Sonata - Comments

  • Okay, so I had no idea you'd finished this.
    Mibba wasn't emailing me when my subscriptions were updated.

    Goddamn, Sierra. You are a mother fucking genius. I'm not even kidding. :)
    I am so beyond stoked for the sequel, you have no idea.
    May 1st, 2010 at 06:03pm
  • So. I just have a few things to say.

    I am so dearly sorry for not having commented as often as I should have.

    I literally fell out of my chair, screamed "FUCK NO!" and began crying even harder while I was reading the end. It was that amazing.

    This is by far one of the best stories I've ever come across on this site. I love it to pieces. And I'm absolutely certain that the sequel will be just as great, if not greater. your writing astounds me.

    Guess this was a bit more than a few things, eh? Oh well.

    You have added another faithful subscriber to your notch on the sequel, my dear. :)
    April 22nd, 2010 at 02:56am
  • Wow. I don't really know what to say about this. I'm at loss for words.
    This was one of the best stories I've come across on this site.
    I cannot wait for the sequel to get going. Subscribing to that. (:
    April 12th, 2010 at 02:46am
  • i knew it i knew it i hoped it!
    i thought maybe corey would take oli's place in the end like that
    but then i thought, nah, thats too good to be true
    still just as sad thought that he did
    such a good story
    im sad it's finished
    i love the way you write
    April 7th, 2010 at 08:24am
  • oh and please tell me when that sam carter one shot is up, I've been waitin for a story about him for ages :D
    April 5th, 2010 at 03:14pm


    I was right!!! O.O...well partly

    holy shit, the fans are crazy, riping his clothes off? but i guess thats what u get for being a national more like god...

    but holy shit, i cant belive i was somewhat right becasue...that just seemed sick...
    but that just proves: OLiver is an asshole...bastard, seriously? I never thought Id say this puit, poor corey, look what he did for his idol! and all his idol did was basically KILL him!

    he let his brother and his girlfriend witness hiss so called death, let them belive it was him, let them basically fall apart emotionally, only to let them find out it wasnt him!? I would hate him forever, if i was evelyn, and if i was tom...god I would want to burn him and smash his head and just let him suffer, becasue seriously? you just dont do that, he's his brother for fecks sake!

    ands now i remember the last line of the very first chapter
    There hung Americas hero or something like that, and I remember how I was in tears but then...this! I'd say that in a way he let everybody down...and the lads from the band...theyre just as bad, this is disappointing :(

    anyways, my rant is over, that chapter was fucking brilliant it just...blew everything away, I mean you nailed it...god seriously, that was so unpredictable, and unexpected (becasue seriously i couldnt even belive my weird idea) and i think if the story wuld've just ended with olis dead it would've benn...weird...but this,this just openes a whole new chapter to this story...

    I love you for this, seriously!

    ...but I still want to deck Oliver, Matt, vega, Curtis, and Lee
    April 5th, 2010 at 03:11pm
  • You've got to be fucking kidding me.
    April 5th, 2010 at 07:12am
  • And so... my prediction on the ending was correct.
    I had a feeling Cory was slightly more valuable than the piece of shit he acted to be... although I wished that he would have vanished much earlier in the plot. Looks like if he did, our characters would be in quite a bit of trouble then, aye?

    Man. I'm definitely excited for the sequel now.... I mean, I can't even make a single prediction at this point. I think it's all been used up! Which is a good thing, I must say. I like being thrown off a trail every once and a while...
    it keeps my senses sharp.
    April 5th, 2010 at 06:23am
  • YES.
    Just... fucking YES

    I can't sum up my emotions any other way than that one word. You fucking nailed the last chapter bro.
    I knew what was happening from the start but seeing it finished (kinda) brings a tear to my eyes. Seriously.
    I'm a fucking child when it comes to Sonata.

    I love you.
    And I'm sorry this couldn't be any longer. I'm just a bit too awestruck right now.
    April 5th, 2010 at 06:07am
  • Oh man. I sincerely apologize for my lack of commenting lately. I was going to comment after the last chapter, and you updated the most recent one before I could even get to reading it! Hah.

    But, I will try to sum up what I can into a comment. I'm slightly drunk off of cheesecake, orange juice, and chocolates at the moment....
    Whoa man. Just. Whoa. So, now we're into the thick of it, right at the end. Well, I say we've been in "the thick of it" now for nearly the entire story, with how exciting and dangerous their entire mission is. And now Oliver has been arressed.

