Poprocks and Coke: If I Can't Have Both, Which Do I Choose? - Comments

  • Flo.

    Flo. (150)

    Update! :D I think that she shouldn't tell Billie that she loves him while it seems that she's not really sure. And she should meet with her friend. Seriously o.o maybe that would sort of...help her with this problem or her friend would find the answer :D
    Can't wait for more ^^
    August 29th, 2009 at 11:46am
  • Flo.

    Flo. (150)

    Poor Tre : < She should clone herself!
    July 30th, 2009 at 10:30am
  • Flo.

    Flo. (150)

    hahahaha they can easily see when she lies. : D I will say that it's not love. I don't believe in something like that. you can't fall in love with someone and feel confused about that person and the other so... I'll say that she has a crush on both of them and she's very confused. o.O I guess that I would run away if that happened to me! Scary situation. They're not helping her too. I doubt Billie will take it lightly when he finds out :/ I don't even want to think what may happen : x
    June 24th, 2009 at 07:12pm
  • Gryffindor_GreenDay2

    Gryffindor_GreenDay2 (100)

    United States
    Make her go for Mike! Instead of going for either Billie or Tre, make her go for Mike! LOL 'Tis a plot twist!

    June 17th, 2009 at 05:45am
  • kayteexrockstar

    kayteexrockstar (100)

    United States
    i love it babez. :]
    June 16th, 2009 at 01:07am
  • kayteexrockstar

    kayteexrockstar (100)

    United States
    more story!! :]
    June 14th, 2009 at 10:23am
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    Ello, m'dear! Soooo... chapter eighteen was basically amazing and has become one of my favorite chapters thus far...

    I looked up at the man; "Is Tre in the waiting room or in a bed or anywhere in this building?" I asked, hoping for any answering that would include a 'Yes'.

    Instead, he just stared at me with a questionable look; "Who?"

    I felt my heart sink again; "Frank Wright?"

    He still looked at me confused.

    By the time this ^^ part came, I was basically freaking out. The doctor clearing did not know who or where the hell Tre was, and more importantly, that meant that nobody knew if he was okay, if he was even alive or not! :cheese: I pretty much freaked out cause I wanted Tre to be okay, and the fact that the doctor was so confused, definitely was not reassuring for me. I wanted to smack the doctor, in hopes that it would knock some sense into him, and he'd realize Tre was in the next room, but I couldn't. :XD

    By the time Nikki found Mike, I was about to hyperventilate because not even Mike knew where the hell Tre was! But when he mentioned Christie Road, I was all "Hell yes! Tre motherfucking Cool, you better be there, and you better be alive!" :lmfao Can you tell that I'm totally Team Tre with a bit of support for Billie every now and then? :XD

    Anyway, I adore the way you described Christie Road, and the small bit of a background story that you gave. Somehow, it set the mood more for me, and it made me feel like I was actually walking alongside Nikki, looking for Tre. That was really good detail that you had in that part. :con:

    I looked up and almost cried.

    In that one sentence, you could feel so much raw emotion, and I swear, even I nearly choked up, just from that one sentence. Gosh, you sure have a talent for evoking suck emotions in the reader, it's unreal. Don't lose that skill, love, that's something you never wanna lose.

    When Nikki notices that he's been shot and Tre merely brushes it off. I love how you portrayed Tre in this moment. He was shown in a really humane and very selfless light. The fact that he could smile it away even though he was in pain, and pretty much say, "Yeah, but I got away before they could do more damage, I'm okay, no harm done." That moment in the story just really touched me, and touched my heart. In Love

    The ending, in my opinion, was just flawless. I mean, the pure, raw, descriptiveness of it was just amazing. I think that was when your talents in writing really shined through because even from just reading the last paragraph, you can feel all of the emotions that you were trying to get across in the ending. I absolutely loved the way you ended this chapter. :cute:

    Ehhh, do you still want the banner that I made? It's nothing fancy since it's pretty much the first one I made, but I made two you could choose from? I'll just give you the links so you can pick and just take the IMG code...
    First one.
    Second one.

