The Breakdown of Natalie Whitman - Comments

  • adjacent.justice

    adjacent.justice (100)

    United States
    I don't want to keep taking up your little pages of comments, so I'll stick with this one and comment the chapters in sections, it's making me angry going back and forth, I want to keep reading, dammit.

    So. Natalie is emotional about getting a bad grade-- hell. Been ther edone that with my parents, I cried every so often until a turning point in my life, which is when I do not care anymore, and ignore the screams. But I know how she feels. I know how she feels.

    Phillips seems nice enough, better than that Daphne chick. I know what you're trying to convey with Daphne, but. I don't like icky sweet people, they just piss me off, period. I'll edit this when I have read more.

    Things seem to be heating up, which is good, I finally got to the part that you took out of your story, the "I'm not gay!" part, and it made sense now and things are getiing better.

    Still don't like Daphne, and Ella, I like. She's a different kind of girl I never really see in teenage books like these (not that I read many of them, for that matter) I hope you update soon, I'd like to read more.

    I got disappointed when there was no chapter eleven.
    June 11th, 2009 at 05:01am
  • adjacent.justice

    adjacent.justice (100)

    United States
    Chapter four.

    I knew there was something up with Daphne, and I did not enjoy reading about her, in the first place. Too icky sweet for my tastes, not a character I enjoy, but her side gave you a bit more insight to Natalie and the story, so I stomahced her niceness and read on.

    There seems to be more to Phillips than I thought, so that's good at least. And Natalie, Natalie. Getting defensive about the boyfriend/girlfriend subject, eh? Hm, maybe I am not like her, but I suppose fronts make you think you're getting along with someone, depending on where you are when you meet them.

    I like Natalie's last name. It reminds me of the chocolates that people give out during Valentine's Day. I have a character named Natalie and it gets me slightly confused on which one I am reading about-- which is good, I am into the story.

    Next chapter.
    June 11th, 2009 at 04:46am
  • adjacent.justice

    adjacent.justice (100)

    United States
    Chapter three.

    Alright, back to this woman. No wonder she is a bit shy, that happened to her. Still not liking her, though. I'm not that type of gal, I've got a "mask" the way you put it, but not like that. I hide my emotions, but for total different reasons.

    The chapter seemed to pass by quickly, I suppose I'm getting used to the characters, still no fan of the plot, but I'm still reading, I want to see the reasons for people and the reasons behind people. This woman has changed from a man to a petite girl, which is a dramatic change, but realistic when you learn about people.

    Now. Daphne.

    I'll say it: I don't like her. There's something up with her. I don't like her nice attitude in the least bit.

    Seems to nice. I hate icky sweet things.
    June 11th, 2009 at 04:38am
  • adjacent.justice

    adjacent.justice (100)

    United States
    Chapter two.

    A few sentences did not make sense and at one point I think you meant "gaze" not "gazed". But I might have read it wrong, it was in the last pararaph, after the "chill" thing.

    Now, I like Natalie. She seems to be a bit of a brat, yes, but. There has got to be a reason for it, and I am most likely about to read any find that out. I like her opinion on the doctor and I like her attitude to the boyfriend and girlfriend subject.

    Sounds a bit like me, so I can relate. Hell, it sounds a lot like me. I really have an uncaring attitude towards things like that, so I understand it all perfectly from her view. I like things from her view. I like the writing style much more in this chapter, maybe because it's first view (I hate that view) and it's a different character.

    That's most likely the thing. So. Onto chapter three. I'm still reading-- that's a good thing. I normally stop at the first sentence with things.
    June 11th, 2009 at 04:30am
  • adjacent.justice

    adjacent.justice (100)

    United States
    You wanted comments, so I decided to give them to you. At least one. This is on the first chapter, I'll probably do this for every chapter I read.

    I liked the first paragraph, a little bit. The first sentence seemed a bit confusing. I had to re-read it once or twice. The first time I read it, I assumed, by the things I was reading, that it was a man. I found out, from the name, and the last paragraph it wasn't and felt like a complete idiot-- but this is good. The character seemed realistic to me-- different from average women.

    I liked the break down of things in paragraph two. How she puts people into different catagories. I like how she is self conscious about herself, but I don't like the giant paragraph. It hurt my eyes.

    High school, ugh. Not looking forward to that, this just made me remember how dramatic it's going to be. Not liking that any bit.

    In all, I liked the character. Not the writing style, and she seemed to repeat herself a bit, and I hate it when people do that. I might go onto the second chapter, and I hope it gets more interesting.
    June 10th, 2009 at 11:49pm
  • The Littlest Giant.

    The Littlest Giant. (100)

    United States
    “You must understand that when I first met Natalie Whitman was over a simple issue.”

    I really liked how it begun with this line, because it was attention-grabbing, but not something cliché or over-dramatic.

    I thought that the whole Mrs. Torres issue was a bit confusing, but I really liked how you saw both sides of the issue. What I did find confusing was that Natalie was so outraged at Mrs. Torres, while Mrs. Torres was completely oblivious to why she made Natalie angry. I was kind of confused on that, too. Was it because she asked her about who she liked that one time? If so, I thought it was a bit extreme for Natalie to hate her so fiercely.

