Believe. - Comments

  • Cristina Scabbia

    Cristina Scabbia (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Your writing astounds me. You've got a real talent, and your stories are quite simple. I mean that in a good way, because I find them really easy to follow. It's a lot easier on the brain than reading massive long paragraphs filled with detailed, complicated description. I prefer your style. You tell it like it is. :cute:

    I liked how this story was partially in second person, it helps to understand Jonne better, because it's like we're in Ville's shoes, and its like we're being told.

    Ville seems the optimist, whereas Jonne is the pessimist. This is illustrated by the first few paragraphs. When Kristian left me, I lost my faith in love. I locked myself up, turned my heart to stone. I said I'd never get close to anyone ever again. You, on the other hand, didn't. When Bam left you for Missy, you opened your heart more if anything. You kept ahold on your faith in romance, even though he broke your heart. Ville believes that there's life after love, if things don't work out with him and another, then there will always be somebody else. But Jonne feels like his world collapses.

    But Ville tries and keeps Jonne's spirits high, and its really cute that Jonne moved all the way to Helsinki to be with him. It's like he needs him to get by, and things like phone calls and meetings every few weeks aren't enough.

    Jonne doesn't seem to care that he's distancing himself from his band mates, he only seems to want Ville and the rest of his band are merely a distraction. That's kind of sad, he seems so dependant on Ville.

    Like he said, I was addicted, that's quite true. Ville seems to be like a drug to him, needing him to get by each day. The relationship between seems to be very at-ease and simplistic, which is good.

    The kiss was beautifully written. Not too much detail, very bare and to-the-point description. I absolutely loved it. I kissed you, and you kissed me back.

    Jonne seems painfully scared of rejection and commitment, though. It makes me wonder what Kristian did to him in order to make him like this. It's awfully sad and I sympathise with Jonne because he's petrified that everybody will be like Kristian. And there are slight details revealed of Kristian - his betrayal - so I'm assuming that he cheated.

    Ville doesn't seem to mind waiting for Jonne to fix himself first. Shows his dedication and devotion to him.

    When Jonne broke free, that was some of the best writing in the entire oneshot. And he realises that he doesn't need to worry about Kristian any more - he's not coming back. Jonne is with Ville now and Ville is so much better than Kristian. Both of them seem to know that this relationship is better than Jonne's old one.

    You were, are, the real-life embodiment of Romeo. Wow. This shows how much Jonne loves and respects Ville, and he is completely and utterly head over heels for him. Bless. In Love

    The ending was amazing.

    I loved the whole thing. I love the way you write.
    February 13th, 2009 at 10:54am