Stealin' Her Shit. - Comments

  • Poor William, all misunderstood......But on another note, I was listening to First Date right on that latest chapter.
    July 29th, 2009 at 04:02pm
  • Qwertymann:
    Lots of flashbacks and insight into William's past life. It's a shame that they had to be split like that. :( *Wants to know more about that*

    Well I hope the next chapter comes soon, Bella. This is gooood. And I can't wait to see what happens between Charli and Adam. :D
    Thanks Aaron!
    It's so funny how you
    talk about the people in this story.
    I just thought of this awesome twist.
    It's about Alex and William.
    I can't wait to write it.
    ttys - Annie
    July 17th, 2009 at 10:11pm
  • Lots of flashbacks and insight into William's past life. It's a shame that they had to be split like that. :( *Wants to know more about that*

    Well I hope the next chapter comes soon, Bella. This is gooood. And I can't wait to see what happens between Charli and Adam. :D
    July 17th, 2009 at 06:54am
  • Sure, I'll be patient. (:
    July 16th, 2009 at 06:40pm
  • Whoa!
    This story is pretty awesome. Will the people at school really give a positive response to gay people? I certainly hope so, those guys seem nice. So why should they get shit? :)
    Oh Charli has a date with Adam. That's sure to be exciting! 'kay, so..

    Your plot is pretty good. Right now it's straight-forward, not hard to understand at all and is simplistic. That's nice, but eventually something new is going to need to be introduced (unless you plan on ending it soon). But I'd like to see this story thrive more, so I hope your plot will become more complicated. I like stories that make me think.

    Your characters, I can't say a whole lot about them yet. Not enough has been revealed about them or their pasts to form any strong opinions or say anything in specific about them, except Charli really. She's very sweet, emotional and she seems like an amazing friend. You're a good author, so I probably don't need to remind you that weakness is importance in character.

    Writing style is ace! Though a TAD bit confusing sometimes. Aside from the occasional spelling / grammar error, there isn't anything else wrong I can tell about it. Who know Bell had such talent? Nice story, I certainly hope you continue this as it does deserve to be continued! It is very good. :)
    May 25th, 2009 at 06:10am
  • I really like this! It's great.
    Mike and Jake are so cute. xD
    Can't wait for more!
    May 24th, 2009 at 12:14pm
  • I'm really curious to know who was on the phone and what happened :/
    Whyyyyyyyy was there a cliffy! xD
    But the Sisky and Mr. Carden scene made me laugh so much, I could just imagine how awkward that would be!
    :arms: Loving it!
    April 15th, 2009 at 04:30am
  • i like this. x) it's cute.

    and i must say.
    becks yrbk picture made me laugh.
    April 12th, 2009 at 07:06pm
  • This is a really important stroy. Please comment
    March 14th, 2009 at 06:33pm
  • Ohh, I like the plot!
    That was so cute with Sisky and Charlie on the tree ^.^
    Beckett....-sigh- how can he be so arrogant yet freakin' sexy at the same time? :yah
    Update would be great, hun :]
    January 19th, 2009 at 11:53am