Croquis. - Comments

  • Skiba

    Skiba (150)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I've been trying to comment this for a while now, but for some reason my comment would never send. I wrote a really long one the first time and I lost it -_-


    This is one of the best Frerard stories i've ever read. You had me completely hooked from the very first paragraph. I loved the way you built thier realtionship up gradually with a series of anecdotes and then we saw how it began to deteriorate, with the reader never actually knowing the true cause of why thier relationship had fallen apart. Was it because Gerard didn't think Frank was 'beautiful' anymore? Was it just the loss of 'love' that most married couples go through? Was it because Gerard had found this other guy and therefore thought he was better than Frank? It made me wonder if Gerard had ever actually loved Frank for the person he was, or did he only love him for his body? So many questions were running through my mind towards the end, and when the ending came, it broke my heart. It made me incredibly angry at Gerard, and for a moment, I actually had to tell myself that it was only fiction!

    You should be very proud of yourself. This was an excellent one-shot and it was very well written. I'm sure you will do very well in the contest and i wish you the best of luck :]
    April 7th, 2009 at 10:53am
  • pomkitten

    pomkitten (100)

    United States
    wow. awesome.
    April 4th, 2009 at 08:35pm
  • likeghostsinthesnow

    likeghostsinthesnow (100)

    United Kingdom
    Oh, and pretty pretty please with a cherry on top can we have a sequel?? In Love
    April 1st, 2009 at 11:17pm
  • likeghostsinthesnow

    likeghostsinthesnow (100)

    United Kingdom
    I am actually crying. Like a fucking baby. I never cry. You made me cry. I don't cry! Especially not at stories, this is the first one that has genuinely made me cry, ever.

    Well, ladies and gentlemen I think we have a winner.

    I'm really sorry, but I was so completely engrossed in that that I couldn't pick out any good points. I'm sure, in fact, I know there were hundreds, if not thousands of amazing points to pick out but I simply had to continue reading. Some corrections that may need altering:

    The croquis modeling was just a job I'm pretty sure modelling has two Ls, but I'm not entirely certain...

    my lovers lips This should be 'lover's lips'.

    having to much pent up 'having too much'

    I'm merely stating those so that you have more chance of winning (not that there's a chance you won't win!) I loved the way you used the nakedness, and also the turn around from being very happy to being very sad. It was amazing, but so so sad In Love

    You did so amazing. If you don't come in the top three I will eat a guitar pick and take a video of it to prove it. I'm serious.

    That was amazing In Love
    April 1st, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • geraldine.

    geraldine. (100)

    You. made. me. Cry.
    April 1st, 2009 at 08:13pm
  • Sticky Tape

    Sticky Tape (100)

    this is brilliant

    if i was capable of writing a 300 word responce to that, i would, but its just too beautiful... im in awe... you have amazing writing ability... and i love the hollow idea of croquis, and the short flurry of activity that you've tied to this story... its genious really.
    March 31st, 2009 at 03:40pm
  • Palahniuk

    Palahniuk (150)

    United States
    This was amazing. Absolutely beautiful.

    It made my heart swell, broke it, patched it together again, and then tore it right out of my chest.

    I'm sobbing right now. I may be a crier, but not once has a story brought on this much emotion.

    In the beginning, I felt like I was complete, and that my heart was full and ready for anything. By the end of it, I felt empty inside.

    Wonderful job.

    March 28th, 2009 at 08:41am
  • Catherine Jane

    Catherine Jane (255)

    United States
    okay, THIS story really did put me in tears. it was so.. unpredictable. so uncertain, so unique, but everything was in the right place, all the cliff-hangers (as i was really hanging, wondering what was to happen next), all of the twists.

    i knew this was a one-shot, but at the end of the 'first chapter', it almost seemed like it would end there, just like it was a happy ending. then at the second part of the one-shot, everything changed. everything got bad.. it was so.. wow. just amazing. after i read the part where Gerard couldn't draw Frank anymore, i almost went over the edge. then when i got to the part with Jake, THAT was where i lost it. i wanted to jump inside the computer and into the story and beat the shit out of Gerard for doing that. i mean that was so..... it was so unpredictable in a way, yet so.. i almost felt like i knew the whole time that it was going to end this way, but almost like i couldn't admit it. but it was so amazing. i couldn't believe it. i fell in love with Gerard in the beginning, he was so perfect, so sweet, he seemed like the kind for Frank, even if Frank thought that he wasn't gay in the beginning.

