Reinvent Love - Comments

  • leaving;;;

    leaving;;; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh dear, I cried. I actually cried. Because with everything I have, I wish for this to happen, I wish for that girl to be real, I wish someone will stand up to him. He's my hero, and my passion, and a part of my inspireation and soul, and so much more. He means the most to me out of every person that is famous. He makes me live, he makes me think, he makes me believe. Well, he used to. Now what is he? I've lost hope, I'll always be here waiting, but my hope is gone. If I could go to american and confront him, I would. To bad I live in england. But my friend is going to see him, and she's going to hopefully give him a letter from me. Because I miss the old him, he's no longer Ryan, he's George. I want to get to see him in eye liner, and see him live with Panic! because I never got to, and to see him as the old him, the real him. He's forgotten everything he was, everything he is, and that breaks my dear heart.
    I loved this so much, and it is good, very good. Amazing in fact.
    I love you :)
    July 15th, 2010 at 06:42pm
  • Leaving;

    Leaving; (100)

    United States
    this was absolutely amazing. the fact that everything that girl had shouted at ryan is exactly what me and thousands of other fans are thinking was just so good to hear put into words. it truly is all the hope i've lost in my hero written out in such talent. i cant get over how amazing that was, especially when all the stories about him on here only highlight his greatness. its refreshing to hear about his flaws to, because we're all thinking it, but just too afraid to admit it.
    i absolutely loved it.
    July 15th, 2010 at 05:18pm
  • lilia spinas.

    lilia spinas. (150)

    United States
    Wow, I mean really wow. I know you think it wasn't that great, but it was really awesome. It really made me smile. I would love it, it something like this would happen. To see Ryan wearing eyeliner in his old rose vest, even if it was just one more time, would be amazing. Even though I know it'll never happen, I still know it would be wonderful if it did. Thanks for another great read. (:
    August 22nd, 2009 at 05:37am
  • piecesofmydreams

    piecesofmydreams (100)

    1. LOVE the layout
    2. ADORE the story

    This story makes me really think about change. Like, the good and the bad. I don't know. I feel like I'm blabbering...=]
    January 12th, 2009 at 11:10am