Look After You. - Comments

  • peter quill.

    peter quill. (4975)

    Great Britain (UK)
    One word; amazing :]
    May 17th, 2009 at 10:10pm
  • Cristina Scabbia

    Cristina Scabbia (220)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ooh, well the first thing that struck me about this story was the layout. It's quite dark and ominous, and I liked the image of the flowers in the window. I believe it suited the oneshot really well and it fit the mood of it. The name of the oneshot was good, too. It fits in well with everything and the work that you've put into this really shows.

    I like how mysterious it starts out as. A dusty window attempts to shield a sleeping figure from the outside world. I think it's quite symbolic of the whole story that the window is dusty. It's like it's tainted a little. One day it used to be clean, but things have deteriorated and now it's dusty and tainted. I liked that description a lot, it was really clever.

    It's really clever how you've written Ryan. He comes across as a broken person. The lump shudders, is still, and then returns to the irregular routine of sleep. The fact that he's described as a lump, rather than a person, is quite sad and I think this is how he views himself - just as a lump. And his sleep is irregular - he's obviously got a lot on his mind and has trouble sleeping, if it's irregular.

    I really like how you keep revisiting the fact that the room is dirty. a carpet that can’t remember seeing a vacuum cleaner I think it's clever how things like this are mentioned and it shows that Ryan doesn't really care about anything right now - he just wants to lay there and he doesn't care if things get dirty or anything. Which is quite sad that he's lost that respect for his surroundings, I think it's like he's trapped in his bed, somehow.

    I liked how both men's words were both the other's name, and just one word. I think it makes it a lot more real, and although one-word dialogue doesn't often work, it really worked well with this story and I liked the way it stood out. It's sort of like, the name they spoke was the name of the thing that means the most to them. I liked the way you did that.

    I think the little things are most important in this story. Brendon’s hands finally find the courage to travel up to his best friend’s hair, pushing under his fringe to move it from his forehead. The little details like this always keep the story together and in my opinion helps the story to flow better - it adds little bits to the story that keep the reader's interest, if that makes sense.

    This shows that Ryan is basically just trying to hide himself away from the world. The younger boy smiles to disguise his true emotions. He wants to disguise everything. That could partly be why everything is dirty; he wants to disguise himself behind an image that isn't what he used to be like. And he disguises himself under the duvet, too. He seems like such a tortured character and I think that Brendon is at a bit of a loss as to what to do about it all.

    Brendon's reaction to Ryan was really realistic. “Can’t believe you’re trying to look after me,” Brendon answers finally. It's obvious that Ryan has confused him slightly, and I think that he feels a little bit awkward, due to the fact he answered "finally", rather than answering straight away. It gives the impression that he took a long time to think things over before he spoke.

    And it's the way that Ryan just won't let it go that's the saddest thing of all. “I’ll be fine,” Ryan persists. It's the fact that he "persists", it's like he's relentless and won't stop.

    This was just mindblowing. Brendon’s universe comes crashing down over his head with a dizzying force. The way that described was just...it was like I could feel it too. I absolutely adore your writing style throughout this, and the description is this part was phenomenal. I think that's my favourite thing that you've ever written, that sentence, and I think that's gonna stick in my head for weeks. I'm sorry this paragraph was just babbling about your description but I loved it. So much.

    The way you ended it was great. Especially the last sentence. The hand that Brendon held reaches up to clutch his chest in an unseen gesture of love and pain, and as the taxi cab pulls away from the house and down the road, the boy under the duvet is still. Sorry to quote that much. I think this was a beautiful way to end it all. It shows how much he cares for Ryan, and how much he hurts when he has to leave. It makes me feel sad. This ending worked well, a lot better than a happy ending would.

    Really well written, sorry it took me an age to review. :twitch:
    May 1st, 2009 at 11:12pm
  • The Way

    The Way (1400)

    Hello Sam :tehe:

    A dusty window attempts to shield a sleeping figure from the outside world, but the grime is not thick enough to stop tangerine segments of light melting on a sour-cream face. Ooh, I love this. It's like a paradox; you use such pretty words like 'window' and 'tangerine' and juxtapose it with this atmosphere of dirt and imperfection, summed up by 'sour cream face' which was just an amazing relation in itself. You yourself seem to get lost in your own writing, and you keep it up with consistent length scattered in the text. Obviously, sometimes I get bored with my own stuff and keep it short to get to the good parts, but you have great pacing, and you do it in such a believable way that I, as a reader, actually buy it.

    The handle seems to scream as metal components protest against one another, Yeesh, I can almost hear the screech of the rusty door. Very piercing xD [btw, I just read a fic before this, about the obligatory cliche sick!fic that involves one character taking care of another, and it helped set the mood for this. ahaha.]

    moves slowly into the soft light that bathes the pile of blankets and flesh. Taking a disapproving look at the cloudy dirt on the glass panes to his left, he slowly sinks down on the occupied mattress and bites his lip. The beauty of your narration lies here. I was actually bracing myself for a slip-up, a word that'll be out of place, but I held it in one breath and it was smooth as the hazelnut coffee in front of me right now. This just rolls off the tongue.

