Criminal Addiction. - Comments

  • It was amazing. Certain lines, many of the above mentioned, were breath-taking alone. Together I think it was slightly disjointed, but it was still amazing. Wonderfully written and true to the point. The title reflects every word, line and paragraph exactly.

    Congratulations on creating beauty.
    April 17th, 2010 at 03:20am
  • Dark, but very nice. Lol, I actually liked it and I'm kind of sad that it ended so quickly. Hope you keep writing =]
    December 2nd, 2009 at 07:34am
  • So I had this longass comment typed out, and my computer spazzed.


    Imagine it, the calefaction of the blaze mingling with the sweltering August heat, heat that’s already rising off the sidewalks in waves, even at night. I honestly don't know how you put that into words. The imagery is absolutely beautiful.

    My hands are burning and blistering from gripping the iron of the fire escape, I feel as though I'm missing something...why are their hands burning?

    My mother taught me the decorum of decorated criminals at the advanced age of nine.I love you so much for this. It's beautifully written, and portrays a mother's touch, as well as satire.

    From the rooftop my masterpiece appears no more than scintillation in the distance, but the fact it is this visible tells me it must be an inferno. Honestly..your writing is simply stunning. I'm shocked that this doesn't have any more comments. It is one of the most beautiful pieces I've read in a while.

    Simply stunning. It took my breath away.
    May 7th, 2009 at 09:27pm