A Modest Disposal - Comments

  • EponineObsessive

    EponineObsessive (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I think the whole point of the story is that the writer is childish, though obviously somewhat intelligent. I'm not sure if you understand it. Funny, I don't think she wasted a word; everything was striking at a different meaning. Also, if you're going to grow bored every time you're confronted with a long paragraph, maybe writing isn't for you...

    All that fuss over an onomatopoeia . 'Blam' has a comic-book sense to it - in this context, I think it works better than 'boom' or 'bang', the alleged acceptable gun noises.

    (Also, it's 'you're', not 'your' when shortening 'you are'. Just saying, those who live by the sword...)
    March 30th, 2009 at 09:17pm
  • Isabella.

    Isabella. (550)

    United Kingdom
    I will be reviewing this as I go.

    The summary was awkward and made no sense to me; it didn’t really clue me in on what this story was about. I mean the layout makes it obvious it’s about a hospital—maybe your summary should’ve been based on that.

    I liked the way you opened it up; you seem to be doing a lot of second person, and then you switch it back to first person—it’s confusing. But the way you opened up the chapter was brilliant; because you give the sense of emotion; the imagery is quite strong. And vivid . . . and I liked that.

    I think the state of you capitalizing your ‘blams’ informs the reader your shouting, and then plus, that isn’t a word. Guns don’t do that, they go ‘boom’ . . . or ‘bang’. Hmpf, you make it sound like a nine year old is attempting to tell the story and then you have them start again like a video game and make him/her retell the bloody paragraph. But then . . . it has a mature, teenage feeling sense to it. That’s good.

    Thank you is two words, not one. It’s not a compound word, doll. That really huge paragraph should’ve been split up in smaller paragraphs. I got bored, honestly—I got tired of the perspective and the whole violent, and the continuous mention of guns. It was annoying, and it was the same thing over and over . . . just rephrased differently.

    The imagery was good, though; it was strong. The description and comparisons are good. But I felt you could’ve done better with this one-shot. I see potential, and I believe you have it . . . I just feel like you didn’t try; and that sucks. Because on another note, it sounded very childish.
    March 29th, 2009 at 04:40pm
  • Sweetacher

    Sweetacher (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    No - that's the beauty of fiction. The writer themselves does not need to be a homicidal loner to write as one. :XD

    It's set in America, and I hold no grudge against people who use foundation-lipstick, and my dad does not have a rack for the guns. They're hidden very discreetly. Don't worry. I'm not going to come in on May the eighth and secure myself an international minor headline.
    March 28th, 2009 at 10:00am
  • tendo choi

    tendo choi (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    :| :shock: Should I be worried?
    March 27th, 2009 at 11:02pm