The Best in Town - Comments

  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    This is brilliant x] made me laugh a lot I love how Ian thinks he's the one :D and Bullet's excuse is just pure genius! a bit of wind? sorry can't make it. Pure Genius! Amazing writers the pair of you! Can't wait for more :p
    May 22nd, 2009 at 11:52pm
  • The Color Abi

    The Color Abi (300)

    United Kingdom
    I just fell off my computer chair and hit my head on the CD rack besides it laughing!
    I know have blood rolling down my forehead but this comment is way more important then a bit of blood...

    "Sean, why are you wearing girl's underwear?" he asked, an odd expression flashing across his face.

    This story is just too funny!
    You're both amazing writers!
    I honestly can't wait for more!
    May 17th, 2009 at 02:25pm
  • cinnamongirl;

    cinnamongirl; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    This amused me greatly!
    May 10th, 2009 at 07:05pm
  • arizona skies.

    arizona skies. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    WHERE ARE ALL THE COMMENTS OF PRAISE? If you read this, seriously, effing comment.

    Moving a-long, this was epic really. I actually like Sean in this story, he's very entertaining, and some of the things he does, you just think 'why, oh why?' it's idiotic, yes, but it's making me laugh, so don't stop making him do stupid things. :tehe:

    I liked how sly he acted, he sort of reminded me of some wannabe evil genius, like he has the ultimate plan, he just needs a way to follow it through. But in the end, I'm still thinking, would Ian want him after he's lied? Probably, because Mr Cocky would be over it all in a flash, and moving on to his next victim. But I don't know, maybe we'll get another side to Ian, a more sensitive side, you've already revealed his main insecurity, so I think there's more to him than meets the eye. I don't know, I'm rambling now.

    I was everything he could possibly need - I was blonder than Fearne and I had a much better dress-sense than her. I found those bits a little pathetic of Sean. He can't seem to think of a good reason for Ian to ditch Fearne and be with him, other than the obvious, that he's probably also gay. Sean's a bit childlike and immature, in the way that he seems to have trouble thinking logically and how he jumps to conclusions. If he used his head a little bit more, he might manage to make his little plan work.

    I rubbed my hands together as my plan came into action. That's the evil genius, right there! I couldn't find it before to put it in with my earlier point. I can just imagine him as a proper pantomime baddie. He's got the look for it anyway.

    This is the line that made me think that he and Ian are made for each other before accusing her of being in bed with a member of my band. I decided to pin the blame on Gavin - primarily because he wasn't as important as me Sean obviously feels he's above everybody else, because he's gotten it into his head that Ian actually values him. If only he knew the truth, because Ian looks down on them, he thinks their inexperienced and are just giddy because of all the attention they're receiving. So I did feel a little bit sorry for Sean, just because he's gotten this idea into his head and he's all 'Ian wants me' when really, Ian doesn't. Ian only cares about himself, but saying that, so does Sean, he doesn't seem to care what happens to Gavin.

    Sean trying on Fearne's dress made me laugh so hard. It's not something I can imagine him doing, and that's what makes this story all the better, it is filled with cliches yes, but at the same time, you're making the characters do things you wouldn't expect them to. It makes it all that more original, and it's touches of humour and piss take like that, that's going to keep me pestering for updates. (: I liked how big headed he was, saying he looked amazing. It fuels his hatred over Fearne that bit more, how he can look good in her clothes, I bet he's thinking he can pull it off much better than she can. thinking that I looked mighty beautiful - which of course, I did. Oh he and Ian are just made for each other, aren't they? It's such a shame the feelings aren't obviously mutual, or are they? Only time will tell.

    I liked how the spell was broken when he was interrupted. It almost made me think Sean was suddenly ashamed that he'd tried her clothes on, and thought he looked good. It's as if reality has smacked him in the face and suddenly he can't be himself now, he's got to put his front back on.

    Right, I'm copying a lot here. Only cause this part made me laugh more than Sean's transvestite moment. The only people that aren't gay are Bob, Snoz and Iain - the average-looking people are never gay, of course. For goodness sake, you have to be sexy to be gay! He's partly right. Well, he is but he isn't. As my grandma says, all the good looking ones tend to be gay. And yeah, you've made some of the best looking Welsh men around, gay. Such a shame, and a waste.

