Flux - Comments

  • Cristina Scabbia

    Cristina Scabbia (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I think the reason I loved this was the fact it was just so different, what with it being in a different time era and having Matt in an entirely different situation than the norm. You weren't afraid to make the character of Matt your own, and you changed him without making him seem unrecognisable. If that makes sense. :tehe:

    The opening was good. The second that people found out about the Titanic and where it was heading, everyone wanted a place on board. It's like, this massive thing and everybody wants to be a part of it. And I can really picture it, with people desperately trying to get all the money they can together, so they can be a part of history and be on the maiden voyage of the ship. It shows how much things have changed, and how much money was worth to people back in that era.

    I loved Matt's introduction. Matthew Davies was one of the poor that had accepted that he wasn’t meant to board the Titanic and escape to New York. He's instantly portrayed as a character who hasn't necessarily had the best life, but he seems like an optimist for his future. Like, he accepted he's not meant to go without a second thought, and I can imagine him just telling himself that it's not meant to be. He doesn't seem to be used to luxury so doesn't expect it - which was why he didn't think he was meant to go on the Titanic.

    His optimism shows here, too. He can see through the bad and look straight at the good. The only comfort he got from knowing those negative facts was that his boss’ daughter, Jessica was staying behind as well. From this line it's obvious he cares about her. I liked the fact that this sentence was a paragraph of its own, it made it stand out more and I think this was one of the most important lines in the whole story.

    I think that Matt still thinks a little lowly of himself, because of his situation and the fact he's not rich. During his time working for them he had fallen for Jessica and it had surprised him a few months ago when she had confessed her love for him. He seems a little self-conscious about himself - what with the fact he'd been surprised when Jessica had told him she loved him - and I think that he can't see the person he really is. Which is kinda sad.

    Matt seems to have really fallen for her. Matthew stopped his cleaning task immediately, focusing all his attention on her. It's like when she's in the room, nothing else matters. She seems to be his life and she's always somewhere on his mind.

    I felt Matt's pain when Jessica announced she was going on the Titanic with Samuel. Matthew closed his eyes for a moment. He hoped if he kept them closed for long enough he would wake up and all of this would be some sort of heartbreaking nightmare. I think this was one of the best descriptions in the oneshot, I could really empathise with him and it's like his whole world is crashing down around him, but he doesn't want to say it out loud, he wants to hide away.

    This was so sad. His tone was coated in acid. It stung Jessica. I think this is the first time that Matt really shows how much he cares for her. He wants to fight for her, but he knows how useless it would be. So he's disappointed and it shows in his voice. He feels annoyed that Jessica's life has already been set out for her and she doesn't have a say in it. And it makes me feel really sorry for him and the position that he's in. This is reiterated in the next paragraph - He treated Robert and Margaret Clark with less respect, resenting them for setting up Jessica’s love life for her - it shows that he doesn't like all this hierarchy.

    I think he feels a little bit of regret for acting the way he did though, because at the end of the day he has a job. Matthew expected to lose his job when he was called to join Robert and Margaret in the dining room of their grand house. The fact that he expected to lose his job shows that he knows he shouldn't have treated them with less respect. If that makes sense.

    Matt's hurt is really evident when he learns that the Titanic has sunk. Stunned to absolute silence, Matthew left the dining room, trying to wrap his head around the fact that Jessica could have perished to death in the Atlantic Ocean. He doesn't know what to say and he's just hurting so much. He can't quite bring himself to believe it all and I think he wants to try and convince himself that everything will be okay, but he can't quite do it.

    Jessica's entrance was really well done, what with the fact that Matt's jaw dropped open, and I think he has to do a double take because he's just convinced himself that she's dead at the bottom of the ocean.

    This was clever. Matthew wasn’t quite sure what he should say, so he simply nodded. This shows that he's still trying to get his head around the fact that she's not dead. He's completely made up but he can't put it into words. So he just nods and hopes it will be enough for her.

    The ending was perfect. “I love you, and I don’t care what anyone thinks about that anymore,” she confessed. I love that she finally decides that she wants to come clean about their relationship, and Matt's relief is evident too - Matthew smiled to himself, the first genuine smile to grace his features since Jessica had told him she was leaving. I think he can only smile when he's with Jessica.

    By the way, the last paragraph worked just fine! I think it was one of my best bits, in all honesty. The Titanic had sunk, which was a tragedy in itself, but he wouldn’t experience any personal remorse since the love of his life hadn’t gone down with it. I love how Matt viewed it - he felt bad, but at the same time was over the moon that Jessica hadn't gone on the boat.

    An absolutely beautiful oneshot. Thank you for entering it. :arms:
    April 19th, 2009 at 10:53pm
  • mmmxkkxthanks

    mmmxkkxthanks (100)

    United States
    It was so cute.
    You're a good writer.
    February 28th, 2009 at 06:04pm