely, like a pretty handsome awkward moment being painted in brush strokes.
    September 11th, 2009 at 06:07pm
  • I know that this wasn't in the most recent chapter, but I felt a need to point this out.

    It’s like the Circo; such a beautiful place to anyone who doesn’t understand it. Once you’re inside, and everything is explained and you begin to understand what it all means, it loses its appeal. It’s not quite so beautiful anymore.

    Wow. I really liked that. Very beautiful, I love this story. Keep up the amazing work.

    EDIT: :cheese: LE GASP! I've never gotten to do a page claim before! I dub thee Étonnant! It means "amazing" in French. :cute:
    September 10th, 2009 at 11:18pm
  • 100th comment!! YES!
    I really love this story and I love how it's unraveling! =D
    I hope you update soon!

    Also I didn't get an email for this too...
    September 10th, 2009 at 02:28am