    Edit: Wait, I gave the links to see the banners. If you like any of them, you could just tell me, and I'll give you the IMG code.
    June 11th, 2009 at 03:21am
  • LottieNightmare

    LottieNightmare (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I'm glad that Tre is ok and Billie, hopefully.
    Please update again soon the suspense is killing me!
    I'm so glad that I subscribed to this, it's absolutely amazing!
    June 10th, 2009 at 02:23pm
  • charmishgirl

    charmishgirl (100)

    United States
    please update!!!!!
    June 10th, 2009 at 07:33am
  • Gryffindor_GreenDay2

    Gryffindor_GreenDay2 (100)

    United States
    This is an amazing story!
    Please keep going with it?

    June 10th, 2009 at 05:26am
  • LottieNightmare

    LottieNightmare (200)

    Great Britain (UK)
    :O TRE?!
    Please update and let him be ok!
    And Billie of course!
    I love it!
    Update again?
    June 9th, 2009 at 10:04pm
  • charmishgirl

    charmishgirl (100)

    United States
    seriously, please update!!! i love this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    June 6th, 2009 at 04:05am
  • kayteexrockstar

    kayteexrockstar (100)

    United States
    i would HATE to be in Nikki's situtation.
    June 2nd, 2009 at 03:35am
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    Hello again, I'm back for chapter twelve. :cute:

    First off, I like how you briefly went over what happened between Billie and Nikki during the times that you weren't writing about, because in my eyes, it shows that you remembered about them specifically. It showed that you didn't forget about what went on between them in the previous chapter, which is very good! Wow

    Yeah! I like the surprise appearance by mistah Tre Cool! I'm glad you didn't forget to include him as well, I missed him. :tehe: And, of course he's there cause he needs a place to hide out, what else would we all be expecting from Tre? Him being there to admit he was wrong and wants her just as bad as she doesn't know she wants him? Not me, that's who. :file: Okay, maybe I did, a little bit.

    Grr, Mike! You interrupted Tre, right when he was about to admit that he wanted to watch the movie just with Nikki! Great going! :grr: That part made me wanna jump into the story and strangle Mike's skinny neck! He ruined what might've been a perfect reunion moment! That meanie. When Billie is brought up, and Tre obviously shows bitterness, I'm kinda surprised that Nikki or even Mike didn't catch that! Mike seems like the type who'd notice that, especially coming from one of his best buds, but I guess not. :XD

    When Nikki and Tre were left alone, it was like, 'okay, something juicy is coming, I can feel it in my little toes! Come on drama and excitement!' What came next was just, oh my god! When Tre said he made a mistake not too long ago, I was just like "Oooh, he wants ya, Nikki, wants you so bad!" I wanted the talk to happen so bad! Wow

    He stared into your eyes for a few seconds as he tried to explain what he meant. The moment as he stared seemed frozen, and you couldn't help but freeze up to. That part was just amazingly descriptive, and I could feel the emotion and the electricity in the moment between Tre and Nikki. I can definitely tell there's something there. :con: 'Take your hand off his shoulder, the interaction is screwing with your mind! At this point, I just love how Billie is suddenly remembered and Nikki needed to force herself to stop touching Tre because no good could come from it. :lmfao

    I kinda cannot help but love how Billie's arrival just ruins things for Tre and he has to leave, or at least feels like he has to leave, just because Billie came. I admit, I am kind of rooting for Tre, since he ain't getting no love at the moment, and he and Nikki just seemed to click when they met. Not only that, but come on! They've got the spark, and both feel the same way for one another!

    Don't leave me again. you pleaded to him in your head, until you asked yourself, 'What did I mean by that?'

    "Tre, please..." you pleaded as you put your hand on his upper arm.

    He looked over at your hand on his arm for a second and you did too.

    This part, you could just see how desperately she felt for him, and yet she still just did not understand how much she felt for him, or what exactly she felt for him. And, that is exactly why I am rooting for Tre, because Nikki thinks she wants Billie and yet, she can feel her feelings for Tre blossoming in the midst of it.

