Time Lifts the Light - Comments

  • I blinked several times and looked to my cold leftover pizza for help.
    The pizza said nothing.
    ---this might just probably be my favorite line. it's so serious, yet, it's not. i love it!

    "Jack, I'm... Turkey leg?"
    "I..." he faltered. "We were out of steak.
    ---crap! haha, this had me giggling

    and this one where Mikey was a merman. ---this one was so unexpected, it just... hahaha :))

    So, yeah, I'm done reading the story and it was awesome! :D
    April 3rd, 2010 at 03:03pm
  • I haven't finished it yet but I just wanted to say that I love DB! and Mikey too but in a different way. And I love their argument about the boxers. Haha. :))
    April 3rd, 2010 at 11:09am
  • Interesting first chapter. New subber, great first chapter man, got me hooked =]
    March 29th, 2010 at 07:39am
  • wow. I didn't even think of it until re-reading it, but Linc was in chapter 19, from Indie a gogo! :D I feel so smart. lol
    March 13th, 2010 at 09:43pm
  • Hahaha, I love this story. ^^
    February 28th, 2010 at 03:39am
  • TWO: Gah, his name is Daniel.
    I absolutely adore that name. :)
    And like, not 'cause Daniel Radcliffe has that name. (x

    The end of a chapter sure knows how to suck you back out of the story doesn't it? XD

    THREE: His distinct voice rang out about everyone else's About or above? I wouldn't know. XD

    And oh yeah. Indigo. Wow. :)
    I may not like my name all too much but I think it's better than Indigo.
    It's cool but I bet I'd get hell for that. XD

    River Pheonix. Shit, that name sounds extremely familiar. But I have crap for a brain and peanuts as memory chips...

    FOUR: Oh, Daniel is funny. And cute. :D

    And the not-wearing-certain-articles-of-clothing male friends of yours are hilarious. XD

    Hey, does the banner thing at the top of this chapter have D.B.H on the heart necklace?
    Because that's just cool.

    FIVE: I enjoyed that chapter way too much. :)
    And surprisingly I think I got that...okay, I didn't.
    But I think it means he'll just go back (or forward?) and change it so that it never happened...that way..?
    Okay I give up. I'll just pretend like I know.

    SIX: HAHA. Stay calm. Stay clam. Clam? No... Focus. :D Of course, I don't laugh when it's me...

    Lmao. Da Vinci was left handed, told me himself." :) Funny~

    PS: About the whole gay thing, in my religion, gay really doesn't mean anything. It's actually forbidden I think. I mean, God created women the way they are and also men for a reason. But it bugs me how sometimes people can't just mind their own business. Let them be, I say. I don't like it but I don't exactly express that. :/

    SEVEN: "Kimberly," he said formally. "It was a pleasure driving you this afternoon. Everyone enjoyed your witty comments and additions to the conversation. I'm sure our guest appreciated her warm welcome to - Oh! - By all means, please do keep that scowl on your face, it's so becoming. Ouch! Okay, it is not polite to hit Ms. Marcolini!"

    That author note at the end proved I'm not the only one that can get a little obssessed. But I'm sorry to say I haven't heard anything by The Rolling Stones. :/ I might just though, after this chapter. :)

    EIGHT: This made me remember what I forgot, lol. HE DRAWS. GAH! A guy that draws - and well I might add - is just...Wow.

    NINE: I kinda knew she was after that. :) Oh, Kim.

    And haha, Craig sounds funny. I have a habit of doing that too...

    TEN: Aww, Julia is so cute. :) I enjoyed that. But she's only four & she can talk like that? Wow.

    I have like six siblings (one on the way..) and four of them are younger. It. Is. Hell.

    ELEVEN: Aww, he's afraid.

    And I love Mikey! Like, really. XD

    He's going to be one of those people I throw in conversation when my friends are discussing favourite things.

    Friend 1: Nick Jonas can kick Zac Efron's ass. Like, twice.
    Friend 2: Yeah. But he has nothing on Brad Pitt when he's in Fight Club.
    Me: But of course, Mikey wins hands down.
    Friend 1 & 2: WHO?

    TWELVE: Aww, I love Mike to bits. He was jealous that Kim likes his brother more.

    And oooh, bad dream. Me no like those. . .

    THIRTEEN: I'm so caught up in it that I forgot what I wanted to quote and I'm clicking on 'chapter 14' because I can't stand to go back and quote. :] But know that it was awesome.

    FOURTEEN: That was such an amazing chapter. I loved it. :) You really create such awesome people. I feel as though they exist. And I'm not talking about all those other times I've said this and all those other characters I believe live, somewhere. I'm talking "OHMYGOD, I NEED TO FIND THESE PEOPLE". :D

    FIFTEEN: That's scary. He can go back and erase a whole generation? Man!
    I feel sorry for Indigo. Nothing's her fault. . .


