It's Not a Mistake If You Always Repeat It - Comments

  • I just read it all over again for the first time in two years.
    Ugh, I actually just found your UN for the first time in like a billion years, so I've just been catching up.
    You literally are killing me, your stories ruin my life because they're so good.
    March 16th, 2011 at 11:00pm
  • Wow! That was amazing!! You have that rare talent to make something sweet AND sexy........I read these when every I can, the hot parts are fun to read ;) the whole story gives me this wierd fuzzy feeling
    August 28th, 2009 at 12:49am
  • OMFG!!!!
    This is such an awesome story.
    I love Ferard and i love this story.
    U r so talented!
    Keep up the great work!

    It was very addicting too.
    I finished it in like 3 days.
    June 9th, 2008 at 09:22pm
  • okay well then *New Reader* My friend told me to read this and so I did and I gotta say IM SAD CUZ THAT WAS DEPRESSING!!!!!!!!!! can't they live happily ever bloddy after!!?? other than that Awsome story!!!! Really *dirty* ~_-
    February 24th, 2008 at 11:03pm
  • great story
    February 20th, 2008 at 12:21am
  • ^^
    Thank you!
    And sure and merry Xmas to you too!
    December 26th, 2007 at 02:18am
  • I just found this story last night around 7pm.. and I read it ALL the rest of the day and ever since I woke up this morning.. and im now only on chapter 46.. but I fuckin' LOVE this story! =]
    And I was wondering if I could add you to my Talent section on my profille??
    Btw- Merry Christmas!

    December 26th, 2007 at 02:07am
  • Wow....I think you just ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped all over it while it was still beating...

    It took me a while to get around to catching up on this, and for that I am sorry. But I knew that I needed time to get drawn right back into it, and that it was going to be emotional, which it was.

    I know I must have said it a thousand times already, but your writing is just amazing, to die for...
    Sara, the way you construct feelings and emotions that aren't even in words, but lying behind them is just pure genious.

    I have loved this story since the first day I read it, and it makes me so, so happy to know that there is a sequel, if for nothing else, I get to read more of your writing, but also cause it means that Gerard and Frank's story isn't over yet, and that gives me hope, because there wasn't much there at the end.

    Even though it tore my heart out, the ending was so believable and did show just how devasting drugs, and lying, and everything else they went through, can be. And I admire your courage in choosing to end it there, instead of making it happy, which there must have been a lot of pressure to do.

    What else can I say, except I love this story more than words can say. And I will now religiously be checking for updates on the sequel, because despite everything, I still hold out hope for them.

    EDIT: I just had a thought. I hate John in this, I really do. But he gave them something to fight against, you know. It was them against the world. And when John left, maybe in some way, Gerard just stopped fighting for them, even Frankie a little bit. Because in my opinion, towards the end, Frankie just kind of let it slip away as well.
    Anyway, that's just my random thoughts...I will no doubt be thinking about this story and it's ending (even thought there is a sequel) for a while...or at least until I start reading the sequel, which I plan to do tomorrow....
    November 6th, 2007 at 11:04pm
  • Carlyumz:
    I only just found your story (being a new member to this site) and literally have been sitting here for a few hours reading the whole of it.

    I couldn't stop reading it, thought it was so fantastic so thankyou for occupying me for a few hours and making me smile laugh and cry. You really are a brilliant writer, don't stop!
    ^That was the first time i commented on this story and to be honest it doesn't come close to articulating how i felt after reading. I was so astounded to find a coherent, meaningful and fantastically well written frerard that made me feel, get so completely attached to the characters and want to read more. Yours was the first of the actual novels i read on mibba, you gave me hope that fanfiction can have a plot, that characters can be established and that fanfiction on here can create just as much empathy and be held just as highly in my heart as other novels. That starting a story with sex is fantastic and that writing sex scenes can be meaningful and can compliment the plot, not take over it.

    I literally did spend hours upon hours of reading this up to around chapter 30 (where it was up to) and now after reading 94 chapters in total i feel even more amazed by you, even more impressed by the quality of the end product. I don't know if i can even think of any words that would come close to expressing my love for this story, my gratitude to you for writing it so dedicatedly-for updating regularly with fantastic chapters and for continuing this where so many others would have given up and drawn the line.