    I loved how the whole croguis thing really tied in to the whole story. like, it really put the whole thing together. that story was so great, not even great, so much more. it was just..
    i can't even explain. ur my story idol now..
    March 27th, 2009 at 09:07pm
  • Sweetacher

    Sweetacher (100)

    Great Britain (UK)

    I'm not going to try to review it - I'm just going to say that I adored it.

    I've never seen a oneshot tackle a whole life before (a generous chunk of one, anyway). Reaching the end and then looking back in your mind, without reading it... I felt like I'd been living it, basically. I felt like I lived a life in the space of fourty minutes. You did that. Gah.

    This'll stay with me. I'll talk to myself about this. Thankyou. Well done and thankyou.

    I also find it slightly relevent to your username in a very abstract way, now I think about it :tehe:
    March 26th, 2009 at 09:46pm
  • TenRings

    TenRings (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    To start with, wow. That was, like quite a lot of your work, amazing. The plot was so obvious to the prompt I can't believe I didn't think about it straight away. It does make sense after all seeing as Gerard is actually an artist and the story had to be related to nudity in some way. But the simplicity and beauty of the initial idea of Frank being a model is so obvious that no one would think of it with out actually thinking hard about it before hand. Then came the more complex areas of the storyline. Like how the two characters started to fall apart as age got in the way of beauty. The story very much reminded me of the film "How to make an American Quilt" (I think it's called). If you haven't heard of it, the basic plot line is a group of elderly women share their stories of young love with a younger lady who is staying with them whilst they make a quilt based on their past relationships. Something very similar happens to one of the ladies in this film and I had kind of forgotten about it until I started reading this.

    Again, in that film the girl was almost used as a model and nothing more. I think Gerard did probably love Frank at one point though. Probably around the time that he proposed. I thought that part of the story was extremely sweet and romantic to say the least. The problem that the couple faced, I guess, is that in a relationship based souly on love age does not matter. The other person is timeless and perfect no matter how age effects their looks. On the other hand, Gerard was attracted souly by Frank's beauty and how good a model he was. Although he may have fallen in love with him over time, Gerard still saw Frank from an artist's perspective and this meant that Frank did not appear to him as that gorgeous young model anymore. On top of this, Gerard could not execute his favorite hobby because he found no enjoyment in drawing something he did not find an inspiration or admirable. This is why his drawings started to lack detail I suppose. He would start to miss out the sections of Frank's body that could use improving now that time has faltered them and continued to do so until the drawings lost all character. In the end, Gerard could not draw anymore because his drawings were basically croquis which is the very art Frank said he despised.

    Frank was young and innocent at the time that they met. Modeling was just money to him. He did not think he was particularly good at it or very appealing as a naked form. This is why, when Gerard started to take notice more than the other students, Frank started to feel more confident and more exquisite. Gerard made love to him and told Frank he was beautiful which made Frank feel important and cared for; protected almost. It is no wonder than the young boy fell for the handsome older man. Frank's blind entry to the relationship led to him being hurt horribly.

    Frank's lead also affects the reader. We are fooled like Frank to believe that Gerard cares and would never ever leave Frank. We believe that Gerard will not care about how Frank looks and continue as a true artists by finding beauty in a thing that may look worn to others. Although we may be able to see it coming by the way Frank tells the story towards the end we still find ourselves as shocked as he was that the perfect, romantic, good looking man would ever break young, pretty Frank's heart. The time when I started to wonder about him is when it got to the honey moon and Gerard seemed more interested in drawing Frank than proclaiming how happy and in love he was to his new husband.

