Stranded Memories - Comments

  • TalkingIsMyLife

    TalkingIsMyLife (100)

    United States
    Damnit, I had my comment all typed out a perfect, but my computer went all stupid and didn't pull through for me.
    Anyways, wow. I don't think there was any way you could have pulled off a more perfect first chapter than this one right here. It has everything a first chapter needs, mystery, amazingly hot (dead? ghost?) leading guy, and a distraught best friend who is left to deal with the remains of her dead best friend/maybe love intrest? It's not only moving and it draws you in, it's the kinda first chapter where the moment you finish reading, your only thoughts are that you need to step forward in time so you can read all of it all at once with no interruptions. That, or you need to start threatening and/or bribing so the next chapter comes out right now.
    There is no way that this story will be anything less than perfect, just like all of your other work.
    Seriously, this chapter has left me green with envy, in desperate need of a Time Turner, and plotting was to make the update come faster. (<-- HINT)
    April 19th, 2009 at 02:28am
  • crossed out name.

    crossed out name. (100)

    United States
    1. Banner is GORGEOUS.
    2. I'm sorry to hear it was cancelled.
    3. Once again, I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS STORY!!!
    I don't remember what I said when you first sent this to me, so I'll just go off on my thoughts this time 'round and sorry if they repeat.
    I'm totally stoked to find out what had happened and how he died and how their relationship goes. This entire story is just so freaking haunting and beautiful and amazing, I'm at a loss of words to describe it. I really like Violet's character, even if I don't know all that much about her just yet. I want to know their history!!!
    Wow, sorry for the lame comment.
    Update again soon! I'm subscribing, obviously.
    April 19th, 2009 at 02:18am
  • Little Miss Random

    Little Miss Random (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Can't wait to read more *subscribes*
    And that's a shame bout Fall Out Boy *hugs* :)
    April 19th, 2009 at 01:58am