Roll Call/Yellow Bird - Comments

  • Wow. That was really good. Really, really good.

    It just seemed to make ... sense
    August 6th, 2009 at 06:03pm
  • I found this when I was doing my periodic searches of myself and found your confession.

    This is not really a review, but I needed to say it.

    This reads like... poetry and a song at the same time. As I was reading I could actually hear music and a beat and a rhythm in my head to fit the words. It was beautiful. This reminded me a lot of Ryan's writing actually. It was very... organic and still... it contained a lot of references and metaphors to more... artificial things.

    It made me think of woodwork and conceptual photographs and people clapping their hands while singing a song acapella. It's beautiful, truly.
    May 18th, 2009 at 02:11am
  • Whoa.

    That's a real...its, well, for one thing that piece is very hard to describe. I like the whole chain of events bit. And Alice and Lady Lazarus. This phrase was especially cool: eyes like hurricanes.

    I liked the acoustic guitar bit the best, maybe because I was just playing mine for the last ten minutes. But I liked that question, Does it sing?. It was a good question. And then the answer comes in bird form, which is even cooler because birds sing.

    The piece is more philosophical than the title would suggest, in a rambling thoughts kind of way. I actually expected something happy, I don't know why. Yellow is a happy color to me. Maybe that's why the tone is all the more fitting, actually. I wouldn't call it sombre or melancholy.

    Interesting, maybe? Okay, I don't know. But the last line It's something that stays with the reader. I really like this.

    Good job. =D

    (and I'm sorry this review isn't longer or better, but this is an unusual piece and wasn't sure how to go about it. But unusual in a good way.)
    May 15th, 2009 at 01:24pm
  • That's freaking awesome. :lmfao

    I love its whimsy.
    May 10th, 2009 at 08:26pm