    On top of this your way of writing was very good. I like the way you twist the words to mean something different here "the only way he could, the way only he could." and again here "I don't know if we ever made love without him drawing me first, or if he ever drew a picture without us making love afterwards.". Also the continuity of Gerard's hand on Frank's lower back was amazingly sweet. Plus, they never had 'sex' and they never 'fucked' they made love. This only adds even more beauty to the story and shows just how almost gullible Frank is. Another example of this could be when Frank refers to Gerard as the love of his life.

    This one shot contains a lot of emotion. So much emotion for a one shot it is untrue. I guess the fact that it is over 13.000 words probably helps. Writing a story of that length shows only dedication from the writer so I congratulate you. Well done for once again blowing us as readers away with another amazing story.

    Keep up the good work and the best of luck to you in this contest (although with talent like that I don't think you actually need it).
    March 24th, 2009 at 06:41pm
  • Lucky Strikes

    Lucky Strikes (100)

    You know what? You made my day.

    My day was a heard one, and you made me smiled like an idiot after I read this one-shot. It's not even a one-shot for me. It's more than that. I don't know what should I say right now to you. Because we all know that this is awesome and beautiful. I just wish I can make something like this. My first impression of the story was weird, because I was so embarrassed by the layout's picture. And I didn't even know what croquis means. But after I read all of the contents, I love it.

    Sure, there are some things that are really far for me, because I'm just so new and I was trying to avoid sex. I failed though, you made me failed. But it was beautiful. Very beautiful. For a note here, I read every words you've typed. Because for the record, if I read anything long, I'd always read a couple of words from a paragraph. :XD But this is awesome. Awesome. Pretty.

    :arms: Keep up a good work. Sorry, my comment is just so lame. :XD
    March 24th, 2009 at 09:33am
  • newjerseyatemywallet

    newjerseyatemywallet (100)

    United Kingdom
    Note the below may make no sense at all.

    That story just about broke my heart. It was so tragic; it brings the crappy little mishaps in life into perspective. You will win the contest, there is no doubt about it, I haven’t read the other entries, but this deserves it. This story needs to be read by every frerard fan. My one worry is that this won’t get enough attention because it is a one-shot. I will be so angry with the mibba community if that happens. Your writing is stunning, I have completely fallen in love with it, and it flowed so easily, with beautiful description. Jeez, I can’t remember the last time I read a story so good. I think I’ll be in awe for days to come, one thing is for sure – I doubt this story will leave my brain anytime soon. You should be destined to write forever, honestly few published writers have the talent you do, but this story exceeds all your others, I still can’t quite believe it did.

    The idea behind this is genius; it’s so simple yet original. From fairly early on in this story, I worried that their relationship would end when Gerard stopped seeing Frank as his muse. I thought you had proved me wrong, when their marriage continued, but the ending parts, my god they were so powerful, heartbreaking and convincing. Frank’s world just about collapsed, I can still feel it ringing in my head. You didn’t have to cheapen the story with excessive metaphors or literary techniques, the emotion spoke volumes. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the emotion spring from a piece so clearly. Even though 13000+ words seemed like a lot, the time flew by while reading, yet I wasn’t unsatisfied at the end. The feeling I got from reading this, was the type of feeling you get from reading a 500 page novel, the emotion was so intense, I feel like it’s barely even started leaking out of my system and it will never fully be gone. But I don’t want it to be gone, whatever this story left with me, I want it to stay forever. I can’t even define what it is, the feeling of love, of loss, and the absolute danger of loosing what is thought to be a relationship. Something like that, only not so trivial sounding. All I know is whatever Frank and Gerard appeared to have at one point, or whatever Frank had, is what I would love to have for just a flash of that time. It’s almost like what they appeared to have was too strong to exist perfectly, it would have been too damn overpowering for you to end this with them together. I was reminded of Titanic at certain points in this, but this was better, more personal, and more real than titanic. I’m not even sure if it would have been more heartbreaking for Frank if Gerard had died, rather than lost his interest for him. The sentiment at the end was like one I’ve never felt before. You really opened up my mind; where and how I don’t even know.

