Stitches - Comments

  • The Maine

    The Maine (100)

    United States
    simply beautiful.
    August 11th, 2009 at 10:59am

    MANEATER. (150)

    United States
    Wow. Just freaking wow.

    I read this with no pauses, no tiny breaks, which usually comes with my reading.I really liked this, especially the way you set up the whole story. It was interesting that you made Gerard keep all the special moments he had with Bert like a mental scrap book.

    I loved the way that you made drinking and doing drugs their thing. It just seemed so sweet even though what they were doing was getting high and drunk.

    When Bert hit him with the rock I was a little shocked, if it were me who was hit I wouldn't be sure if I could really ever trust that person to not lose their temper again, but you made it incredibly real with all the logic Gerard brought into it.

    My favorite thing about this story is the fact that you presented so much memory into this, and all the logic running around Gerard's head, and just the flow of it.

    Keep up the amazing work. :]
    May 29th, 2009 at 01:50am
  • ZombieBeth

    ZombieBeth (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I really like this! ^_^ I love that you started the one-shot in the middle of a conversation – and one that seems really realistic (to me, at least). It really made me laugh as well, which is always a plus when I’m reading stories/one-shots.

    It was hazy, New Jersey sweet and sour air all infused with golden light, beautiful clouds I really really love that line. I love how you used imagery (English analysis coming through now :P) and gave us all (or me, at least) a picture of Bert and Gerard like silhouetted on a bench just as evening is settling in. I don’t know if that’s the image you had in your head when you wrote it, but to me it’s really romantic, haha.

    If I stitched them all together I would see a happy life ruined by the constant presence of a jealous future self.

    “What you thinking about, Gee?”

    I love how you’ve mixed the perfect amount of narrative, description and dialogue, because it keeps the story exciting and easy to read. I also like how Bert breaks him out of his daydream, because I can totally imagine Bert trying to figure him out, wanting to know everything about him.

    On August the fifteenth...
    The way you set out the story was really good to me. How you switched from days, it almost seemed like a diary entry. I also love how you went back to it later on, when Gerard was like “tried to feel August the twenty third again”

    I must stop, because I’ve gone way over my allotted 100 words, but I really loved this!
    Dr Seuss xx
    April 21st, 2009 at 10:05pm
  • Quetzalcoatl.

    Quetzalcoatl. (100)

    United States
    Fucking awesome. Seriously.

    I loved it.
    April 21st, 2009 at 08:32pm