Hemorrhage. - Comments

  • Wow. This is intense. And so, so, so good.
    But John needs to be junk punched. End of story.
    May 21st, 2009 at 02:11am
  • I love it already!

    Can't wait for more (:
    I'm really curious to see how John reacts when he sees her.
    May 19th, 2009 at 11:32pm
  • So far, this is very well written. I'm really excited!
    It's gonna be a hard story to read, but I'll manage somehow (:
    May 19th, 2009 at 10:58pm
  • Gah, John's a douche in this story too? There's an unbalance D:
    Not to worry though, he'll be a super cutie in the one-shot I write about him in the next two weeks. hehe.
    Anyway, the way you're writing this story is incredible. You depict all these realistic feelings so well, it's mind-boggling. If I could write half as good as you, I'd be happy. The words you use, just everything works so well right down to a science.
    Emelie's feelings are accurate to what a girl feels about her weight at times.
    I love this story lots and it's barely at chapter two. Update soon, m'dear ;]
    May 19th, 2009 at 05:14am
  • I loved this update it was so good, I really can't wait to read more, it captured what a girl would really feel and would go threw if she had this problem. I bow down to you no joke.
    May 19th, 2009 at 04:09am
  • John Ohh is a fucking douche.
    NOT COOL, John Ohhh, NOT COOL.
    Despite my anger rising about his dick move, I loved this chapter. The repeition of him not noticing and then ending it with her not noticing either = lovely.
    But I love Jared and Pat for actually having balls and telling John that he's a dick.
    Grawr, I'm just so frustrated with him being a dick that I don't have the words! (We'll blame my Irish/Italian heritage, everyone knows you don't want to mess with that, ahha). I love how relatable you have her be, because every girl at some point in her life has had that guy that she wants to impress (whether it be related to her weight or otherwise), and...gahh you're amazing. And when he made that comment to her, I could just strangle the boy. I've had my guy friends make comments about my weight pointless times (even though I'm a size two), and it's so stupid and annoying, even jokingly.
    ANYWAY, to end my rant of stupid boys commenting on girls' weight, John is a dick, you better get G-rizz in this story and he can go beat the shit out of J-dog.
    I LOVED THIS. Update again.
    I'm going to go update Kenny for you now <3
    May 19th, 2009 at 02:56am
  • Man, oh man.
    Your writing is absolutely fantastic.
    I already adore this story.
    May 19th, 2009 at 02:55am
  • Oh gosh. Thank-youu. i was so excited when i got an email telling me you updated this story. :]
    May 19th, 2009 at 02:34am
  • OH MY GOD. :D. First Chapter=LOVE.
    May 12th, 2009 at 02:39am
  • My god, Kaylie. Um, I basically love you for writing this and now I have an itch to write a John Ohhh story, but my plate's full x]
    Also, Melanie and you both posted John Ohhh stories? Awesome possum! aha.
    Anyway, the way you wrote this is so straightforward and perfectly aligned with similes and fantastic descriptions. Makes me feel like I'm reading something coming from a novel at the local B&N's. Your style of writing amazes me, seriously (:
    I'm curious to know who told her about the cold fries comment. If it was John than oh man I'll have a heart attack. Why do I have a feeling this will be a love/hate relationship? They're awesome to read and you do a very good job at it.
    In case you don't know, I'm subscribing to this in a heartbeat.
    April 27th, 2009 at 07:03am
  • I can't wait for more, I'm realy excited.
    April 27th, 2009 at 06:57am
  • I HATE MIBBA. It deleted what I wrote, damn.
    Anyway. As I was saying.
    When I first read the summary, my first thought was: if that's John who said it, Kaylie is going to have hell to pay, haha. Because I would be sad if he was a douche in both Andrea's story and yours (as I discussed with Andrea, there has to be a douche-y-ness balance through our stories, really :P). But I'm hoping that the person who said that was a sleaze boyfriend instead, and John can be the sweetheart friend who she goes to afterward all upset, like, the one who tells her how wonderful and beautiful she is and builds her back up.
    But of course, that'd just be too lovely and happy.
    So it won't, I'm sure.
    I love the way this is written, by the way. (Big shocker there).
    I won't tell you to update this really soon. Rather, I'm going to tell you to update Kennedy really soon. That way, a) you'll write more of that soon, and because of that, b) you'll finish Kennedy sooner and this can get more attention and updates!
    It's a win-win, really.
    April 27th, 2009 at 06:48am
  • this should get good
    April 27th, 2009 at 03:13am
  • This sounds like it's going to be rather interesting, once it gets going.
    I'm quite excited to see where this goes (:
    April 27th, 2009 at 02:45am