    He looked up into your slightly watering eyes, "Just let me go, Nikki."

    This part, to me, had like a double meaning? I'm not sure if it's supposed to, but I caught a double meaning. This ending just tore me apart, I seriously wanted to cry, I did not want Tre to walk out that door. I did not want Tre to want to walk out that door, but he did, and that tore me apart. But it was an amazing way to end it.
    May 31st, 2009 at 07:57am
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    ^^ That's cause I was commenting for more than one chapter. I'm gonna do it chapter by chapter now, so expect heaps of them, since I'm trying to catch up to the ones I missed. :XD

    Chapter Eleven:

    Billie put down the guitar and looked at you as if you were the best thing ever. That was just about the best sentence that you could have used to open this chapter with. When I read that, you took my breath away, and I loved that you opened the chapter with that sentence.

    When it came to when Billie asked Nikki if she liked it, and she seemed speechless... that part, just, I don't know, it came out at me. I really thought that part was touching, and sweet, because she was amazed, and Billie seemed to read her mind cause he just smiled and said, "Good to know you like it."

    But I got nervous as fuck when Nikki opened her mouth and asked why he wrote that, because BIllie immediately assumed that she didn't like it. I was all, "Nooo, Nikki why'd you have to open you mouth?! Billie, read her mind! She loved it!" :cheese: It was a breath of relief when she explained that she just didn't know how to react and wanted to know. Billie's reply was sooo sweet! He feels so strongly for her, and it transcends through with his answer.

    The little battle that wages in Nikki's head after that was just, you know kinda unexpected, but I like that you placed it there. The thoughts that ran through her mind, actually seemed perfectly placed and nicely lead up to what she said next, which mind you, I wanted to smack Nikki silly for. :grr: It's like, "Dude, he wrote you a fucking song! He's crazy about you, don't just avoid the mofoing subject!"

    "I think... I think I love you," he whispered into your ear. That part just made me go "Awww." That was so sweet, and really romantic of Billie, in my opinion. I really loved how you placed that in there, and I just loved that part. It became one of my favorite parts, actually. :cute:

    Yay, she likes Billie, and they kissed! That moment was like, angels singing, light shining down on them, finally! moment. I swear, that was a long wait, but I hope Tre's not down and out yet! He better not be down for the count yet. I hope not. :shifty

    The ending was kinda, in my opinion, an eye opener. It seems like she's realized that she does in fact have a thing for Billie passed the fact that he is attractive, but at the same time, she also realized that she's missing something that Billie may not have. I'm not sure if she's realized it's Tre, though. :XD Awesome chapter.
    May 31st, 2009 at 07:15am
  • visions_of_blasphemy

    visions_of_blasphemy (100)

    United States
    Wow, Controlled Poison left you possibly the longest story comment I've ever seen. But anyway, great story! You had me hooked, I sat down and read all 14 chapters from beginning to end in one sitting. Can't wait for more!
    May 31st, 2009 at 05:32am
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    So, my dear missy. I have decided on just doing one big jumbled comment for you! So surprise! I shall start with chapter nine since... well that comes before chapter ten. :XD

    Chapter Nine:

    First off, awesome banner. I should have noticed it sooner, but I was much too entrapped in your fabulous writing, dear. :cute: Although you kind of skipped over what happened at school, it somehow worked. Usually it's better to give a few details on what had happened, and you slightly went over it when you wrote; School sucked. It was so boring. You also got into a lot of trouble for being late and for skipping the first few periods. That was all you said of the school, but it worked well, since I think that going over what happened in school would be irrelevant. So, kudos to you on being smart about that. :cute:

    I love how, when Nikki is looking for our troublemakers, they suddenly appear out of nowhere, pretty much attacking her with some love and appreciation for saving their asses in the cop situation. :XD It wasn't like, so unpredictable where the reader would go, "That would never happen," but it also wasn't predictable. You found the perfect balance between having some cliches, but also shying away from some of the, much overused cliches. Very good! Wow

    When Nikki gets sidetracked and lost in the sparkles that are known as Billie's eyes, you convey things so well, with enough detail to capture the reader, and keep them breathless. I mean, when I read that, I was breathless, and I felt almost as if I were Nikki, lost in Billie's beautiful orbs. In Love That was an adorable touch you added in.