    What I would love would be for Gerard to read this. It sounds really odd, because mostly I really wouldn’t want him to read a lot of the fanfiction out there; it would just freak him out. But this, this would really make him understand why people write it. He could be proud that he and Frank could be used for what is such a wonderful story. I know he genuinely would also be in awe of this story and that thought alone just sends me crazy with what potential you have. I’ve never been as sure of the wonderment of a frerard as I have now. Having said all this, I don’t think it would have been possible for you to write this with other characters that aren’t them. You adapted them for this story, but retained and portrayed perfect doses of the real Gerard and Frank. That might make it hard for them to read in person, almost as though you yourself a complete stranger, were doing so much more than a croquis of them; it was detailed beyond belief. Even though this comment may be pretty long, it really doesn’t do this story justice, you just have so much talent. Please continue; this story is so inspiring. xxx :arms:
    March 24th, 2009 at 09:12am
  • Kill-smile

    Kill-smile (100)

    I really wish I could write a good comment right now, but I can't I'm crying my eyes out right now. the thing that makes it so good and so sad at the same time is that it's absolutely realistic. It deserver 10 stars and more
    March 23rd, 2009 at 12:03pm
  • fweefy

    fweefy (100)

    United States
    Oh my god. This was absolutely amazing. Brilliant and breathtaking even.
    I was tearing up by the ending, and that virtually never happens.
    March 23rd, 2009 at 06:07am
  • Cobweb.

    Cobweb. (100)

    United States
    This, my dear, made my week month and year.I'm going to try to review this, I promise. This was so perfect.
    March 22nd, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • Alice Verney

    Alice Verney (150)

    United States
    holy crap had me on the edge of my seats and gerard is a bastard but one thing did you mean to leave the last line like that?

    now i seriously hate gerard for hurting frankie
    March 22nd, 2009 at 10:42pm
  • Christ!

    Christ! (100)

    It was great but the ending confused me... it said "turned cold a"... cold a, what?
    please tell me :cute:

    Otherwise, totally awesome! :D

    March 22nd, 2009 at 10:39pm
  • BeAtRiX

    BeAtRiX (100)

    United States
    March 22nd, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • happilyappled

    happilyappled (100)

    Analysing the language/style, this is your best work. You managed to repeat some of the most important parts of the story and your metaphors completely blew my mind out. It was gorgeous. The story, however, didn’t amaze me like my favourite one. It was a good plot, yes it was, and I couldn’t stop reading it and commenting as I was reading, but it just didn’t sound so amazing and perfect. It’s sad when it is supposed to be sad, which is good, and it somehow twists when I was expecting something different. It completely deserves my esteem, though not my adoration.

    Let's start from the obvious part: the beginning.
    I found it perfect that you created Frank as a normal person, who gets a job to afford his main necessities of a human being, like the new guitar amplifier he wanted to buy. He gave away the vision of his boy, letting other people feed themselves from his purity, for his simple passion of playing guitar. He's so pure since this moment that I can only think of an unhappy ending because of it. He looks way too simple, way too dumb in his reality to actually be able to deal with a true love/disappointment.

    Since the first time they talk, I thought that Gerard was too smooth with his words, though they somehow hid his not-so-pure intentions. But Frank is a normal person, he doesn't ordinarily digs through every sentence he is told, and even though he feels like Gerard could do anything to him the first time he took his clothes only for this man (should I say painter?), he is innocent like that and lets himself wrap up for some wicked love and relationship. It is wicked and doomed from the beginning because everything rolls around the drawings, the art. I loved how you reminded us so many times that Gerard's father tried to make him quit college since 'art was so ridiculous', but Gerard always managed to get his 'airy apartment', the one perfect to draw - I took it as a hint, a sign that there was nothing more important than art and nudity in here. It feels so good.

