Superstitious - Comments

  • Dynamite

    Dynamite (100)

    I liked it.
    It reminds me of my childhood. I use to be slightly OCD, like I would count the steps it would take to get to somewhere. And it always had to be an even number, if not, then I would go back and do it again. I also re arranged everything from short to tallest. And I never stepped on cracks.

    Eventually, I stopped by myself. =D
    Thank you. :)

    I did the same. Stepping on the cracks used to make me have minor panic attacks. I counted the steps it took me to walk to school, and it had to be exactly the same or I felt upset. You do stop yourself... eventually.
    March 10th, 2009 at 07:58pm
  • arly

    arly (100)

    United States
    I liked it.
    It reminds me of my childhood. I use to be slightly OCD, like I would count the steps it would take to get to somewhere. And it always had to be an even number, if not, then I would go back and do it again. I also re arranged everything from short to tallest. And I never stepped on cracks.

    Eventually, I stopped by myself. =D
    March 10th, 2009 at 06:36pm