    I can only reiterate what i've said in countless comments but your plot was original, fast-paced, unpredictable and got completely under my skin (with no want of getting it out from me). The characters were so layered, so well-constructed, so flawed, you created them so brilliantly that i feel that i know them, that i care about them more than a healthy person should and that most importantly like they are real human beings.
    The writing has always been amazing, the metaphors made me 'gahIn Love' countless times and after reading your descriptions it inspired me to write my own stories (i wrote 'as days fade' shortly after this i believe) and to aspire to write something as meaningful as this.

    "It's Not A Mistake If You Always Repeat It" will go down as one of my utmost favourites on here, as one of the stories which i've been obsessed and consumed by for the best part of a year and as one of the most well-written.

    I'm sad to see that it's over but happy that there's a sequel for me to pour myself onto, thank you a hundred times for writing this and as i said in my very first comment- "You really are a brilliant(unbelievably talented) writer, don't ever stop."
    September 29th, 2007 at 05:59pm
  • Bastard son....
    Please stop kicking me in the teeth like that, i'm getting addicted to the pain.
    That was immaculate grandness, the whole story was.
    As usual I lack the words to really express how I feel.
    Mostly THANK YOU for writing such a fantastic story.
    But even more THANK YOU SO VERY VERY VERY MUCH for making a sequel.
    September 28th, 2007 at 07:39am
  • wow
    that was hot
    not done with te story yet but i will finish it lol
    i love it!
    September 28th, 2007 at 04:43am
  • kwel i love it
    September 27th, 2007 at 03:01am
  • ILY guys. In Love
    September 26th, 2007 at 04:08am
  • I-I-

    I don't know what to say.

    I wish I could say something as good as the person above me, but I can't.

    I'm trying not cry.

    I hate you so much.

    I wonder how many times I've ever written that on a comment on your

    But I do.


    But seriously. Though we do need the sequel, you should take tiiime.
    Gather your thoughts and inspiration.
    Poke your anus a couple of times.
    Then resume with writing.

    We love you and this story.

    And we will love you and the sequel just as much, if not more.



    September 26th, 2007 at 03:18am
  • Bastard Son.:
    Surprised yet?
    Whatt? Yes.
    Bastard Son.:
    How much do you hate me right now?
    Lots =].
    Bastard Son.:
    Do you resent me so much that I have your undivided attention?
    Blates. 'Cos everytime you update this story, my heart shatters into a million pieces and now it's held together with large amounts of gaffer tape, super glue and wallpaper paste.

    A Mibba Classic
    All those in favour say 'Aye'?


    You brought Riley back!
    Well, sort of.
    I mentioned I love her, right?

    I loved how he imagined her side of the conversation...

    "She’d tell me to cut the crap. That my ego was bigger than my head, that I wasn’t the only girly piece of ass she could possibly salivate over while I was away. And then she’d smack me up the head and ask me what took me so fucking long. And I’d return the favor, telling her that, once upon a time, a certain Bell had invented a little gadget called a telephone." it's almost as if he needs someone who'd tell him to shut the fuck up and get on with his life, because, yes, damn it, he is a screw-up and the only thing he can do is to accept it and then move on.

    And I loved this line:

    “He held me up, I held him down – so selfishly."


    "Say it, lover, say it.

    Silence followed the solemn thud of my door closing after me and then an engine roared to life and my heart fell headfirst into a bottomless pit."

    I have no idea why the first of these lines affected me so much. It's just, kinda like, Gerard's last ditch attempt. He's daring Frank to come down to him and at least argue with him, at least admit that there might have ever been something. Just to know that it was tearing him apart too.
    But then... he's gone and it's not. His "lips sewn", like he's never going to lay himself open to Gerard, to anyone, again and he's never going to admit to anything.

    "It’s not a lie if you believe it.

    It’s not a mistake if you always repeat it."

    (And y'know what...? Take a freakin' break, girl!
    I mean, I know how much of an emotional rollercoaster this story has been for me just reading it. I can't imagine what it was like writing the damn thing!
    So, yes... Iwant need a sequel, but... take time to breathe, gain new inspiration. I need time to re-read this anyway! x].)