    I do love how Frank was so amazed by the apartment where Gerard lived. it was completely gorgeous because he had just met someone who was his opposite: not only in the wallet, but his intentions and speech. Gerard was confident and chose the words that Frank wants to hear. That's how he makes Frank go have dinner with him, how he makes Frank go to his house, how he makes Frank think that he is going to kiss him... I think that he was teasing Frank in a way that he wanted the boy to realize that he was weak and to kiss Gerard as soon as he had a chance, but his plans failed and Gerard HAD to kiss Frank. I think it should have been Frank, actually, to shows us from the beginning that he had an unconscious wish to stay with Gerard. At least, he had always wonder if the painter would kiss him and watching that he never did, he could have done something. Or maybe they could have not kissed at all... IT would make it more valuable, but I understand why you didn't choose this option: Gerard's kisses aren't that much valuable, at least in good intentions.

    The first time they have sex, I sensed already that Gerard was going to break him really hard, because he wasn't smooth with his words anymore. And I was proved right: he always chose the best words when Frank was slightly stepping away from him and it would bring Frank back to Gerard's arms and free will. However, when Gerard had what he wanted, he was rude and spoke rough words, and sometimes didn't speak at all...

    I love especially how you repeated some very important sentences: my favourite is how Frank feels naked in front of Gerard, but then they're naked together. It is beautiful just like that, and it shows me that Frank was so in love that he didn't see anything else when they were together. He didn't see how Gerard was rude, how Gerard was rough and sometimes sturdy, he didn't see how Gerard was quiet and rarely stopped talking about drawings. And they are the only thing Gerard can think about, Frank is like his own job, his trial to achieve the masterpiece. And he keeps drawing him as many times as he can, even when the boy is just sleeping: that way, Gerard would always have Frank - he had him naively, he had him for real and he had him asleep (without knowing). He just wants to fucking draw him, I don't like Gerard when he does this. He's just fulfilling his dreams, his job, but does nothing in return apart from the words "I love you". They comfort Frank in a way, because they might be someway truth, but I feel that Gerard doesn't care about the man in front of him. He cares about the details Frank has and Gerard can draw. That is what he is seeking: the masterpiece.
    I think that, if Gerard was immortal, he would keep doing this over and over again. It's just within him, he can't avoid it. He loves art, not the people. He draws them but he is conscious that they will getugly less perfect with time - that's why he never did croquis. He always drew the most pure and amazing details because he know that they will eventually disappear, when people get old. He just knows it and wants to keep them alive with his drawings, because he knows that he can't keep them alive directly in people. So he draws, doesn't sketch, because he knows that in the end he will always un-want the muse and search for a new perfect one. It's the soul of an artist speaking - though a true artist sees beauty in the most tiny, even ugly thing, so I'd say that Gerard is a perfection-lover, not a true artist.

    And Frank just needs to feel love, so he lets himself fall harder and harder... No

    I predicted, but LOVED the proposal. It fit the couple, in a way, because once more Gerard kept saying the most beautiful and soothing words to Frank whenever the boy was about to escape him somehow. I loved how Gerard gave him a ring with diamonds, however I don't like these details when Gerard mentions that he wanted to give Frank something as perfect as he is, but then he says that the diamonds are nowhere comparable to Frank. Oh I know why... because diamonds are the strongest rock in the world and they never break, and Gerard already knows that he will end up breaking Frank somehow - he knows that people get old and different, that people are affected by time, and that he would end up with another muse - one that could keep giving him the perfect details he wants to explore in his drawings. I hate Gerard when he does this: he makes rank believe in his words, but never study them in the most profound meaning they have. And things are always two-sided...

    I don't know if we ever made love without him drawing me first, or if he ever drew a picture without us making love afterwards.
    This was the sentence that made me go all gooey on the inside. However, at some points of the description, I knew how Frank was right. They would never make love after anything else, only after the drawing. I think the 'making love' scenes were a way for Gerard to get Frank to "pay him" for the drawings. Remember when he tells Frank, the first time he invites him to his house, that he would even pay Frank for posing for him in private? It's all coming down and making sense now...

    I liked how their marriage failed as the majority of real marriages. It's fabulous that their relationship faded with time, as the years passed by and 'aged them'. It's very good how you worded it so well. I didn't want to believe it was your best work from what I've read until this part, but with all this reality that you put into your characters, you made me feel thrilled.

