A Family Not Meant To Be. - Comments

  • demolitionlover13

    demolitionlover13 (105)

    United States
    Ahh, I left it up on the screen, and went to the bathroom, and I came back and my mom was reading it.. She really liked it.
    Haha, I was all like 0.0, because she has NEVER read any slash, I tried to keep her from that sort of stuff, but she had tears in her eyes and all.
    September 10th, 2009 at 05:58am
  • demolitionlover13

    demolitionlover13 (105)

    United States
    Dude.. That was the fucking best one-shot I've ever read. Really beautiful.
    I'm stil bawling my eyes out.
    September 7th, 2009 at 10:52pm
  • Catherine Jane

    Catherine Jane (255)

    United States
    omg, im like in tears now, that was so sad!! the story was so amazing, it felt so real, i guess u can say, but damn! i didn't expect him to lose them both at the end, it surely wasn't a happy ending!

    that was so sad, so beautiful, indescribable, i can't even say what that was just.. wow.......................... *cries fucking eyes out*

    Frankie (ur new reader and new stalker!!)
    March 27th, 2009 at 07:53pm
  • Four-Letter-Lie

    Four-Letter-Lie (100)

    New Zealand
    I Think A Part Of Me May Have Just Died A Bit..

    That Was Amazing.

    You Are A Briliant Writer.
    March 17th, 2009 at 08:52am
  • Alice Verney

    Alice Verney (150)

    United States
    jesus erika another heart wrenching oneshot from you. it made me exteremely close to crying but damn frank lost his son and gerard in the end
    March 16th, 2009 at 09:33pm
  • I C G P

    I C G P (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh Erika, you legend. I will be unsurprised if this wins it to be honest. It's amazing. I'm flabbergasted (:lmfao what a word!).

    I especially found myself loving your flashbacks within other flashbacks. You managed to cram in so much information that I felt it was almost as though I'd read a story about them. It was skillfully done, and I didn't find myself getting lost throughout it at all, which is good. Frank's point of view was heartbreaking, though at first I had thought that perhaps it would be from Gerard's perspective, I'm happy it wasn't.

    My heart was torn in two by the end. I loved the relation to the Bible about Aaron having to die - I found that extremely effective and I loved it. It was really relevant. Also the part about two men having children also manages to relate to the Bible as well. If I was Frank I would have probably instantly said to kill the baby, which at first I assumed he should have instantly done but no, you threw us off course with his promise to Gerard about not killing their child.

    I guess this was like the ultimate situation. Let one die, and let the other live through turmoil, or let them both die? Personally I found myself wishing at the end that Frank had come to decision sooner, and I love the way he was eaten up by the regrets of not having said something quicker. In the end I caught myself wishing that he could go back in time and have that moment again.

    8000 words. You never fail to stun me. :mrgreen:
    March 16th, 2009 at 08:24pm
  • ZombieBeth

    ZombieBeth (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Oh my gosh.
    When I first read Gerard was pregnant i was like "Ehh?" but it was amazing!
    I'm so sad that neither of them made it!
    My heart broke for Frank :(
    March 16th, 2009 at 06:40pm
  • revengefulvampire

    revengefulvampire (105)

    Great Britain (UK)
    OMG! i am pretty much in tears! it was so so heartbreakingly sad!! it was amazing though!
    March 14th, 2009 at 10:11pm
  • Devihla

    Devihla (100)

    I bow to you and your well-written, sad, intense story!
    March 13th, 2009 at 05:26pm
  • Unapologetic Apathy

    Unapologetic Apathy (100)

    United States
    Oh my. Erika, this was so, so sad! You truly have written something very beautiful with this. Wow. I am at a loss for words right now...

    8,000+ words is very impressive. It was detailed beautifully, I love the way you did the flashbacks within the flashbacks. At first I was confused, but then realized that Frank was flashing back to the beginning of this whole pregnancy, re-living the absolute critical [yes, I chose that word on purpose] moments of the thing that wound up destroying him, destroying them. Wow. It was gorgeously written. I applaud you very much for being so creative, writing those flashbacks within the flashbacks... it was brilliant. It was the perfect way to give us the details of how everything came to be with what little time you had to do it in. Very well done <3

    That promise that Gerard made Frank give him was simply heartbreaking. Poor, poor Frank. I can't imagine what he must have been going through. And then to find out that had he chosen sooner, he may have possibly saved them both... it must have been such awful news for someone to hear. The worst news you could ever get, to be honest. This was just so, so sad.