    Well, that makes me scared and nervous. Especially to know that the boys just up and left, especially without Tom. I would normally think they would include him, due to how good of friends they all are. I suppose in times like these though, rational thinking does not exist. More so, I'm not sure rational thinking exists at all in the minds of these boys. Now I am worried and excited for this last chapter. You've got me on the edge of my seat!

    And here's a thought... Where is Cory throughout this ordeal of Oliver's arrest?
    April 4th, 2010 at 09:07pm
  • Oh.
    This story kills my heart a bit but it's so fucking good.
    Great update.
    I'm excited to read the ending, but a but nervous to see what happens.
    If that makes any sense?
    I'm gonna stop rambling.
    Anywho, I love you as a writer btw. You're fabulous.
    Just sayin'. :)
    April 3rd, 2010 at 11:01pm
  • I love this story, but I always feel so depressed after reading it. I guess that's because Oli dies in the beginning.
    April 3rd, 2010 at 03:20pm
  • I was just about to scream at readers to comment...

    but it appears that you've reached your goal, so I guess that means I have to wait PATIENTLY for an update. Damnit.
    April 3rd, 2010 at 12:09am
  • Okay, so I just got done with reading chapter three, and I will continue, I just needed to comment.
    This is fucking amazing! Like so good. Such an original idea. It seriously reminds me of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, for some odd reason. If you haven't read that, then you really should, especially if you are interested in the totalitarian nature that human beings can display.
    Like I said, this is fucking brilliant.
    Now, I will go onto reading more.
    April 2nd, 2010 at 05:10pm
  • Agh... :'(

    What a depressing way to start my spring break.

    Stupid police. Stupid traitor.

    I have to read the rest.. So update with haste, please. :)
    March 30th, 2010 at 02:36am
  • well first of all im super sorry fo not commenting on ur previous chapter, first i was too lazy and then in the end i forgot :(
    but this isnt gonna be one of my annoyingly long comments, cuz im tired and my hands are freezing :D

    and then the secong thing is that i totally agree with Chelsie Smile Oli needs to stop being a fuckign pussy and man up, jesus, sex deprived man...
    and yeah where is that douchebag? Im kind of thinking that he has somethign to do with this, I mean come on. why would oli give away cds and then two weeks later just go up to the police!?? huh?
    but in the end that definately wasnt how i expected this to go...with him going to the police...well, at least thats how it looks like, becasue -like chelsie smile already said- of ur fucking cliffhangers xD seriously, theyre going to be the death of me!

    anyways, yeah, i feel sorry for poor scared curtis, an holy jesus! you brought Sam Carter into the story! I love you forever now! I love the Architects![/]
    anyways, yeah i feel sorry for curtis, and howthis is not what he really wanted to do -be a rebel- but rather drive really fast cars and all...

    and could oli do tat to his little brother!? i feel like smashing his face in right now for being a bloody dick to hisbrother his grilfriend and everybody and everything...but then again, i think of the end of the chapter, i cant hate him, seriously, i repeat myself, i know, but still that was so unexpected, i wouldve expected everything but this! -even though we dont know what will happen, i hope its not what i think it is!-

    and why should tom start drinking? -I'm confused now, I can't wait for the next chapter!!

    and now to the prvious chapter:

    He pointed them out to Oli, who looked ahead and saw three pigs in a mosh pin.
    ahahahahahaaaaaa, i just had to laugh at the metal image in my head, you're a genius, do you know that? well now you do!

    Even though there was Oli's tattoo on his arm.
    Even though he was talking like him.

    yeah he's totally not trying to be like oli, or to be oli at all, sure...bitch please!
    I hate that kid with a passion! Im still waiting for the moment where he turnes out to be evil, becasue I can't forget about that smirk he wore, when nicholls got kicked out of the restaurant!

