Joyride - Comments

  • Shame on me, reading this at work!

    Very smexy. And of course, setting part of it in New Orleans didn't hurt. Bravo!
    June 3rd, 2009 at 05:19pm
  • Sooo, knowing this was long, I settled down with my bowl of cereal and bottle of water, put MSN on 'appear offline' so I wouldn't be disturbed and all that, and started to read.

    Two paragraphs in, the doorbell went, stupid postman wanted me to sign form some gig tickets I'd brought. :grr:

    Aaanyway, when I finalyl go into reading it, I came to the conclusion that this is the best freakin' oneshot I've read about flying.

    Well, maybe it's the only oneshot I've read about flying. But it's still the best one shot I've read in aaaaages!

    It was so friggin' adorable and I loved the story line you had going, like, giving them time before they launched striaght into sexing and what not. I also liked how you used technical stuff about flying and what not, but not too much. It wasn't like you just strolled onto Wiki and copied and pasted a pile of stuff that would make us all really confused and that Frank would never think, but the little things you dropped in and what not.

    I like how it progressed, and how you managed to fit such a time span into a oneshot smoothly (albeit, a really long one shot, haha) the time passing was done well, and you gave them a suitable amount of time to develop their feelings for each other and what not.

    Uhhr... sorry, I'm getting distracted by Casy Calvert's sig, I love that song...

    Humm, oh yes, I loved their little trop out, and then how they admitted their feelings and the like, so cute, so adorable, and so relistic. Like, they waited to kiss and what not rather than leaving straight into it, and eating the... whatever they were calleds.

    And and and your speech seemed very natural, none was mechanic or needless, which I often see in stories.

    Then, when they had smex... :tehe: all I can really say is :yah

    But the whole thing was so sweet and gorgeous and beautiful and not done in a cheesey way at all, which is a huge feat considering the "aww" factor it had!

    Yes, I love it, you should be proud, well worth all the time you spent on it!!
    June 3rd, 2009 at 02:07pm
  • Oh wow. That was simply amazing.

    I loved how you seemed to know so much about flying which made the story feel that much more real.

    Everything, their relationship in particular, was described so beautifully and so amazing, I couldn't stop read. It's four am here. :tehe:

    I love you. You're amazing.
    June 3rd, 2009 at 12:11pm
  • :arms:
    June 2nd, 2009 at 05:23am