    The cruelest words you ever put on a page = -THE END-

    P.S. It's allowed to be this long... because it's my last review of this story ever =0!
    September 25th, 2007 at 05:19pm
  • No, thank YOU for taking on that amazing ride. Through all the ups and downs (which I could swear I really experienced with the characters), I always smiled when I found an update email for this story. It was bitter and painful at the end, but not awkward or horrible. It was so right, even though it's never something I would wish for fictional Frank and Gerard (or real life, I suppose XD). You should be incredibly proud of yourself.
    September 25th, 2007 at 01:13pm
  • ahh, I can't wait for the sequel!
    I loved it!
    September 25th, 2007 at 02:10am
  • this story was the whole reason i found this site.
    its truly one of the best written stories i have ever read, ever.
    I can't wait for the sequel.
    September 25th, 2007 at 01:35am
  • Sruti, ILY. In Love

    Thank you.
    September 25th, 2007 at 12:58am
  • I owe you ten chapters worth of reviews. So we'll start from the beginning shall we?

    I LOVE YOU. When Gerard and Frank are having that fake-heartfelt moment, I was all...god, I don't know. But I loved this line:

    I only wished that glass strewn over his eyes would fall, break and shatter already. Because it scared me. Because you scared me, Gee, Gerard or whoever you were

    And I love how you put Mikey in there. I kind of didn't like it before, but he seriously becomes the band's "spiritual advisor". The pillar of sanity. And I like the way he thinks. This bit really caught me:

    His eyelashes covered his eyes discretely, with light webbing through them, while his fingers played with the tips of my sheets. I held my breath while watching him as he tried to get rid of that stone pressing against his chest. He was trying so hard to get the words to roll off his lips, so hard to find the solace in telling me, but…

    And back to Frank. I love how he feels about Gerard. Like love can really break you, like it can really drive you to the point of destruction. And you know what? This is a major theme in my favorite, unwritten story. But I'm not sure I can pull it off as well as this:

    Yet, there were those little things... He'd come back home sober at times, with crystalline amber eyes and the cutest smile and we'd make love until one of us dropped, usually Gerard. Not even his body was the way it used to be. He was disappearing right in front of me an there was nothing I could say or do to snap him out, to hold on to those last few fibers of the loving being I once adored. Right now, in yet another hotel room, staring at yet another closed bathroom door, I just wanted out. And every time I thought up an excuse or a reason why I should bolt, he'd do something, something, sometimes so small, to remind me he was still in there, struggling to reach the surface. His face, his face as he sang, his face as we made love, his face as he slept, those fragments of seconds when he was indeed mine and mine only. That is just too damn heartbreaking and too damn cute, you know that? And right after that, you make me get all teary eyed with this:

    Tomorrow, I was going to wake up next to a complete stranger.

    In another hotel room.

    With yet another bathroom door closed.
    and Our band lay dismembered and the demolition lovers parted forever. And there rested Gee. Not taken apart, but dead.

    I love the use of the band here. Demolition lovers. You keep Gee and Frankie in the context of MCR. And that's just pwnage. And Oh, my, gawd:

    Shit, Frankie. What was a little rape when I’ve got a boyfriend with one foot in his grave? Is it messed up if I want to feel that way about someone? That I look up to Frankie for putting whatever pain, whatever screwed up shit he has way aside for the man he loves? This is the definition of sacrifice man, and you got it down so incredibly perfectly and eloquently. And this was just a cute bit I liked:

    The first thing I saw that morning was Gee’s serene face and his fingers intertwined with mine.

    I love how you put Quinn in there as kind of a parallel to Frank and Gerard. When I first read that, I thought it was like, some sort of super-effective literary device or something. I love their little pep-talks and whatnot. Quinn is just...the man. He's awesome for trying to save Frankie from his own fate. But when you came back with that line, "Ever since Gerard came back to you...." I was just like O_O. Seriously. That was my facial expression at the time. And how Frankie's just clinging on to every last bit of his Gee he can find. And Frank's a good detective too.

    Gerard is lying cheating scum. I don't care if you give us his POV. That's just mean Sara! How can you do that to poor Frankie? Does the sad little expression on his adorable puppy face induce no emotion in you? Damn. I really do hate you for that ending, as realistic and well written as it was. I hate that you did that, but I really have to thank you for not making it some cheesy bullshit where Gerard's suddenly like "OKEEE! NO MORE DRUGS!" and everything's lalala perfect again.

    As far as reviews go, that was pretty lame, but its ten chapters worth of stuff condensed. So deal with it.
    September 24th, 2007 at 11:36pm