    "Kin'a excited fer tonight."
    why would he be so exited about giving out cds only to walk up to the police later on? huh?? i dont get it...

    wait...i have a really sick idea in my head...but i really doubt that its true...
    you know how corey looks like olis twin and all yeah, maybe...they switched places before the execution, beacause id really like that so corey would just die...maybe so the police doesnt notice and all...(this sounds an awful lot like the story of harry potter where this mens mother switched places with him in that prison)
    but yeah...its just an idea...maybe thats why oli keeps him around...or soemthing...or not like i said its a sick idea, but i like it, becasue then Oliver would survive...I still dont like the idea of him dieing :'C

    yeah anyways...again,I'm sorry for my lazyness and my forgettable mind, I hope this makes up for that a bit!

    and now hurry up wiht the next chapter that cliffhanger is killing me!! >:C
    March 28th, 2010 at 11:05pm
  • Okay, so firstly I'd like to apologise for not commenting on the last update. I was reading it before work, and didn't have time to. So I thought "I'll do it as soon as I get home." And I basically just forgot, which is exactly as lame as it sounds, and a pretty shit excuse. I really am truly sorry, because it was a great chapter.

    Now, for the most recent update.

    Someone would gain a baby's vision and become hypnotized by all the small things they barely breathed past.
    - The metaphors you use are just amazing, fit the mood perfectly and completely make me want to settle down, marry and maybe one day have children with you're writing. It's that fucking beautiful.

    He was scared out of his wits, and even though very pissed off at his brother, still wanted him to protect him. Oli would do that, of course, because he knew this was how his brother would be feeling; he knew that he needed to be the unspoken guardian.
    - It made my heart ache how vulnerable Tom seems. It's so real how you imitate the rolls of the relationship between older and younger siblings. It's like you can make me feel everything you write about.

    He was overreacting and needed to chill the fuck out.
    - Oh, Curtis.

    He wanted to walk off the plank of a sinking ship.
    - Everything you write is like poetry. This line, amongst others in this same chapter, are some of the best descriptions of a characters emotions I've read. You put it in a way that's so flourished, but still so realistic.

    By pulling over a chair to under where you made the noose, or keep the car running in your cluttered garage, stick a hunk of metal between your teeth, or even have the gal to jump from fatal heights, you could shoot death the middle finger and pull the trigger yourself. This could be done for numerous upon numerous reasons, but one that the camera will zoom in on is possession of control.
    - Blows my mind. A truly great piece of writing there.

    For now, she could only be a passenger on one of the rare safety ships that got to watch the Titanic sink into the Atlantic.
    - One of my favourite lines ever in anything I've ever read.

    Oli wiped the skin under his left eye and stated hoarsely:
    "Yes it does."

    Then he pulled the lever, stepped out of the van, and was gone. What would happen to him was a mystery and it made everyone sick. However disturbed though, Nicholls turned to leave his best friend, and all of them faded into silence.

    Was this the end?
    They all knew it wasn't even close.

    - Holy fucking shit.

    My last comment summed up my feelings to entire chapter. I feel genuinely concerned, and a little heartbroken because of the way this seems to be going (even though I still believe in my theory of how this will end.) He just gave himself up for his friends like that. So utterly and purely selfless. I'm actually a little speechless - though that's hard to portray seeing as I'm typing this and have all the time in the world to try and fathom how to explain how I feel. I'm amazed, and gutted and excited and anxious.

    I'm desperate for the next update. Motherfuckers, get commenting.
    March 28th, 2010 at 11:01pm
  • This is..interesting..still not sure if I love it or not. It's very well written, but at times it seems too in depth on the details and makes it hard to want to continue reading it. I love the plot and the idea behind it though, very original :)
    March 28th, 2010 at 10:24pm
  • Well....
    shit dude.

    This made me realize a few things. One of them being that I would actually love to test drive cars. Going super fast is a hobby anyway, so getting paid to do it would be even better.
    I don't know about the whole "we'll see if you survive" part of it - but I can deal.

    Oli's being a little bitch though huh?
    Like... I get that he's stressed and shit because he basically fucked himself over. But he doesn't need to be a little pussy man when Eve tries to check if he's ok. Actually talking is part of a healthy relationship - whether it be the band or an intimate one. He still needs to do something other than sit there and get drunk while the rest of his friends deal with the situation.

    Where's what's his face though during this?
    you know, the annoying douche that Nicholls wants to kill.

    "I know yeh don' drink, but yeh might wanna start now."
    SHIT DUDE. I need to know what the hell's gonna happen now that he stepped into the danger zone. Like need to know

    Was this the end?
    They all knew it wasn't even close.

    Fuck you and your cliffhangers
    March 27th, 2010 at 08:18pm
  • my stomach droppped with that ending. my heart broke for both tom and evelyn but especially oliver. he is the definition of couragous for what he's doing. and just knowing what his end is, makes everything that much worse.
    March 27th, 2010 at 03:31pm