Save Your Sympathy. - Comments

  • ^Also from the forum.
    It blows my mind how this can just be overlooked.
    Your writing, in style and form, is amazing. Not to mention the very emotional and passionate turbulence that consumes the plot. It makes for an amazing story.
    The story's awesome level just keeps rising with the realistic charcters. Jaime and Ian seem so much like real people, with flaws and all. Which, in a story context at least, is perfect.
    May 30th, 2009 at 11:58pm
  • I came to here from the forum.

    I don't understand why it doesn't have so many comments. It was really touching, maybe because I've experienced it or something like it and have always been afraid of being an "Ian" even though I understand Ian just as much as Jamie.

    But it left me wanting more. Seem like this was written with feeling.

    I love it! Good work!
    May 30th, 2009 at 06:55pm
  • Great story here

    And you just rekindled my love for my ol' favourite band :tehe:
    May 17th, 2009 at 11:37pm
  • This is really good!
    Is it just a one-shot or is there gonna be more?
    May 15th, 2009 at 12:26pm
  • :shock:

    Oh wow. That was...angsty.

    At first I think you feel a bit more sorry for Ian, like he's feeling helpless and at a loss for what to do to help Jamie. That it's such an ongoing thing that he's really sort of lost hope with Jamie just being his friend again.

    Then, you sort of get the message that Ian's actually not all that good with even getting the full picture. That all Jamie needs is just someone to take the load off him a little and defend for him, without having to do it all alone. :\

    I don't really know if I'm getting the correct point there, with the twist that Ian's actually not that great a friend (even though he is trying) but...I saw that !_!

    It seems like it's a bit too late for sorry. And that Ian, and the others, should have given a bit more of a shit about Jame earlier, and its too much too late, really. Sad

    Can't be sure if Jamie sort of hid it all and acted like it wasn't happening, or they all just tried to ignore it even though it was staring them in the face that he was getting the shit kicked into him. I suppose it would be hard not to notice.

    You really feel like Jamie's just trapped. No one is really helping and he's struggling with day-to-day things. Sad

    This was well written though. All the little things, even though it was short, every action was explained to the fullest, and it gave a very 3D edge to it all.

    :cute: xx
    May 11th, 2009 at 09:21pm