    Again, I'm copying a lot. And Funeral For A Friend aren't gay either; nobody seems to care about them because they don't bum about and flirt with the rest of us. They're just boring grown-ups who sing about the sea, anyway. I'm really intrigued as to how FFAF fit into this story. They're very much the outsiders so far, they have Ian's respect and Sean doesn't seem to like them very much. I have a feeling they're going to play a huge part in this, and I really do think they'll all end up being gay, I don't care what Smith says here, I do think they're all secretly gay, they just don't put it about as much as the others. That is my theory anyway.

    Shay and Sean ehhh? (: SHAY'S TOO GOOD LOOKING FOR SEAN! Saying that, so is Ian. But anyway, but it was fine to have other people at my disposal for sex. I got the impression, it was Shay using Sean, but maybe it was mutual using. Hm. It shows you that Sean really isn't the best of people. He'll gladly use anyone to get what he wants, where he wants, or in this case, for his own pleasure. Not nice traits to possess, are they?

    "Sean, why are you wearing girl's underwear?" he asked, an odd expression flashing across his face. Haha. I like how it ended without anything being properly resolved. I'm wondering what Shay's further reaction to his underwear was now, whether he enjoyed it, or whether he was disgusted by it. Either way, Sean is going to be a big talking point of tour now, isn't he? Looking forward to the underwear jokes.

    Loved it. Of course I did, it was hilarious. (: I'm a bit annoyed that you don't have more comments. You deserve so much more than what you already have, and it's sad this story isn't picking up the momentum it should, because to be fairly honest, tons of people should be reading this. SILENT READERS, PULL YOUR SODDING FINGERS OUT AND COMMENT. (: My rant is over, but really, don't give up with this, it's reaaaaally good.
    May 10th, 2009 at 01:14pm
  • arizona skies.

    arizona skies. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    If future chapters are going to be as good and funny as the first two, I don't think I'm ever going to get bored of this story. It truly is going to be something epic. It's shocking you don't have more comments, seriously.

    Anyway, on with the comment. Ian! His royal cockiness. In a way, I want to despise him for being such a big headed arsehole, but it's so funny, you have to love him at the same time. It's clear he's going to be all 'me, me, me', and I loved the introduction to his character, I am my band, I am an amazing boyfriend, I am stylish, I am arrogant, I am talented, I am a designer and I am an arse. I loved how with all those positives, there was the ultimate negative stuck on the end. And it's true, he comes across as one of those. Ian's very much self centered, and if all eyes aren't him, he doesn't think it's worth bothering with.

    No one says no to Ian Watkins, unless you’re Matt Tuck of course. But he didn’t turn up because he was intimidated by my sheer presence. I laughed so hard. I'm sooooo hoping Mr Tuck makes an entrance at some point, just to chuck Ian off his cocky course for a while. I seriously think Matt would win in a fight against Ian anyway, he just looks, well, harder. (:

    The comparisons between Ian and Fearne were good. They're almost the same, only there's an obvious huge difference in the sense that Fearne seems like she's going to be more concious about what others think, and it's caring in a way, whereas you can tell Ian will use and abuse anyone and anything just to get what he wants, and he really doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. I love how he seemed to look down on KIGH and TBO, as if he's far superior to them, because he's been in the business much longer. It really challenges the real image of them all being best buddies, and gives the story a nice twist. It's also clear that he considers FFAF to be on the same level as himself, he seems to value them much more than the others, and I'm interested to see why, other than him classing them as the 'adults'.

    Your characters make me smile, and you've not even said anything yet! Nina and Nat are such cliches, and decked out in their boyfriends bands merch only adds to it. It's a really great element to throw into this mixing bowl, and its muchos entertainment for us. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you get up to and what you bring to the story, other than huge cliches (:

    But then again, this time I had Fearne with me, and looking at the other two girls I was suddenly filled with relief. Fearne wasn’t going to be the only girl on tour this time. Not all of the male attention was going to be on her side. And now we see Ian's weakness. I think he's scared of something sweeping Fearne off her feet and stealing her away from him. I think he puts a guard up and his cocky attitude is very much an act, I'm thinking Ian's got major insecurities here, but I could be really wrong. It's also made me think he's protecting himself against Sean, I have a feeling he sees him as some sort of threat, like Sean will be the one to steal Fearne. Oh, if only he knew!