    Well, some of these reality parts are a little cliché, for example when Gerard started to come late from work and everything, but it fit and I am happy that you didn't turn this cliché into something soppy. It's obvious now that Gerard had found a new muse, the one that could replace the already aged Frank with the perfect details that Gerard wanted for his drawings. That's why he can only sketch Frank at this point... The boy was getting old and losing the perfection a young naked always has. Poor Frank; he just loved Gerard so much, so purely, that he let this painter play with his body and heart as he wished. This was sad like that...

    Frank let Gerard play with him so much that he watched ashis husband the two men make love, at the end of the story. I think he does this because he just wants Gerard to be happy; he lets him be happy because he is the love of his life, the meaning of his life. Gerard's happiness is all he can wish for, no matter how much it breaks him. He loves Gerard blindly, he wants him to be happy, and that's why he lets the scene evolve until its very painful end. Frank didn't deserve it, but he was always so naive that he couldn't have done anything else but watch as Gerard cheated on him and broke his hear for yet another hard time.

    "He's not a whore! He's my life, my muse. I need him, I have to draw him! Can't you see that? I have been happier than ever, since I met him at the school."
    When I read this, I thought that Frank would give in... I mean, Gerard confessed that he was happy and I thought that Frank would let Gerard had the both of them: the husband and the muse, but fortunately he didn't. He would be broken for the rest of his life, but he finally understood that art was the only thing that mattered for Gerard. He finally saw it! I am thrilled about that... And then he steals Gerard's most loved thing from him: his drawings. He takes with him something to remind him how blindly he had loved Gerard, how stupidly happy he had been with a man that claimed to love him but that, in the end, had only loved what Frank could give him: details, drawings, art. He takes with him a piece of Gerard, but deep down there he knows that taking the drawings would leave Gerard very broken too. Even though Gerard had Jacob's drawings, a painter always loved to keep all his portfolio and with Frank taking the drawings, he would be carrying a part of Gerard's happiness. He finally became strong like that.

    I do like the way you portrayed their relationship: the “all goes up” of the beginning and then the “all goes down” from the moment Frank senses that they aren’t a good and happy married couple it’s really good. When people get married I tend to think that they won’t be happy, because they will be too entwined with someone that might do something to disappoint them, or might turn out disappointed by something we did, or didn’t do. That was why I thought this was going to have a sad ending. However, I don’t mean that I didn’t like the end, because I certainly did. I predicted it somehow, especially because I don’t like Gerard in here (he just tells Frank that he loves him, when in the end what he loves is the fact that Frank lets him draw his perfection). That’s why I don’t agree with Jess when she says in her comment: "I don’t believe he took advantage of him either, but what I do think is that Gerard no longer saw Frank as beautiful.".

    Gerard seeks his art, his masterpiece, nothing more.
    And that’s why he lets Frank walk away from their relationship… he knows how much he wants to keep drawing Jacob’s young perfection.
    March 22nd, 2009 at 10:17pm
  • I C G P

    I C G P (100)

    United Kingdom

    If I’m honest, that word doesn’t seem to justify how amazing this really is. I feel like my mind is numb from how incredible that was. There was so much raw emotion involved, that I too found myself falling in love with Gerard when Frank did. It was just so… passionate, so stunning, yet so ugly that I couldn’t help but just gawp at the ending. It twists and turns in all the right places, although at parts I could predict the future of their relationship; it always somewhat surprised me when something changed.

    The separate sections reminded me of any normal teenage relationship – not that I have been in one myself, but you know – when everything seems to peak then fade away. I particularly found myself loving fact they were split into separate chunks of story, because you got more description over a longer span of time. It was highly effective, although from the chapter title, I knew that the last… well, almost a chapter for how long it was :tehe:… was going to end badly.

    The art – croquis – was just so relevant throughout the whole piece. It was like it sewed everything in place on a big sheet of life. Suddenly these two boys, who are innocent at the beginning of the story, are drawn together by something creative and beautiful. Although I don’t like to admit it, I loved that Gerard viewed Frank as his art, his inspiration and most importantly the reason for some of his most beautiful pieces. Frank saw his passion as the love side of passion, which only shows Frank’s naivety during this one-shot. This I found was extremely evident towards the end, when he is scared of admitting their relationship has troubles. The art was their beginning, their middle and their end.

