Trigger - Comments

  • skeletonletters.

    skeletonletters. (100)

    United States
    You make me cry.
    That wasn't an emo hot mess at all, it was beautiful.
    God, I'm so obsessed with you.
    I wish I had more of a life so that it could be a joke or something, but I LITERALLY am obsessed with you.
    Ugh, I just love you. Arms
    March 18th, 2011 at 03:06am
  • Chemically Romantic

    Chemically Romantic (100)

    United States
    Oh. My. Effing. God.

    How does this only have two comments?!
    This is quite possibly the best one-shot I've ever read. It was confusing, but in a good way. And so amazingly beautiful and heart-wrenching, and just.. ugh! I wish I could give great, in-depth reviews, because I would for this. But it's just too great, I can't even.. I don't even know. In Love

    September 21st, 2009 at 04:36am
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    One day, your whole life is as clear as glass. Nothing’s hard. Nobody wishes you were dead. And then something happens. Turns your life inside-out.

    This was a beautiful opening. Lovely way to get inside his head.

    Nobody ever touched me before like he did. Fingers tracing over bones jutting out behind skin and freckles. Shirt pulled over a chest slowly, nervous, shy. Clothes ending up on the floor like dead bodies that got eaten away by birds for so long, that only the hollow interiors of abandoned shirts and shoes were left. His lips burning stains onto my back. Windows fogged up from all the heat we produced.

    This paragraph pretty much made me melt. The slightly choppy sentences lent themselves perfectly to the stream-of-consciousness feel. Simply lovely.

    Something sharp stabbing into the bottom of my foot. A pebble stuck inside my shoe. My feet hurt from walking, but I feel like my brain is tuned into a lost radio station, static blurring voices in the background, the most terrible sound in the world, and I’m not stopping until I figure it all out.

    I've never seen anyone do stream of consciousness like you can. It is definitely your forte'. Simply beautiful, I can barely describe it.

    A hundred million naked trees tangle around the haunted house. A whole forest hiding everything. Guitar thumping against my spine as my shoes connect with the wood floor, wallpaper curls up into dead rose petals in every direction. Bugs and the hook-like hands of monsters with long, sharp, curling fingernails poke up through the cracks in the wood floor. Ghost faces fade in and fade out into the dirty windows.

    This paragraph made my heart ache, for some odd reason. It's so beautiful! I could feel everything he was feeling; I felt like I was inside his head. Gorgeous.

    I leave the guitar on the floor, listen to that awful not-really-broken sound until I can’t stand it anymore and have to pick it back up again. The chair I use is always empty, left empty since nobody else wants whatever disease I have crawling on my skin to rub off on them. When I fall back into the chair, the bottom of the guitar thumps against the armrest, vibrating the strings, creating an echo in the room that bounces off of the walls, making the wallpaper peel off, the grime bleed down from behind it.

    I cannot describe how your writing makes me feel. You're strength (from what I can tell) definitely lies in describing and conveying emotions. You're amazing.

    We’ll keep each other safe this time. Under each other’s skin.

    This sentence almost made me cry.

    I can't describe your writing. I really can't. I was enthralled the entire time, tears came to my eyes, and I just... I can't describe.


    And congratulations on being first! :cute:
    March 20th, 2009 at 07:54pm
  • waits.

    waits. (250)

    United States
    Oh... oh wow. So, this is pretty much one of the greatest things I've ever read before.


    The way you narrated it was so, so amazing. You could really get into his head and feel his emotions.


    Great job!!
    March 20th, 2009 at 04:53am