Opposites Attract - Comments

  • i didn't expect this to happen but great update
    June 23rd, 2010 at 07:14pm
  • okay seriously I was like :O when I saw the message from Mibba that there was an update even though you had told me like seconds before...

    WOW!!! Seriously? omg... I have no words for it, like seriously this is just purely awesome :O I'm like yeah wow... I was laying in bed when I started reading and then I was all :O and now I'm sitting up, I don't remember sitting up... seriously... your story made me sit up in bed :O
    I'll say it again "I bow down to you oh great master" *Bows*
    Awesome story, awesome chapter, awesome drama (I'm addicted to drama) and one hell of an awesome writer...
    June 23rd, 2010 at 04:59pm
  • Update por favor!
    This Tony drama is too good
    to stop now! >.<
    February 28th, 2010 at 06:01am
  • OMFG I think you just made me fall in love with Tony all over again :D

    That was such an awesome chapter I so know the next one is gonna be even more awesome :D I can't wait to read more of it it's just SUCH a good stoy it's impossible to not read it :D
    just sorry it took me so long =/
    August 27th, 2009 at 01:28pm
  • PS - I get what you mean when you said you wouldn't have much to work with if she did take the job and left Tony. So, it's good that she stayed.
    August 22nd, 2009 at 07:11am
  • Alright. So, basically she didn't take the job and Tony finally realized he would do the same if he went on tour and left her for blah months. I was sorta sad she let Tony win and didn't take the job, but then again, she also had a completely different reason, so that's good. Tony kind of got on my good side again, though I know he probably won't stay there. Besides.. They make a really cute couple. It's adorable.

    Anyways, two words: MORE DRAMA? What the hell do you have planned for the rest of this story? I'm completely blank on what it could be and it bugs me. So, no pressure or anything, but update soon? :D

    I love you and your writing, D.C! <3333
    August 22nd, 2009 at 07:09am

    You just won me over. I tried searching for a Mest fic a while ago, I don't know why I didn't see this. Anyways, I'm subscribed and now I'm off to read chapter 1. I'll let you know how that goes soon.
    August 21st, 2009 at 08:32am
  • great update
    i'm still in shock she didn't take the job though
    can't wait to find out what happens next
    August 19th, 2009 at 10:26pm
  • Awww, she didn't take the job!
    Though part of me is glad that she didn't, part of me really wanted her to take it. I mean, she's giving up an amazing opportunity just for him. I find that to be just a little ridiculous, but it wouldn't be the first time a girl's given up on a good thing all for the man she's with; so it's totally believeable. Plus, you have a good point, making her decline does give you more to work with.

    I'm lookin' forward to the drama to come!
    August 19th, 2009 at 08:27pm
  • I can't believe she didn't go! Tony is quite an asshole at times! I'm glad Matt told him how much of an ass he actually was, although I doubt that if Libby told him she was going, he would have taken it well.. I bet he would have broken it off with her.

    As for the drama to come... I might be wrong, but I sense that the man she think is perfect, might be very very far from it and may even be hiding stuff from her...
    August 19th, 2009 at 07:52pm
  • Blah!! I am soo pissed that she didnt take the job! But its true there would be three months worth of uneventful things happening. soo its for the best. I still want to kick tonys ass tho!
    August 19th, 2009 at 07:08pm
  • Well, part of me is glad she didn't accept, while the other part hoped she would have accepted the job.
    Loved the update, can't for more and see how it will work out. :)
    August 19th, 2009 at 06:18pm
  • I got high on happiness reading this.


    Haha, it's soo good! I really can't wait to read more!
    I want to kick Tony for the way he's acting, but at the same time it's cute! Because he doesn't want her to leave him! Right?!
    But still, I think he's being a dick.
    I have a feeling she's going to choose Tony over her dancing. I hope not though. Ohh, the dramaaaa.
    Anyway, update soon! x
    July 29th, 2009 at 10:19pm
  • aww !! I don't like him anymore ^^ he can be so selfish sometimes.. but i think it's part of men's behaviour ! in the same time, ask Tony to act like a "real" boyfriend, taking his girlfriend on a date.. n_n'
    loved the drama ! :D more soon?
    July 29th, 2009 at 12:06pm
  • i hate when guys make you choose.
    more soon?
    July 26th, 2009 at 04:50am
  • Bad Tony! Good drama! :D

    Wow, that was crazy. I can't believe he would make her choose like that. His last girlfriend really did mess him up, man.. I mean, he goes on tour, too. I wonder what she's going to pick, though. That'd be a tough decision for me to make, especially since I can never choose anything. |: I'll be patiently waiting for more! I'm way excited.
    July 25th, 2009 at 08:46pm
  • Good drama. But goodness! Tony sure is being an ass! Just because she got the job and is gonna be gone for a while he thinks that she's screwed him over? What the heck? She shouldn't have to choose between her career and him, that's just ridiculous. But then again, maybe I'm just crazy. Haha.

    Loved the update! Lookin' forward to more!
    July 25th, 2009 at 05:58pm
  • I love the drama, but right now I just want to slap Tony... Like, whatthe hell? he should be happy for her, but no...
    They aren't going to break are they? or maybe it's over already... I dunno.
    Loved the update :D can't wait for more!
    July 25th, 2009 at 05:41pm
  • i'm a masochist to be honest so I'm kinda loving that Tony but yet not I still have a rational thought in my head, surprisingly enough as that may seem but he's being mean and he's not being nice, Tony should be nice, he doesn't know how good he has it with her... I mean she's probably the best thing he's ever had in his life... a devoted girlfriend that would do anything at the drop of a dime.... =O OH NO! you're not thinking what I'm thinking she's thinking about doing?
    didn't I just confuse the fuck out of everything?

    Anyway the way she got after the phone call was the cutest =) she got all hyper and cute it was adorable =D

    Great and awesome update =D now i can't wait for more =D
    July 25th, 2009 at 05:31pm
  • i lyk onli sined up 4 this site 2 read ure storys
    mi mate on livejournal told mi about thm
    i luv it111
    u rok
    July 25th, 2009 at 05:05pm