    Rough, bare fingers almost taint themselves with the oil affixing clumps of unwashed, hazelnut hair to a smooth forehead, but they refrain from touching the skin. Omg that's so awesome xD Not the prospect of greasy hair, but how you played it out as a sentence, with great pacing and narration--a strength this piece highlights.

    his bones attmepting to slit the skin and snap the blood vessels that drape over them. His pupils contract as he stares up into the bright sunlight, I love the beauty of these words together, the imagery they convey. It's that dreamy kind of text again, but with words that stick out with some semblance of gore that marrs it, somehow making it better.

    refracts from the sea of tiny liquid beads that are born at his hairline, Okay this line pwns my life xD I love the sound of 'tiny liquid beads' and it occurs to me that this piece would sound great on an audiobook, meant to be read aloud.

    Ooh, I just saw the layout picture. It's pretty btw :]

    cleanse the tear-stains from his cheeks. This makes it seem like wiping his own tears is a chore for himself, something he'd rather not do. It's subtext that implies all he wants is to devote himself to Ryan right now, in whatever state he's in. Good placement.

    the dying, violet petals beneath melting chocolate irises are the first to receive a salty shower, before the tears start to rush over his cheekbones. It's so lovely to hear eyelids describe eyelids, or I'd think they were eyelids. Like that lilac tinge they somehow take on, you captured it brilliantly in that statement, though I think 'rush' is too strong a word for this text. Something more delicate to fit the tone, perhaps? as he exhales, his ribcage forcing discomforting air from his alveoli, Okay, I think you went overboard just a bit with the alveoli xD

    His breath hitches at the layer of chilled sweat glazing Ryan’s wrist; he finds the touch depressing and quite the opposite of reassuring, but he knows he could hold it forever. I could feel the coolness of Ryan's wrist around my own fingers--the clammyness of it, the depression implied by it, and I also felt that if it were someone I loved I wouldn't have minded at all. Great way to enunciate that feeling with just once sentence.

    – the gentle parting and closing of his lips as he breathes, as natural as the tide; the bewitching rotation of his eyes beneath capillary-iced lids as he attempts to open them; Beautiful, beautiful phrasing once again. It's so fragile, the words you used; very smart choices you made, like you settled on every word after an hour of contemplation or something xD Suits the tone, and magnificent narration once again.

    “I don’t want Pete to see me like this. He can come round… when I’m better.” Teehee this reminded me of yet another sick!fic, still FMA btw xD Like the reluctance to have someone see you weak says a lot about Ryan's stubborn nature, pushing Bden away gently as if he could take care of himself when the truth is glaringly obvious, and reveals the opposite.

    Brendon’s universe comes crashing down over his head with a dizzying force. His lungs trip and his eyes dilate, his worn down heart stuttering protests of Ryan’s hopeful naivety. I'm reading as I go along, and I guess his disease it far worse than I thought, which explains Brendon's aching all throughout the story. Which was well-handled btw.

    His throat could be convulsing to produce the uneven breathing pattern that mimics Ryan’s, I could see the movement of his neck in my head, muscles swallowing nervously, unsurely, an Adam's apple bobbing up and down, and it's rattling to be in that position, I imagine.

    “Ry… don’t – don’t tell me I’ll be fine without you, b-because I won’t,” Okay just one thing: Cry

    “Please, just – just let me talk or I’ll never finish,” The desperation is so evident, and you really did choose your words carefully, didn't you? I love how he's pleading to say it all in one go, because if not he'll break down in the middle of it when his emotions really hit the flood and get to him. A very sweet, accurate, sad portrait of realism.

    Sobs rupture his body and they shake the mattress, an earthquake tearing apart the lives of two broken boys. Very apt description here. Good job relating them to a natural disaster, unstoppable but not any less horrible.

    I fear that if I go, this could be the last time I ever do. It's always the unspoken things that say the most. Again, Cry.

    “I’ll look after you, Ry,” Brendon chokes, smudging the path of Ryan’s tears with his thumb. “Just one day, and then I’ll be back. I won’t let this disease get you, I swear to God.” Probably my most favorite moment in the entire piece. I think you meant it that way? It just summed it up, succumbing to simplicity now, but it's not any less well-written. It tells a story, that line, and it's incredible.

    Large, warm lips form a goodbye on Ryan’s forehead, I would find a substitute for 'large' because it sounds kind of grotesque, but otherwise I love how you didn't simply say "he kissed his forehead."

    and as the taxi cab pulls away from the house and down the road, the boy under the duvet is still. It's open ending, but it's already painfully obvious what happened, though for the sake of my heart I'll choose to ignore it and insist that he was just sleeping Cry

    And if it wasn't obvious, brilliant, Sam. Simple plot, yet fraught with emotion, with seamless narration and distinct description. You made me use the crying smiley [wow, paradox] three times :arms:

    *I love the chapter title btw.
    April 25th, 2009 at 02:25am
  • N3g4r

    N3g4r (100)

    omg! It was amazing, I was wondering what will happen when Brendon comes back.

    anyway it was well written, teh details were so good.
    April 15th, 2009 at 09:05am
  • paper bag.

    paper bag. (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Cry Cry Cry Cry

    Oh my god sam, I think this story just broke my heart, taped it back together and broke it again. It's like a little known fact that ryden is literally the way to make me cry like a baby :tehe:

    This was beautiful though, stunning, amazing, unbeatable. I could go on, because just wow, if this doesn't win that contest then god knows what is wrong with the world. But crikey, as far as tearjerkers go, this owns them all.

    I now owe you an epic review but I need to pull my thoughts together first but it will be here!
    One of my favourite stories, by you and of all time on Mibba.
    Just..goodness gracious me you talented chook you :arms:
    April 14th, 2009 at 11:23pm