    SEVENTEEN: Aww. I like Jim. I would do the exact same thing. I mean, who wouldn't?
    *skips spoilers* XD

    EIGHTEEN: I don't doubt that I'd think the same thing. D.B. could drive me crazy.

    NINETEEN: Sexy Mikey. XD

    TWENTY: Haha, it took me about three hours to finish reading this chapter. Mainly because I had like five different pages open and I was trying to do a gazillion things at the same time. (this includes deviantART, onemanga,facebook,mibba..)
    But a nice chapter. :) I love Mikey!! XD I say it way too many times, I know.

    TWENTY ONE: I swear, I'm not lying, I'm buying myself Daniel's hat if I ever come across it when I have money in my pocket. Honest to God, I'm that obsessed. :D

    TWENTY TWO: Ahh, grabbed my attention so much I quit the multitasking...for now....okay, TV doesn't count. :)

    ...gah, now I have a sudden urge to draw something...

    TWENTY THREE: I don't care if it's Buttercup, Mr. Powerpuff Girl, she's my date!" BAHAHAHAHA. Literally, I'm on the floor!
    And I just realized I haven't quoted in a while...damn me. :) Sorry, I'm so forgetful.



    TWENTY FIVE: "Were you naked?" Mikey asked, screwing his face up.
    "No!" D.B. blanched. "I was in my undies."
    "The Power Rangers ones?"
    "Nah, they were fancy, grown-up ones. Boxer-briefs. The Power Rangers ones are too small for me now."
    "Can I have them?"
    "Yeah, but I want your Harry Potter ones."
    "With the little Nimbus Two-Thousands and snitches all over them? No way!"
    "I'll give you Power Rangers and the Death Note ones."
    "Still not worth it. The broomstick boxers are my favorites out of - "
    "Boys," I interrupted sharply.
    "The patterns of your boxers are not the problem right now," Kim scolded.

    The laugh escaped at the end so I had to quote it. :) Just had to.

    TWENTY SIX: I don't know if Indigo is like me or not. There are times I think I would do exactly what she does, times I think I wouldn't and times when I would do the complete opposite. :/ I feel bad. For both of them. XD

    TWENTY SEVEN: I want to make words but my brain is dead from the last sentence of this chapter. :D

    10 Things I Hate About You - I can't even tell you how much I've watched that. xD


    TWENTY EIGHT: SPEECHLESS. Always am after such...such. DAMN.
    I kinda want to be Kim now. :D

    TWENTY NINE: "No!" I choked. "It's pizza! It's shaped like a triangle!" Bahaha, I couldn't just not quote that!

    THIRTY: Oh no. Strangely, I'm with Jack Lewinski on this one. :)

    And I'm not answering that. ...carving Mustang's face into bars of soap..

    THIRTY ONE: Oooh, Lush. Me likey! xD

    (looks around with deer-in-headlights eyes) ..Yes, I leaned so close to the screen that my nose sorta disappeared...

    "I'm sorry! Please, I'm sorry! Please don't go to the party!" he cried after me as I pushed through the bathroom door and walked down the hall. "Indy, please!" This almost made me cry. You know, the cry that's really an 'awww'. :)

    "Go home, you cow! Nobody wants you here!"
    [i/] HAHA. (I love this chapter!)

    ..Now I hate it. x_x

    THIRTY ONE: He went. He went. He went.

    That's really cruel of you, Sophie. They should have like, macked the night away. I mean, it would be something. Hmph.

    PS: Mulan is totally my favourite. Has nothing to do with China, nah uh. Nope. Definitely not. :]

    THIRTY TWO: Daaamn. My memory decided to present me with the reason for why I was so twitchy when reading the previous chapter... (I mean, yeah, he went. XD But it was way too much emotion.)

    And we were gone.

    I expected this two point five seconds before I read it.

    THIRTY THREE: AHH! xD THAT WAS...GAAAAH. XD I'm so close to doing a fangirlish scream of joy! :]

    THRITY FOUR: DAMN. I just remembered - last one! SHIT. SHIT.


    “Sounds good,” Kim answered, twirling a strand of her hair. “I call the white boots.”
    [i/] I started to cry here.

    I know what you're thinking, that long?! :) I feel proud that I lasted this long. It was hard but..Meh.