    However.... it's awful to think this, but Frank said in the story that he needed Gerard to be there, to help him figure out what to do. He had Gerard's wishes from the beginning; save the baby. Had he agreed to save the baby like Gerard wished in the beginning, would both of them be saved? These are all things that Frank has to live with now. His entire life is gone; his husband, his baby... everything is just gone. How will he live after this, how will he carry on?

    This was so very heartbreaking, but so beautiful at the same time. A perfectly written tragedy that nearly reduced me to tears on quite a few occasions. This was downright lovely, my dear. I'm amazed by this, and quite simply blown away. If this isn't in the top 3 I will be very disappointed.

    Amazing work, love. <33
    Just reading this makes me want to just back away now.

    This is so good, it made me cry!

    It's soooo sad!

    That's horrible what happened to them...

    But it was so amazing and sad..,

    March 13th, 2009 at 03:14am
  • lizzicleromance

    lizzicleromance (100)

    United States
    Oh my. Erika, this was so, so sad! You truly have written something very beautiful with this. Wow. I am at a loss for words right now...

    8,000+ words is very impressive. It was detailed beautifully, I love the way you did the flashbacks within the flashbacks. At first I was confused, but then realized that Frank was flashing back to the beginning of this whole pregnancy, re-living the absolute critical [yes, I chose that word on purpose] moments of the thing that wound up destroying him, destroying them. Wow. It was gorgeously written. I applaud you very much for being so creative, writing those flashbacks within the flashbacks... it was brilliant. It was the perfect way to give us the details of how everything came to be with what little time you had to do it in. Very well done <3

    That promise that Gerard made Frank give him was simply heartbreaking. Poor, poor Frank. I can't imagine what he must have been going through. And then to find out that had he chosen sooner, he may have possibly saved them both... it must have been such awful news for someone to hear. The worst news you could ever get, to be honest. This was just so, so sad.

    However.... it's awful to think this, but Frank said in the story that he needed Gerard to be there, to help him figure out what to do. He had Gerard's wishes from the beginning; save the baby. Had he agreed to save the baby like Gerard wished in the beginning, would both of them be saved? These are all things that Frank has to live with now. His entire life is gone; his husband, his baby... everything is just gone. How will he live after this, how will he carry on?

    This was so very heartbreaking, but so beautiful at the same time. A perfectly written tragedy that nearly reduced me to tears on quite a few occasions. This was downright lovely, my dear. I'm amazed by this, and quite simply blown away. If this isn't in the top 3 I will be very disappointed.

    Amazing work, love. <33
    March 12th, 2009 at 09:03pm
  • newjerseyatemywallet

    newjerseyatemywallet (100)

    United Kingdom
    That was so sad, I really thought just the baby would make it and then... Sad

    anyway lets start from the beginning... I thought this line was particulary good.
    Something, or someone, was stealing it. (in reference to blood)

    Oh and fyi me being the idiot I am, kinda didn't really take in the title.
    so firstly I didn't take in the 'not meant to be' part of the story, It totally came as a shock by the end.
    And secondly at this line
    and they didn't want to cut him open as they were afraid it would hurt the fetus

    due to not really taking in the title, was a major shock for me

    I was like fetus?!? Swoon
    I then immediately went to check the gender.

    This part of the story, (how the lines were used) was especially wonderful.
    I don't know how long, but I lay there until I felt his breathing slow down to a soft, even pattern, effectively telling me that he was finally sleeping.
    This line was immediately followed by a time switch and this line -
    "Gerard, don't leave me, don't fall asleep.

    The sudden contrast and change, in example above, is what made the time switching possible, and effective.
    Although it did confuse me at first, because I am stupid, and don't really notice things like bold or italics changes when I'm reading.

    Altogether whoa, I like the idea it fits the prompt yet its not what you would expect.

    *sighs at the fact they would of made amazing dads* In Love
    March 12th, 2009 at 07:48pm