Swear Jar - Comments

  • I C G P

    I C G P (100)

    United Kingdom
    Okay, so I admit. I've never read your writing before, but I've heard of your writing. Well, all those people were right to say the least. Your writing is amazing. I was absolutely stunned throughout the whole of this.

    The thing I liked the most was that it wasn't too long. Thinking back now I feel like I've read a book rather than a single chapter. My mind was trying to run away with the story after you, well, finished it so to speak. You could have carried on with your description and done too much of it, but you knew exactly when to stop and when to put in dialogue. I also loved how their reunion is a big thing to them, but it's only marked by a single kiss and a bit of groping. That was nice.

    The swear jar - your prompt - was used so well. Really really well. You could have used it so explicitly but you didn't, and I loved how we left to use our imagination on what the boys would get up to. Awh yeah, that was nice. In Love It means we could build our own perception on what they would get up to, which leaves us fine to put in as many fetishes and possibly moments of Mikey walking in and going 'Erm okay..."

    Oh dear, I only have 8 minutes on my laptop battery left so I just want to say that basically I love this and I think it will come into the top 10 for sure.

    March 28th, 2009 at 11:52am
  • homogeneous

    homogeneous (100)

    United States
    You know what I think it is? Your way with words, Missy. Every story I've read of yours have some amazing description. Every. Single. One. You just seem to make everything so damned easy to picture, so all I really have to do is read the words. I don't have to work at imagining anything really... it's all done for me. I absolutely adore how you do that.

    I'm looking at the story now... and I've only counted six lines on dialogue. Six. Nothing more, nothing less. Just six. I would have sworn that there was more because I was so entertained the whole time, you know? And usually when everything is flat out description with a few thoughts or memories here and there it gets all YAWN and you hit the back button because well... it's kind of boring. Nothing is happening... they're describing a town with words like "big" or... "boring" There's no depth to it at all. [There was no story --- to my knowledge -- that did that. PURELY and example :shifty] But here... everything is so entertaining. And it was definiately not to long or short. Everything that needed to be said was said. It didn't drag on or get cut off which I think was cool too.

    You made a cute one-shot!. :cute: You said you were going to do it and you did. Gosh, Cobbie. I must say that I'm proud. I knew you could do it though. I mean... I still knew it was yours too. You didn't go and do something different to the point were I couldn't recognize that it was yours. You just have that thing where I can read something and be like "OH THAT"S COBBIE'S" and this... I could tell it was yours. Right away.

    I'm not really surprised that I liked this as much as I did. I just hope that you were happy with it. You are your own worst critic, and I think that you should be proud. Really and honestly. :arms: You're going to to well in this contest. I just know it. And if you don't... well... you should have. ahaha.
    March 21st, 2009 at 12:36am
  • likeghostsinthesnow

    likeghostsinthesnow (100)

    United Kingdom
    I adore this oneshot, I think you interpreted your prompt really nicely, and then you used it well at the end. I actually really like the idea that he's just putting the money in there anyway, rather than doing it after because it shows the... passion that they know will ensue.

    I love the repetition at the end of the first and second paragraph of 'He smiled.' It's so simple, yet it conveys their happiness perfectly.There were a couple of typos, and normally I would let them slip but it's for a great comp and I'm trying to help so: navy canvass should be canvas (I even looked it up incase it was different in America :lmfao), and door into he chef’s kitchen should be 'into the chef's...'

    I love that you left our imagination to do the rest [;

    Awesome oneshot overall In Love
    March 19th, 2009 at 03:36pm
  • Skiba

    Skiba (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    You possess a great gift for description. I could imagine the mansion so clearly that i felt as if i were there for a moment. You did an excellent job! I wish you the very best of luck for the contest.
    March 19th, 2009 at 10:23am
  • Saint Gut-Free

    Saint Gut-Free (150)

    That was amazing.

    Seriously. (:
    March 19th, 2009 at 09:28am
  • RejectionLetter.

    RejectionLetter. (100)

    United States
    This was a very lovely one shot, the descrition was so vivid and beautiful, it truly painted a picture. I like the concept of the one-shot itself, these writing promts have produced wonderful stories from such talented writers.
    Amazing job, the wording and everything just seemed to flow, I loved it [:
    March 19th, 2009 at 08:48am