Memory. - Comments

  • the god of thunder.

    the god of thunder. (300)

    United States
    I told you I was going to review. :arms: So here I am.

    The ticking clock kept time with the rattling ribcage of the young man.
    :cheese: Great fucking line. I could have been reading the worst piece of a shitty fic in the world and that would make up for it and keep me going. Already, I was excited, and running into the story. The beautiful layout. Having seen you post between writing it and known the things going through your head that you shared at the same time. Not knowing at all what it was going to be about because the description area only basically layed out out. And once I read that first line... I took off running with a multicolored excitement. I didn't slow down until a while after it was over.

    Then I slowed for a minute. On the second paragraph, smoke healing my feet, I dead stopped and read it as slowly as I could, reading and inhaling every dot in the letters used to create it. I made myself out of this paragraph so well: I lost who I was and at that moment, I was in the form of this character. So easily I slid into the hollow skin; hearing it all. Feeling like I could hear the outside. I could barely see through the night-time fog that filled up a room. I lingered on that paragraph for the longest time before I moved on. There was heat, but no warmth. There was pleasure, but no joy. There were people, but no lovers. There was lust, but there was definitely no love. There were chemicals, but no intoxication. this, my friend, was possibly one of the most breath-taking and outstanding lines I've ever read. In Love It's meaning, the way the glue set it all together and kept it all so secure. I don't know anybody who could have possbly come up with those beautiful words, disregarding knowing how to put all of them together in the perfect fit.

    From then on, from the first word to the author's note, I found no pieces of trash in the streets. No awful space left between words.
    I felt such an intense stab of beauty while reading through it that nothing in the whole story had to make an ounce of sense, but
    that didn't matter. Because it was coming out of something so powerful and beautiful that by the time I read the last paragraph,
    my eyes were tearing up. Believe me. The drabble/one shot/story telling was wonderful. And it left me so happy, trying to slow from its grip on me.
    February 20th, 2009 at 05:15am