    I also thought it was a bit extreme, for Natalie to step in front of the car just to avoid talking to her mother about the grade on her paper. I know that was the intention, but I just had trouble believing it, even for someone as concerned about her mother’s opinion as Natalie.

    I did like the correlation between the whole theme of “masks,” and how that tied into Natalie’s relationship with her mother, though. The reader kind of starts to understand Natalie’s strange demeanor once you find out that she is abused by her mother.

    I really like how all the characters have a really strong voice, as well as secrets that they all seem to be keeping that affect the way they interact with one another. I’m excited to see where this goes.
    June 9th, 2009 at 03:52am
  • totheark.

    totheark. (100)

    Another great chapter =D I didn't expect that, Ella surprised me. I didn't think that she would be into ... playing the flute xD (that innuendo was great.)

    Can't wait to see more!
    June 8th, 2009 at 12:31am
  • lee lee black.

    lee lee black. (125)

    United States
    Ella, as far as I can tell, is going to be a bigger element than I thought.

    Another look into the relationship between Natalie and her mother.

    Mrs. Whitman has not only a warped sense of discipline but a superiority complex. Go figure.

    I played the flute, too. Middle school, 2 years. I'm probably crap at it by now.
    June 6th, 2009 at 10:15pm
  • krinay1

    krinay1 (100)

    United States
    i read your latest chapter and it was really good!! i liked the beginning part where ella said "who cares about dead ppl from the 1800s anyway?" or something like taht. i can related to taht too but i kinda like history...

    i liked the end also!! as always you do a fantastic job XD XD
    June 6th, 2009 at 09:28pm
  • totheark.

    totheark. (100)

    I just stumbled across this story and I have to say … I’m impressed. This is brilliant, some really powerful writing. The characters are so complex and believable and the comparisons you make and the metaphors you use are just … they’re so impressive.

    You’re a really talented writer. Totally subscribed and can’t wait to see where this is going!

    High school was like a zombie run. You run away from the zombies and if your best friend sprains her ankle, you leave her to become lunch for a bunch of undead monsters. - This is so true, I couldn't have put it better myself!
    June 5th, 2009 at 07:05pm
  • Qwertymann

    Qwertymann (100)

    I can see you like to spend a lot of time on characterization. That's good, because well-made characters make for awesome stories. It is the most used thing in a story, so they should be good. And you've made them good.
    I like your analogies, they're cool. And sometimes funny. xD
    And good to see that Jennifer is making some progress, as little as it may be.
    June 2nd, 2009 at 01:49am
  • lee lee black.

    lee lee black. (125)

    United States
    Hmm....more implicit story twists and great revelations!

    With each chapter, you dive deeper and deeper into each character.

    There's a lot to this story now, and it just keeps getting better.
    June 1st, 2009 at 05:14am
  • krinay1

    krinay1 (100)

    United States
    i love chapter 10!!!! it was an awesome twist to put taht torres made herself turn into a diabetic. and it also might be implying that natalie is homosexual. and i like how you put that natalies mom thinks taht homosexuality is an extremely bad sin (even though its not to me....) and natalie uses that as an excuse to cover up the fact taht that person (i forgot her name XD) is coming onto natalies secret!!

    even though she might not have one...
    June 1st, 2009 at 04:45am
  • krinay1

    krinay1 (100)

    United States
    ooo the suspence is killing me!!! i wonder why she screamed and ran into the bathroom like that!!! hmmm.... we shall see in the next chapter i suppose!!

    like always this chapter was really good!!! keep on truckin char!!
    May 27th, 2009 at 01:08am
  • lee lee black.

    lee lee black. (125)

    United States
    You sure know how to leave readers wondering what the hell can possibly happen next.

    This update was chock full of intense emotions, and you were careful to handle them all well.

    There's so much to all of these characters, it seems like any little event could send anyone of them over the edge.

    I'm anticpating whatever comes next.
    May 26th, 2009 at 07:35pm
  • lee lee black.

    lee lee black. (125)

    United States
    A very unfortunate event for Natalie. There is a definite case of child abuse here, not just physical but emotional.

    The sidenote being, how will Daphne react?

    And how will Jennifer fit in to the bigger equation?
    May 25th, 2009 at 11:14pm
  • The Chills

    The Chills (100)

    Damn! wasn't expecting the crazy moma thing - nice twist i really like it.
    May 25th, 2009 at 10:59pm
  • TheActress

    TheActress (100)

    United States
    very interesting so far! You are a very good writer
    May 25th, 2009 at 02:18am
  • Qwertymann

    Qwertymann (100)

    I love this! It's fantastic, the characters are very well-defined, and it's definitely going somewhere interesting. So Natalie's mother should probably get hospitalized or something. Or get cancer. :)
    I certainly cannot wait for more chapters to be posted! This story is so awesomeeee.
    The only thing it really needs is more dialogue. Apart from that it's fantastic! Can't wait for more.
    May 24th, 2009 at 11:06pm
  • krinay1

    krinay1 (100)

    United States
    wow i love chapter 8!! natalies mom is so horrid!! shes the disgrace not natalie!!
    May 24th, 2009 at 05:00pm