    GAH, MIKEY IS SO MY FAVE! I'm sorry D.B. You can like, have Indy. Oh but daaamn, what about Kim? Shit. I think she'd share no? XD

    This was an amazing read and I can't tell you how much I loved it to save my life. It's my favourite story, no doubt. And I know I say that after everything good I read but really! I mean it! How much? Enough to stop reading Death Note for now. Oh yeah, I went there. x]
    Everything about it was spectacular. I can't even choose a favourite anything. (except that one chapter, heh) I wouldn't change anything about this. Nothing. Well..maybe adding me into the story, but that doesn't count. I'm super jealous that you have a legit claim to all these wonderful characters. :)
    You are an amazing writer and I hope I'm not blowing your creative head up. If I had one wish, I'd wish that (right after wanting D.B./Mikey/Kira/L/Ed & Al/H&K/F&G/etc to be mine...) you'd never quit writing. I'd die (don't put it past me) if you did. I mean, it would really be a crime if you stopped. I'm your number one fan now! (WATCH OUT!) And I apologize in advance for my obsessive tendencies. It will soon grow annoying. All with love though, haha. :)


    *cough* As I was saying, the obsession is already starting. My fingers can't seem to stop typing and it's getting rather annoying. But don't worry, I've got a back up plan: Death Note. :D That should tame the fangirl...for now.
    Hmm, I'm kinda curious to see if the comment page could hold such a long comment. I'd split but now I'm really curious. So I'm sorry for whatever might happen after I press send. :D

    To D.B.: I'm yours any time! x]
    To Mikey: Do you even have to ask? XD

    PS: Gah, I'm wishing Time Lifts the Light was a manga now. It would be cool to see thatsexy scar of Daniel Booker Hawkins, aka my future Mr. You've got Gui, so all's fair eh? ...I'm going now.

    PPS: I feel sorta like D.B. Like I can do anything. -_- The obsession is already deep. Shit.
    February 27th, 2010 at 09:49pm
  • Awwww, it's over!
    For some reason, it didn't show up in my subscriptions, so I just finished the last chapter now.
    I feel all thoughtful inside, like that feeling after you get after watching an intense, happy/sad ending type of movie.
    I can't wait to read your new story!
    February 27th, 2010 at 07:25pm
  • Oh, this one seems so much more interesting. Well, only because D.B.H is like, so mysterious. :]

    As I was reading, I was thinking about time travel and then The Time Traveler's Wife.
    I've always been a fan of time travel.

    And the fact that this is completed makes me super happy. XD I've got like 33 chapters to read at my own will and time. Sweeeet.

    PS: You'll either get a composed comment of all the chapters ( including my rambles that tend to present itself at the end...) or random comments here and there. :) This story might just be my escape. The one I've been looking for.
    February 20th, 2010 at 07:57pm
  • I love your stories, every one of them seem to draw me in and i can't stop reading them. =)
    I also love that you know about River Pheonix!
    February 16th, 2010 at 01:48am
  • by the way, I saw that you posted something in here about A Very Potter Musical, and I wanted to tell you that a am absolutely obsessed with it now, too! so thank you for introducing me to it haha because i spent the last two days of my life watching it on youtube lmfao
    February 5th, 2010 at 11:24pm
  • beautiful. brilliant. entrancing. i just spent my whole day reading this from start to finish, and loved every solitary second of it. brava!
    February 4th, 2010 at 12:11am
  • That was an utterly perfect ending. If it had been a film or something I would have wanted them to rush off and save the world together in some amazing feat of time-genius, but as it was it was really cute and just lovely. I'm only sad that there'll be no more updates... :(
    As a parting comment, I would like to remind you that this is, and probably will continue to be, the best book I've read on Mibba so far, rivalling many of the books I've read in real life. Keep the amazingness up.
    January 3rd, 2010 at 11:02pm
  • t-the end?!
    well, i certainly didn't expect that! Dx
    i did love this one though c: D.B. is supah cool and he should
    definitely appear in other stories aha (as should Indigo, Kim and Mikey).

    at least you've already got another story up... x3
    January 2nd, 2010 at 02:34am
  • My heart broke when this story had come to an end. D: But this was such an amazing story. I'll miss D.B. and Indigo... and Mikey and Kim...
    December 30th, 2009 at 04:02am
  • Ahhh!
    The end?!
    It was amazing, though. (:
    I can't wait to see what else you'll write.
    December 30th, 2009 at 01:12am
  • THE END? Are you serious? Damn! I hope you do bring them back, because I love this story and I pray that there is a sequel!

    Luna C Ray
    December 29th, 2009 at 09:50am
  • IT'S OVER?!
    Oh man. Defiantly sad. But it just feels right to end it there, you know?
    I'm so happy I started to read this story. I loved the characters.
    Hell, I loved this story.
    December 29th, 2009 at 06:30am
  • loved the ending
    I really did :)
    Favourite but
    Mikey took off toward D.B.’s tragically beaten Sedan and Kim charged after him calling, “No! This is not a race! I called them!”
    Typical Mikey,I have such a crush on him,I'd totally steal him if I wasn't so scared of Kim :P
    December 29th, 2009 at 02:14am
  • I will forever admire your ability to end a story. You don't cut it off or draw it out. It is so beautiful.

    Wonderful story!!!! *fan girl scream*
    December 28th, 2009 at 06:53pm
    December 28th, 2009 at 06:47pm