Demi - Comments

  • ChemicallyImbalanced

    ChemicallyImbalanced (1365)

    First of all I just wanted to apologise for this rambling and most likely boring review to come. I’ve been meaning to review this for a long time, and now I’ve finally gotten around to it. :cute:

    I wanted to start with the narration of this story. I love that it was taken from a females perspective, and I love that we don’t even really know who she is. I love how this girl thinks and the words she uses and the way she puts them together in sentences. The first paragraph is my favourite, because it pieces words together like it’s an art and it just pulls the reader in. I like how the narrator puts in swear words as well. Because they aren’t really needed in some places that she puts them in, and we as readers can see that, but because it’s her we also know that that’s how she speaks and thinks and that it’s part of her personality.

    She had skinny legs and tiny hands and brown eyes. I love this line. The starting line and it seems admiring and also fast and slow at the same time. When I take out commas and just replace them with ‘and’ I always think of a character saying something really fast or just trying to get it out, but yours I read slowly, like she was saying it slowly and it just fit. I knew straight away that this character started forming in my mind.

    She was the shining goddess of the druggie scene. I also love, love, LOVE this line. Mostly for the part of the vocabulary that is used in it. ‘shining goddess’ and ‘druggie scene’ have got to be the two most amazingly possible things you could marry together in a sentence. And it’s one of those lines that stick in your mind. It’s my favourite from this piece.

    I called her Marie for two weeks before someone told me that her real name was Demi. This guy, Joe, had just leaned over and whispered, “You know her name’s not Marie, right?” You know how certain lines become famous from stories? I’ve decided that this line would be your stories famous line. It’s so clever. The structure of it just flows beautifully from one part to the next.

    I didn’t stick out enough, I decided one night as I stared at my ceiling, thinking of her dancing and twirling in a pinstriped dress or tight, tight jeans. It’s sad, almost, that she has to compare herself to a very popular, drugged up girl, who has her own style. She thinks she’s not attention catching enough for Demi.

    …and spent all of Friday trying it all on and taking it all off. This is so realistic, because I do this all the time. And I can just see her trying it on each time trying to get everything more and more perfect.

    my elaborate appearance all to impress Demi - waiting for him to speak as I stared into my own eyes. I was pretty much crying by this point, because you knew, you knew, what was going to happen, and I’m just thinking of this girl all dressed up to impress someone and that person isn’t… alive. She’ll never see it. And this girl knows that it’s going to be something along these lines. She knows it’s something serious. It’s so…god I can’t even describe. My heart hurts for her.

    She was high, high on coke and weed and her own youth and beauty. Once again, I’m going to say how absolutely amazing the sentence structure is. There are no commas just ‘ands’ and it’s so flowing. I also like how you’ve included that she was high on drugs and on ‘youth and beauty’. It’s so, at the risk of sounding stereotypical and cliché, popular teenage girl. And it’s definitely something that I can see the female character thinking.

    she’d rather have a zebra print coffin than the sleek black box her parents stuck her in. That’s really strong. The way she wears colourful clothes and then comments on how she would’ve known what kind of coffin Demi wanted when her parents didn’t even know. It’s like she’s convinced, and she probably does, know Demi better than everyone else just from watching her from afar or exchanging winks.

    Joe finally pulled away, overcome with emotion, and we walked away from Demi’s body hand in hand. I love how you’ve ended this. She needed Joe to pull her away from Demi because if her hadn’t move then she probably would’ve stayed there for as long as she could. That’s beautiful.

    This is a beautiful piece, Vonn. You should be so proud of writing this; it’s one of my favourites on here.
    July 20th, 2009 at 02:09pm
  • we are invincible.

    we are invincible. (100)

    Wow. Fuck. It was just real. Like, the imagery I can see it all. A fucking clear as picture in my head. The narrator's in her outfit, falling asleep on her bed. Demi laying in her coffin is maybe the clearest for me. So bright.

    :cheese: I really suck at reviews, but, daaamn that was awesome.
    April 18th, 2009 at 11:46am
  • Teenage Dirtbag.

    Teenage Dirtbag. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Bloody hell, this was good. You had me hooked all the way through, and I loved how you completely twisted her character around. Good job (:
    April 14th, 2009 at 10:45pm
  • craic queen

    craic queen (100)

    United States
    Ohmehgah....I absolutely hate anyone spawned by Disney but this was amazing. I loved it :D
    April 13th, 2009 at 07:46pm
  • The Color Abi

    The Color Abi (300)

    United Kingdom
    I hate Demi and the Jonas brothers but this was so beautifuly written.
    I love this, it's amazing.
    Well done :cute:
    April 13th, 2009 at 06:11pm
  • ward-o

    ward-o (150)

    Oh my God, Vonn.
    Oh my fucking God.

    I hate you. This is so beauitufl. I can't be assed to write now to right a review. No, I'm honestly not kidding. I love Demi. I really fucking do. I love Joe, too. Like. You wouldn't fucking believe. And maybe I'm biased and shit, but I loved Joe's character the most. I just think it's so realistic, his character.

