Kallos Graphẽ - Comments

  • Eee! Cute Cute Cute!! I love the title... I thought it was a bit out of order, but I could get around that. I thought the amount of discription was perfect, not oversharing, and I enjoyed that. I liked the memories, though... Thumb up
    September 2nd, 2009 at 06:58am
  • Okay. I like the concept of this story. It's really cute, but there's certainly room for improvement.

    I felt that there was too much dialogue and not enough description. The chapter started out nice, but thinned out the farther down you went. That was dissapointing.

    I do like the layout, simple and matched the story. Bonus.

    In some parts, I felt it was rather cliche, fluffy, but cliche. I also felt that the story was mixed up and jumbled a bit. What I mean is, is that it didn't flow correctly, in my opinion.

    My ridiculously obvious “code name” is GAW47

    Hehe, I liked that.

    I liked how the ink was something that binded them together, you know? Something that they shared with one another. I also like the title, very cool.

    I don't mean to appear like I'm ragging on you, I certainly am not. This isn't a bad story, it just needs some tweeking here and there. :) Well done, all it needs is a little bit more. Hopefully I don't sound rude, I'm just trying to help.
    August 28th, 2009 at 03:08am