To Be Awake and Unafraid - Comments

  • s u p e r h u m a n

    s u p e r h u m a n (150)

    United States
    How ironic he runs into Frank at the liquor store!
    Can you realy by pads there? And why would a woman with children be using pads?
    Most women (after intercourse) use tampons. Just so you know dear.
    It was Pete, of course. I knew that but forgot. Damn Pete, he killed Mikey in that other story.
    Who are his little lackies? I'll kick their asses too. Psh. I'm hardcore.
    Anyway, I've somehow made this commentlong, all about me and unecessary and somehow about me.
    Okay, great chapter. He needs to call Frankie soon, UPDATE SOON!
    May 8th, 2009 at 06:21am
  • s u p e r h u m a n

    s u p e r h u m a n (150)

    United States
    My name is in the title I feel loved.... Man I love that title! :lmfao
    I'd like to know who was beating my husband, I don't appreciate that at all.
    If Mikey woke up crying I'd be nice for one and hug him back to sleep or something.
    Shrinks, therapists, counselers, whatever can go die, they all fill your head with nonsense.
    Funny I say that since I want to be one :shifty But its funny to imagine Ray as some Hippie therapist.
    Thats some strange way of making things 'better' he's got going on here but as long as I get my Frikey I could careless.
    Anyway I feel like I deserve to be the first comment since I am a part of the title.
    I can't get over that, I just feel so loved. In Love Anyways dear I kind of love this already.
    So try not to take forever updating like I do, or else I'll do bad things to you, okay?
    May 1st, 2009 at 07:10am