Rough Love - Comments

  • whiskeydrownedballad

    whiskeydrownedballad (100)

    i love: bite. tease. grind. scratch. lick. play. caress. smoothe.

    && push me down on the floor, take your foot off my neck *dances around room*
    super bad love that song. its preeeeeetty

    "I knew why I returned the favour, however. God, how I knew. He was gorgeous. "
    f**k off darcy *giggles childishly*

    "The fact that those dreams were consistently demolished by the sick sounds of his girlfriend in the adjacent room, that accounted for my less than polite attitude towards the brunette."
    again, f**k off darcy, im not sick, atleast i wouldnt collapse halfway through sex, or am i getting ahead of myself haha. ok lets make a deal, you can have him on tour, what happens on tour stay on tour, but after that i get him back kk lol
    i love how he is 'the brunette' not henry, the brunette haha

    "The sharp pain to my lower back never came however, as he practically threw me onto the table top, lips colliding with mine mid flight."
    haha for me this puts a weird superman image in my head, darcy flying backwards and henry flying towards him, does that happen with you? lol im cool admit it.

    "Hissing as I felt Henry bite my lips"
    teeheehee he's a snake *hiss*

    "It was old, flimsy and had a tear in the neckline, can you really blame me?"
    a) wow i think that shirt probably describes most of henry's wardrobe, and full serious does that boy not know how to iron?! and b) in agreeance (if thats a word) with alison, no darcy we cannot.

    "My eyes almost glazed over as I saw Henry, upside down, standing there."
    ahh funny mental images, good ones, but funny nonetheless. i really dont get how that is one word, its a whole sentence for crying out loud

    oh and hard abs mmmmm

    "“I haven’t… the internet was a wonderful invention.”
    oh dear god yes it is. can i ask him if he's ever looked up how to prepare a guy on the internet before? can you imagine his face, i dont think he'd talk to me ever again.

    and haha its premeditated, hey wait that means he planned to fictionally cheat on me, i dont know if i like that but hey its darcy who wouldnt wanna... well you know

    "Sure, I had been prepared, but contrary to popular belief I hadn’t gotten any for a while, so it still hurt."
    aww poor darcy has been lacking in the bedroom haha

    “Move.” I growled out, bucking back slightly.
    Ooh dominant, which is funny cause hes the smaller one but hey, he is older so it works

    Just as my arms were about to collapse, I felt Henry’s own arms encircle my waist, pulling me up so I was sitting on his thighs, head thrown back over his shoulder.
    Mm good mental images right there

    I don’t think I’m going to survive this.
    Don’t worry darcy I don’t think I could either, I mean it is henry and we all know that he is sex on incredibly long legs

    “I still think the pancakes were thin enough.” A grin spread across my face as Henry nipped my neck and whispered. “Fuck you again, Darcy.”
    Ah you gotta love it. I can imagine this happening actually, well maybe not the sex but then again they are away on tour a lot but still, this totally seems like something they would say.

    Okay, you know I love you, so now freaking update hijacked… please

    ILY *don’t hurt me*
    May 1st, 2009 at 02:58pm
  • BlueEyedAngel2

    BlueEyedAngel2 (100)

    United States
    April 23rd, 2009 at 12:55am
  • budgie

    budgie (100)

    We were arguing, again.
    I really like that line. o___o;
    Not just because I know it's because of y'know, -coughsexualtensioncough- Naughty, but it's a really good introduction. it drew me in straight away. :XD

    It was hardly ever about serious stuff, at the moment it was because he thought I was making the pancakes too thick.
    Isn't it obvious, Darcy! Sheesh.
    I like his conversational tone about the whole business.

    My constant and nightly wet dream.
    Ahaha! How awkward, especially because they share a place! :lmfao :lmfao

    I don’t know what made me finally snap, but I shoved him.
    Thinking about Lisa made him snap, sheesh. :tehe:

    The sharp pain to my lower back never came however, as he practically threw me onto the table top, lips colliding with mine mid flight.
    ;;P Angry sex is always fun to read. :file:

    Hissing as I felt Henry bite my lips, I moved my head to his neck as I abandoned his wrists and began tugging at his top, raking my fingers over his abdomen.
    At first I read it as "raping" and I was like :omfg: but then yeah. [/idiot]

    I was a little too distracted to care.
    I like this line too. ~~

    It was old, flimsy and had a tear in the neckline, can you really blame me?
    No, Darcy. No we cannot. :coffee:

    He was holding a bottle of oil loosely in his left hand, gazing at me with a look of pure lust, remnants of his shirt hanging loosely around hard abs.
    Wow Oh hoh hoh!

    “I haven’t… the internet was a wonderful invention.”
    Ahh oh my God, :lmfao :lmfao This line is brilliant. :brightside:

    Later I would probably confront him over the fact that this was obviously premeditated, but right now…

    “I still think the pancakes were thin enough.”
    Ahahahahaha, that made me giggle. :tehe:

    “Fuck you again, Darcy.”
    AHAHAHA. Perfect ending, Lizzay.

    :arms: Good job!! :crazy:
    April 21st, 2009 at 04:18pm