    Frank is so special through this. He falls in love quite delicately; like he is scared to admit he has feelings for Gerard. I believe this is once again down the coward within Frank, whom often surfaces from time to time. Although Gerard could be viewed as the ‘bad guy’ towards the end, I don’t think he ever intentionally hurt Frank. I don’t believe he took advantage of him either, but what I do think is that Gerard no longer saw Frank as beautiful.

    When Jacob appears, I knew that things were going to become so heartbreaking. Once again this links in with how I believe Gerard feels, and that now he has had to move on to someone who is more beautiful than Frank, as age does not preserve beauty. We always know as the reader that Gerard is extremely passionate about his artwork, but I think we try to delude ourselves like Frank does, as Frank and Gerard is a gorgeous pairing. The most heartbreaking scene for me was when Frank discovered Gerard and Jacob, especially when he heard all of the ’I love you’s and willingly endured them. Once again, the coward within Frank doesn’t break lose. He waits patiently until they have finished before he says a word.

    The amount of love that surrounds this whole one-shot is insane. It’s actually the most emotional thing I have ever read. I’ve connected with a few stories on here, but the way Frank narrated his story was so realistic that I couldn’t help but know this is definitely one of the few that I have connected strongly with. Very strongly, as a matter of fact. When Frank’s heart broke, mine went too. When his stomach dropped, so did mine. Equally when he felt loved and happy with Gerard, I felt like I was happy too. You’ve managed to capture something in me, and I’m not quite sure what it was, but it loves your work. One hundred and fifty percent. In fact, more than that I would say.

    I think there is an obvious flaw within Frank, not only his cowardliness, but the fact he falls way too fast. He’s like me, I suppose. Perhaps that is why I can connect with him on numerous levels. I have fallen too fast before, and it’s hurt me badly. Likewise to Frank, I was left feeling like I wasn’t good enough in comparison to someone else, although this boy and I weren’t together. All of these reasons could be why I can connect with his character, or maybe because his mind speaks in the exact way mine thinks.

    Strangely, I never blame Gerard for sleeping with Jacob. I don’t know why that is, but I don’t. Also I don’t blame him for proposing to Frank, having sex with Frank on their first date, lying to Frank about ‘loving him’ though it was kind of obvious that he didn’t. I don’t know why I don’t blame him either. At the end I guess I just agree with Frank. Gerard loves his art more than a person. More than Jacob, more than Frank, more than his Dad, who constantly tries to buy him away from art? To me, that stands as a warning to Frank to not get involved, but his naivety wins again.

    Above all I love that ‘sex’ is portrayed as ‘making love’. Rather than just fucking, banging, shagging or whatever other explicit and quite frankly ugly words, these two make love. Not only do they create art together, they also create the highest form of intimacy – sex. By calling it ‘making love’ you instantly help us to assume that the two love each other, which they obviously do considering the first two sections of the one-shot. By the end I noticed how you cut out the sex that tends to be mainly in the honeymoon period of a relationship. The breakdown in their closeness just made me assume they were going the way that every married couple does. Also, I thought it was really effective for you to use one simple line as a way to describe them having sex. It was far more effective as it was more detached than it could have been. Because you didn’t go in depth, we’re suddenly out in the cold on their heated moments. I loved that.

    Erika, I really don’t know what else to say. This has potential to make you Mibba-famous in my books. I adore you for even writing this, thinking this, creating this. It’s stunning in every meaning of the word. I’ve written two pages of comment on Microsoft Word, and I still feel like this isn’t doing your story justice. If this is being entered for a competition, I have a knowing that this will rate extremely highly. You’re an amazing writer, and it’s an honour for me to speak to someone like you as one of my best Mibbian friends.

    I hope you write more like this, because I’m addicted to your writing. This is definitely one of my favourite one-shots of all time.

    In Love

    March 22nd, 2009 at 10:11pm