    Anyway, I think you've gathered that I adore this story. It's refreshing, it's different, and it's a break from the usual angst ridden dramatics of the majority of stories that are scattered around this site. I'm loving it so far, keep it up, it's amazing. (:

    I think I'ma put this in the Pimping and Reccing thread.
    April 8th, 2009 at 08:29pm
  • Lady Lazarus

    Lady Lazarus (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Omg I laughed so hard at the thought of Ian with Handlebars :lmfao

    I love this!
    March 8th, 2009 at 08:32pm
  • the betrayed

    the betrayed (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I can so tell this is going to be one of the best stories, ever. :weird

    With it being a huge Welsh tour (that FFAF are on! Wow), I get the feeling lots will happen. Exciting things that the Welsh ones get up to. there's already mention of Rhys and Gav. ~~

    Sean seems really cokcy at the start, being all hardcore with the Backstreet Boys and being 'sexy and wanted' by many girls. But as soon as Ian gets involved, his ego deflates a little because of Fearne. You really show how much Sean hates her, by describing everyway that he hates her, but all of them seem to relate back to him. Like she's better at something then him or has more of something. It's like jealousy on a new level.

    I love that the girlfriends are all up for selling merch for the bands. And Nina totally whoring out KIGH merch buy wearing the shirt and using the bag. :tehe:

    Ian's facial fur! :XD Sean sounds horrified. Like it's the worst thing in his whole little world. Ian's comment about a third head made me laugh more then it should've.

    And Sean hates Fearne. *so already said that* He sounds like he's paranoid, with the 'Fearne chuckled to herself, as if she knew something that I didn't.' He doesn't seem to like that much, but seems pretty pleased that she went shopping.

    I'm quite looking forward for the next chapter. I'm going to enjoy reading it. :tehe:
    March 8th, 2009 at 03:58pm
  • arizona skies.

    arizona skies. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I really really really like this so far. I loved the beginning bit with Sean listening to Boyzone, cause he felt 'hardcore'. I'm liking his jealousy over Fearne and Ian. It sounds like there's going to be a lot going on in this story.

    The cliche 'I'm-going-out-with-someone-in-a-band-so-I-must-be-their-merch-girl' was good, especially cause you notice that it's cliche and obvious. I have a feeling that your characters will play quite a big part in this.

    It's very entertaining and quite funny so far, well done to you both for thinking of this, it's really good.
    March 8th, 2009 at 12:24pm
  • Sean Smith

    Sean Smith (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    :XD Very very nice.

    And funny :lmfao

    The start was especially rather fun. Sean seems to think he can have anyone, and will try and prove that by getting Ian. *tuts*

    Devious little Smithy :XD

    Sorry this is a short shitty comment.

    The image of Ian with that massive tasche has thrown me :tehe:

    March 5th, 2009 at 11:54pm
  • Sean Smith

    Sean Smith (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    :XD Very very nice.

    And funny :lmfao

    The start was especially rather fun. Sean seems to think he can have anyone, and will try and prove that by getting Ian. *tuts*

    Devious little Smithy :XD

    Sorry this is a short shitty comment.

    The image of Ian with that massive tasche has thrown me :tehe:

    March 5th, 2009 at 11:53pm
  • Sean Smith

    Sean Smith (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    :XD Very very nice.

    And funny :lmfao

    The start was especially rather fun. Sean seems to think he can have anyone, and will try and prove that by getting Ian. *tuts*

    Devious little Smithy :XD

    Sorry this is a short shitty comment.

    The image of Ian with that massive tasche has thrown me :tehe:

    March 5th, 2009 at 11:52pm
  • cinnamongirl;

    cinnamongirl; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    This made me giggle muchly.

    I so loovee your description of Fearne :file:
    March 5th, 2009 at 10:28pm