    This story is just so different. It was like... Demi was just there. And there's this girl talking about her. We know everything to be known about Demi through the narrator, but at the same time we don't know a fucking thing about Demi because she's never come up to the narrator, who are out eyes and ears to the story, to talk to her.

    Then she dies. It's like we're going on a hundred miles an hour then we go to a big, full fucking stop. It's just so unexpected.

    I don't want to tell you how much I love Joe right now, but it really is your fault.
    I love you. Sorry for the sucky comment.
    When Zero gets back, I'll tell her to link this to her profile.
    I love this.
    Amazing job.

    I love the chapter title.
    I was obsessed with that song for like.
    A week.
    April 13th, 2009 at 02:53pm
  • Poirot's Moustache

    Poirot's Moustache (1270)

    You somehow got me to read a Demi Lovato fanfic...Wtf? :finger:

    But man, this was really well done, as I’ve come to expect from you of course, Vonn. I love the fact that Demi’s a drug addict, that she deals drugs, it’s such a contrast to her squeaky clean Disney image (it is Disney, right? :XD ) and I saw Camp Rock once when it was on TV, and you wouldn’t expect it from her. But somehow she still seems vibrant in this and...maybe not childish or childlike, but she doesn’t seem like the stereotype I guess of an adult. I mean, she’s playing around with drugs and all that, but there’s still a sense of purity, and I don’t know how you do that.

    Oh and this comment is going to be rambling, just so you know. :tehe: I love the summary. I love when there’s rhyming in sentences. :yah You know, even though I read the summary, it never really struck me that she’d die... and I like that, ‘cause it was a surprise, but realistic too. Drugs can screw people up bad.

    Okay, backtracking (man, I’m doing this terribly. :XD) she does seem like a playful kind of person, like with how she lied (or maybe lied is too strong a word – I’ll say ‘joked’) about her name. It made her mysterious and a jokester, and I’m not sure, maybe she didn’t want the narrator to know her name for one reason or another – maybe there was more to that. The opening paragraph is just pure win. The narrator’s really observant, she notices things about Demi, about the way she acts and dresses, and it fits in with that desire she has towards her – and all she has are those images, because she never got a chance to actually get to know her better. (and I realise I’m referring to the narrator of she – I don’t think you mention that she’s a girl – but correct me if I’m wrong – but I saw the genre ‘femmeslash’ and assumed). Oh oh oh, and I like how Demi dresses – it’s not something I’d imagine her to wear, and you’ve made Demi into your own defined character which I like. (Y) And the mention of the lipstick – that struck me as important, and it stood out to me...the fact that she never sees it again makes me think that it’s also important to the narrator, because it’s a shade that she associates with Demi and only Demi.

    And the whole idea of dressing differently, dressing up and dressing bright – well, that’s realistic and teenagers do do that sometimes if they really like a in Grease when Sandy turns up at the end; which now that I think of it is kinda sad, because she completely changes the way she dresses to fit in...but I do wonder whether the narrator would have kept dressing outlandishly once she’d successfully gotten Demi’s attention on her, or whether she’d only keep it up until she felt that her and Demi had grown close (if they ever would have).

    And wow, that one sentence, “Demi’s dead.” was just so unexpected to me when I first read it. It was so blunt. And I liked the transition. The way you cut it off right after that sentence worked so well. I felt it put more emphasis on those words, and I could just imagine the look on the narrator’s face when she heard them.

    I like that she wore the outfit; that was really sweet and a nice tribute to Demi and the kind of person she was. And I felt that the narrator was brave for going there dressed as she was, considering the reactions she got. It really was more of an insight into how much she really did care. When they held hands and touched hers was beautiful, saying goodbye without words. Words weren't needed then, and it was just a nice gesture.

    This was probably a really rambly review. :XD
    But you did a great job with this.
    April 10th, 2009 at 08:52am
  • Teen Distortion.

    Teen Distortion. (100)

    United States
    Really, love this wasn't as fruity as I expected :XD
    Seriously, though. I adored it. I do like Demi. Sometimes. She's just, gah. :think: Well regardless, it was written beautifully and from a girls point of view, which is different from your usual. I liked it.

    I love how you started out the story, the first few sentences, just drew me in. She had skinny legs and tiny hands and brown eyes. She used to smoke joints like she was the Queen of England, you know, with it stuck between her middle and pointer finger. And no matter how much she inhaled or how good quality it was, she never fucking coughed. Not once, because she knew pot and pot knew her. She was the shining goddess of the druggie scene, all thrift store clothes and bubbly laughter, and I never got to tell her just how much that smile and laughter of hers made my blood thrum through my veins. , Love the descriptions, just love it.
    In Love

    And Joe In Love I love how you have him popping up in there now and then.

    Beautiful, my love.
    I love your fruity-ness :arms:

    [/excuse the shitty comment]
    April 9th, 2009 at 11:30pm
  • stary_night_blossoms

    stary_night_blossoms (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Loved it...... It was so cute and it read really well... You should make a story.... A happy one though :) I love it.
    April 8th, 2009 at 03:09pm
  • the apex predator;;

    the apex predator;; (150)

    United States

    That was soooo sweet!


    I don't have any words.
    April 8th, 2009 at 02:29pm