Nothing. Not a Sound - Comments

  • Ciel Phantomhive.

    Ciel Phantomhive. (100)

    United Kingdom
    ‘ello, just me, doing my rounds, commenting all the entries to this like I said I would. I think I must have been drunk when I said I would, lots of comments to write. Well, not really that many, but still.

    … should talk about the story now, right?


    I liked the concept, like, how he lost his voice and everything. How people didn’t believe him at first and all, and they were mean to him and stuff : (

    And how Aled said he’d stick by Rhys, but Rhys knows he’ll leave him in the end because of the silence. Sweet of Aled, pessimistic of Rhys, but realistic nonetheless. Poor boy : (

    And the pun, love the pun, would you call it a pun? The “I wanted to speak, now I couldn’t” A few people used things like that, I really like them :XD

    Yeaaaaah. It was pwnsme.
    February 6th, 2009 at 10:40pm
  • Cristina Scabbia

    Cristina Scabbia (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Again, this has been written in school. Haha. I should copy and paste stuff I need to leave feedback for more often because I've got no distractions here - I can't go on mibba or youtube because they're both blocked :tehe: Anyway.

    This oneshot is brilliant and you need to give yourself more credit for this. Your writing is really good at the moment, it's definitely improved a lot over the past few months (not that you weren't a good writer then either, because you were still good then Wow) and this oneshot is proof of it.

    Rhys's fear is so believeable. I can get nervous with public speaking so I know how he feels. And that's exactly how I feel so you brought that across incredibly well. You've got a real way with words. :cute:

    This line especially, It was like 30 people became 30,000, that's really scary yet totally believeable.

    And then how his voice just…goes. At first you wonder whether he was just choked up by fear but when he can't speak afterwards it's like it finally becomes real.

    It's so sad how everybody laugh and make fun of him. I feel really sorry for him. And then Aled gets all pissy with him and the emotion that you brought across in that section was stunning. I could really picture it all in my mind and the worry from Rhys was written incredibly well.

    I'm glad that Aled was understanding once the situation had been explained though, that made me feel happy :tehe:

    The ending is so sad. I just want to give Rhys a great big hug. Sad He seems so self-doubting about himself and feels that he'll never be able to love again. I feel really sorry for him.

    This was great. I really liked this. :arms:
    January 16th, 2009 at 04:35pm