    :lmfao Good going, guys! Way to let yourselves be right at home in Nikki's house! That part was pretty funny, and it was also believable, because I could so see myself letting them in my house, getting them a drink, and coming back to find them sprawled out in my living room. :XD It was good that it was believable and not "oh you walked back with the boys' cokes and found them standing around awkwardly, as if waiting for my permission to relax." That would throw me off, and I would be confused. So, I applaud you for not taking the story to any confusing place.

    The phone conversation between Nikki and her dad was... just wow. You know, that was pretty heartfelt, although it was over a phone, you wrote it so well, that emotions, they were there. They were right here with me, when I read that part, my eyes were burning from the tears that wanted to escape. Some of them did. That was an amazing, really amazing part of the chapter. When Nikki went into the living room and saw Billie, Mike, and Tre looking at her in concern, it's blatantly obvious that they all care for her... though some in different ways.

    I kinda wanted to smack Nikki for avoiding the issue when the boys wanted to know what had her so... emotional, but I won't because I understand where she came from, and if she had responded or reacted any differently, I think, that's when I would smack the tuna outta her. :lmfao

    Billie, Billie, Billie, I love you for being so persistent. Nikki clearly had something heavy on her heart and in her head, and for you to come at her relentlessly just to know what was going on... was somehow... gallant in my eyes. When he grabbed her shoulders and asked her what's up, and she just started crying, I think I might've choked up a little. I admit, you've turned me into a softie. :cheese:

    When Tre came by to tell Nikki her dad was on the phone, I felt very sorry for him. To me, he still has some sort of more than friendly feelings, and for him to time and time again see Billie and Nikki together, just must be a knife to his heart. :twitch: Especially since, she kinda went to Billie about her problems instead of Tre, and I feel a bit bad as to how he may perceive that.

    The ending, perfect, that's all pretty much. I like how, the ending wasn't too dramatic or heavy. The mid point of the chapter was very deep, and very heavy, and I think if you ended the chapter heavy, that would've, in my opinion just taken so much away from all of the emotion. So, I'm glad you ended it on a slightly light note. Overall, fantastic chapter! Wow

    Chapter Ten:

    Once again, amazing banner! :cheese: This must be new, because I sure don't remember seeing this beauty. Now, onto the actual chapter itself.

    :lmfao The beginning of this chapter was priceless! Not only does Nikki wake up late to go to Burger World, she sprints by Billie, Tre, and Mike who, in my opinion, acted like seeing her sprint by was an everyday occurrence. That was just pure gold, for me. I tip my hat off to you for the simplicity in your humor, for that part.

    Why Natasha was painting her nails while waiting for Nikki is beyond me, but it made me giggle some. So far this chapter was quite the light and happy chapter, which was a drastic but lovely change from the previous chapter. :cute: I think it's great how, as soon as Nikki gets there, Natasha tells her that she's gotta leave in five minutes. Poor Nikki! Practically killed herself to get there, then she finds out she'll be all alone! Or is she?

    Billie walking in there was kinda funny and cute. *cough*he'sastalker*cough* I smiled so big when he waved at her and went over into the washrooms as Natasha was leaving.

    I have no clue why, but when Billie sat down across from her, I expected some sort of awkwardness or an uncomfortable conversation to take place. So, I was pleasantly surprised and quite pleased when it was the exact opposite. Nothing was comfortable, nothing was awkward. Everything was lighthearted, and I liked it.

    It seemed like some sort of flirtation was going on between Billie and Nikki when she asked about the band, and Tre and Mike, but that might've just been me, so who knows? :tehe: Other than you, of course. :XD Shame on Billie! I don't know whether or not to consider him a gentleman for buying Nikki, an underage girl a beer! But I suppose he was being nice since she said she wanted to drink. Score on some brownie points for Armstrong, then.

