Kristallnacht - Comments

  • JaneAusten

    JaneAusten (200)

    New Zealand
    Yes, I was astounded when I found out his story. It made me very sad- and mad!!! Poor guy. I hope he survived!!! (Even if he had to be sworn to secrecy- his act wasn't the best of outlets, but it was understandable). Anyway, I've found out about two other diaries of the Holocaust: of Rutka Laskier, who was thought to be the Polish Anne Frank- she was murdered in Auschwitz and was the age of Anne, though she died two years earlier, and of Helga Deen, who was murdered in Sobibor. Helga's, I think, is really interesting- she actually wrote it in the camp! She wrote it for her boyfriend so he could see what they were going through. Dunno how he found it, but his son, after the boyfirend's death, siad that he kept it like a 'religious relict'. Poor guy ...
    June 7th, 2009 at 03:21am
  • alexander bernadotte

    alexander bernadotte (125)

    United States
    Oh, this is so sad D: My great-grandparents experienced the Holocaust and I doubt I can ever imagine what they went through. I'm glad there are some people out there who aren't so intolerant. Cry
    June 6th, 2009 at 12:21pm