They Say Opposites Attract - Comments

  • lol, how can you say it has no love when my one shot got 3 comments, 2 of whiich I begged for?

    Anyeay, love3d the whole ying/yang thing... perfect in every way that
    Well done you
    April 19th, 2009 at 10:00pm
  • Wow, I really liked it. Frank is so adorable the way he is in a dress and I thought he would just appear in a white suit to contrast Gerard's black one but that was really good how you changed that. Well done!
    April 4th, 2009 at 10:25pm
  • Okay, sooooooo, comment ensues as follows. [yes there will be many smiles as my sincere apology.] :armsArms:armsArms

    So you already know I loooooooooved it [I'm assuming] now I'll tell you what I loved about it!

    First off, Frank In a dress In Love In Love Swoon :cheese: :crazy: Just, seriously, that is the cutest thing ever and I could actually see Frankie doing that.

    Secondly, you just can't write without some form of abuse can you? And why is Gee always the savior? Why can't Frankie save Gee once in awhile? -bats eyelashes- Please? You know you're Frankie's here to save you. But even if there is abuse and even if It's Gee saving Frankie again, I still think that's so sweet and it works so perfectly here.

    Thridly, I love how sweet Donald seems to be in this, taking the part of the Bride's father. It's so amazingeven if it took me ages to get you to finally write it correctly Whistle:

    I can't think of a fourth point. Sad but that's okay, because the entire thing was amazing and beautiful and well written. I just loved it to pieces. ^_^
    March 28th, 2009 at 12:32am
  • O.M.G.
    This is amazing, hunny-kins!!!!
    I started to cry when Gerard was saying his vows! It's so cute, they call each other "my yin" and "my yang"....
    I love the theme.... its so there, you know?
    March 19th, 2009 at 02:07am
  • Wow! Good entry In Love I love it!

    I particularly like how there are many things that are opposite about the two; Frank is a 'girl', Gerard is a boy; Frank is the Yang, Gerard is the Ying; Frank is the one who lost his family, Gerard is the one with the loving family etc. Also I really like how both boys view the other as the white pure part of the opposing colours. Frank sees Gerard as white because he has not had to put up with his family falling apart - so in that way Gerard is perfect. However Gerard sees Frank as the pure one because he has not had the drug and alcohol addictions.

    Oh dear, you made me laugh so much when Frankie was wearing a dress. I can so imagine that, except Gerard's face is more stunned than 'awh-ing'. I guess it was just strange. I had assumed that Frank would dress in white (because Gerard is in black and his opposite), but I had expected a white suit not a dress! It mae me laugh so much.

    You're a really good writer and I love this. It's awesome.
    March 18th, 2009 at 05:30pm
  • OMG, I love this...I love how it has so many different emotions in're really a great writer, and I found nothing wrong with this...keep up the good work
    March 18th, 2009 at 04:36am
  • I am very sure there is nothing wrong with it, I honestly think it's fantastically brilliant.
    March 17th, 2009 at 10:45pm
  • No ones commented on it...

    Except you Alice.. Is you sure there's nothing wrong with it??
    March 17th, 2009 at 08:58pm
  • Oh my god, I can't believe no one has commented on this yet.

    This is so bloody amazing!

    Geesus, I'm just like Shocked wo-ah.



    :arms: Keep it up!
    March 17th, 2009 at 08:25pm