    When Nikki brought up whether or not Tre still might have feelings for her, my face literally looked like :cheese:. I was thinking, 'Silly girl! Why would you ask that when you kinda have the notion that Billie's got a thing for you?! Why?!' I thought things would turn sour or awkward at this point, so I thanked the heavens, and you, that Billie answered, with not bitterness, just confusion. And we all know a confused Billie is a cute Billie! In Love

    Ooooh, Nikki still got the hots for Tre! At least, I believe so since she was hurt, at least mildly over the fact that BIllie said that Tre didn't have feelings for her anymore. I felt a bit bad for her though, but I still kinda didn't since she doesn't have a right to, because she's the one who insinuated and agreed to being 'just friends' with Tre. [no idea why she would do that, though. :cheese:]

    Aw, the ending was majorly romantic! Wow I loved it, and the fact that Billie actually sung the song he wrote about her, to Nikki was just... so unbelievably sweet, and I see him earning himself some brownie points right now. :con: But half of me is still waiting for Tre to come around. Awesome chapter. [banner talk: I can try, but no promises!]
    May 27th, 2009 at 09:21am
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    Uh, obviously I love you for updating so quickly! Especially with such an awesome update! I love the randomness of it all, and how there was a hint of seriousness and hinting towards future drama. That was really genius of you.

    Okay, so I seriously love how you had Mike, Billie, and Tre pretty much stalking Nikki on her way to school in a golf cart. That was pure classic, and it's not like it was really far-fetched or anything. I'm sure that I'm not the only one who can totally picture the guys stalking Adie or something in a golf cart in real life. :XD

    The whole scene with Billie pretty much depressed in the backseat was also very good, and a bit of foreshadowing there, what with the talk of the song? Do I see a future Green Day concert with Billie dedicating the song to a certain Nikki? :shifty Also, when Billie and Nikki get lost in each other's eyes, and Mike has to snap him out of it. That was pretty great too. Real good. :con: I thought it was especially sweet when Billie, with his gaze, kinda asked her whether or not her should keep the song, that was so adorable!

    I thought it was great how aware you made Mike--and possibly Tre--of the awkwardness between Billie and Nikki, namely when Mike asks them if their friends again, even though neither of them had said they weren't.

    Oooh, do I catch some jealousy from mister Tre Cool? :tehe: Does that mean he doesn't wanna be just friends with dear Nikki? I got the hint of jealousy when Nikki felt Tre's intense, hot stare on the side of her head. She also suspects something like the rest of us, as she even pondered on whether Tre did the annoying scream to bring her attention off of Billie, or not. That's definitely foreshadowing some drama right there. :con:

    :lmfao The making babies in the bathroom bit just blew me away! I couldn't stop laughing when I read that! Dude, I seriously had to stop reading for a moment so I could pull myself together to read the rest. That was pure gold, silver, bronze, and platinum.

    The ending was, in my opinion, and unexpected but very clever way of ending the chapter. I really liked how Nikki had connections to the police officer [that nobody takes seriously :XD] and how she pretty much let him haul her to school just so Mike, Billie, and Tre wouldn't be sent to the slammer and what not.

    Very great update, well written, good detail and descriptions. I have a question, though, at the beginning when you have: "Aren't you taking me to school?" I asked as I tried to keep myself from following out of the small vehicle.

    Shouldn't the following out of the small vehicle be falling? That would make more sense, no? Other than that, it was perfect! Wow
    May 26th, 2009 at 02:50am
  • sightless.

    sightless. (225)

    United States
    Very interesting so far. I really like it. Since it's supposed to be a love triangle with Billie, Nikki, and Tre, I hope to God that this wasn't the end of some Tre/Nikki romance! I'm looking forward to the two boys duking it out for Nikki's affections.

    It's really well-written, I can tell you that much, and it seems like it's going to be a very exciting and unpredictable read. Can't wait for me!
    May 24th, 2009 at 12:06pm
  • xoHeatherxo

    xoHeatherxo (100)

    Good story so far :)
    You should check out mine (the link is in my signature)
    Keep writing!
    May 24th, 2009 at 07:56am