So Far Away - Comments

  • Ok, i'm finally commenting!
    I had to reread it, and i'm actually crying, CRYING! It was just so damn emotional, i just felt so heartbroken that Gee would never wake up again, so devestated for Mikey, and so proud that Gee no longer feared death.
    The whole thing was perfect, i could effortlessly imagine Gee's emotions as he sat there in the darkness, so confused and lost, and then so strong.

    Death was nothing. It was just another adventure
    If i wasn't crying before that, then i was crying then! Gee's strength to accept his fate just got to me, it was such an incredible thing for him to do when someone else would just be in denial.

    There was a tingling sensation in his fingers, he could feel his brother’s grip. Tender. Soft. Warm. He glanced at his hands, but there was nothing holding onto him. Just a ghostly touch. A reminder of what human emotion was.
    God, that was just perfect. They are so far away from each other, they'll never talk again, Gee won't ever see Mikey's face again, yet they are still connected so strongly by their love, and that part just exemplified that so well.

    He now knew that he wasn’t ever going to see Mikey again, or his family, or his friends.
    That moment of realisation, it was so simple yet so damn effective. I could just imagine the realisation hitting him as he sits in the darkness, all alone, and the utter devestation he must be feeling.

    He’d now accepted his fate as he cried in the silence. And now Mikey should accept it too.
    Once again, Gee's strength in a moment like this, in his final moments, just blew me away.

    Frozen in time, forever. Forever. The word rebounded off the wall’s in his brain, haunting him.
    The use of repetition was so effective in potraying the absoluteness (if thats a word) of forever, the utter enormity of it.

    Also, the ending was perfect.
    This was his, Elena.

    So Long, and Goodnight.

    I can't think of a better way it could have ended. After all the pain, the devestation and loss, there is still so much hope. Hope that Gerard will see the ones he loves again, and that death isn't such a bad thing after all. It made me happy, knowing that Gee was now content.

    The funny thing was, while reading this, Famous Last Words started playing. Spooky! Listening to that, and reading this was just Swoon
    You are very. very talented, and i will be sure to read more of your stuff
    July 17th, 2007 at 12:46pm
  • a tear is on it's way down my cheek right now. really. it's so HAPPY!! i'm crying out of happiness. Gerard didn't DIE he lived on. so i'm happy for everyone in this story! i love it.
    ~ Au Revior ~
    music is life
    P.S. OWW!!!! The mascara stings!! owowowowowow!!
    July 17th, 2007 at 11:09am
  • Yep, I wrote this off something you wrote. I hope thats ok.

    Your story also left me feeling bad for Gerard and how he must feel. I was just imagining him being stuck in a kind of black abyss, and being able to hear his brother speaking to him, because he wasn't fully dead, he just couldn't wake up or respond. So, I just imagined that his brain was still functioning normally and he must of been going crazy not being able to calm his brother or help Frank.

    So, I put those thoughts into words. I hope you liked it.
    July 16th, 2007 at 04:58pm

    You wrote this off of something I helped write?

    Goddamn. I was actually thinking about Gerard and what he must feel like, dying and all...but I didn't do anything with it.

    Holy Motherfucking Shit.
    I am awestruck.
    July 16th, 2007 at 02:10am
  • Thanks for the comments you guys.I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and understanding it.

    lyrical_muze, I agree that, that last line fits really well. I actually wrote the last paragraph first because I was listening to Helena and I could just imagine that when Gerard dies, he would see his grandmother and then everything would be ok.

    And x-vampiress-x I'm sorry to say. this is just a one-shot. There will be no more added to it. In Love
    July 15th, 2007 at 06:35pm
  • *wipes a tear* Gee!!! NO!!!!! Its so sad :(
    But you are a really good writer, more soon I hope
    From Adele xoxo
    July 15th, 2007 at 06:27pm
  • Ahhh... That was awesome. So bitter-sweet.
    July 15th, 2007 at 06:23pm
  • Hey Thank you so much for this!!

    I read matters of the heart and then This. I enjoyed them both very much. They were very sad and heartbreaking and I still have tears rolling down my cheaks as I'm writing this. It was great to hear what Gerard's POV was and Im glad that he tuely wanted to give Frank his heart. I feel so much better now knowing that.. Kinda like I dnt feel guilty anymore. Which that doesnt make sense but that ws how I was feeling. Anyway thanks again for this, To you and the two writers of Matters of the Heart. xoxo
    July 15th, 2007 at 05:56pm
  • That last line fit so well. The bit about "This was his, Elena. So long and goodnight." That was brilliant and perfect.

    The Way told me to read this and I know why. This is nothing less than a perfect counterpart to Matters of the Heart. Its wonderful imagery, with Gerard screaming out and speaking but nothing's coming out. And he and Mikey make the decision at the exact same time. Amazing. Bravo.
    July 15th, 2007 at 05:25pm
  • Thankyou. Like I have already told you that it flatters me hearing you say that. You are one of the best writer's I've seen on Mibba so I am glad you liked this and it made you cry.

    Although, crying is sad. But it proves to me my writing was strong enough to get that kind of emotion from such an awesome author.
    July 15th, 2007 at 05:07pm
  • So, already reviewed this, but I wanted to comment here too. I'm first commentor. :)

    I cried. I really did.

    It really touched me, BEYOND REASON, that someone wrote this, based from something I wrote. It's amazing, and honestly, the best reaction I've ever gotten to a story.

    Thank you.

    I'm gonna go recc this now. :sigh:
    In Love
    July 15th, 2007 at 05:02pm